How does Zootopia relate to our society?

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The film depicts the dangers of racism in a way that children can understand in the hopes that the younger generation can grow up with an open mind and can potentially end racism. Zootopia is a new Disney movie centered on what happens when predators and prey live together.
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What is the message behind Zootopia?

Aside from its undeniably cute animals, the film brings up a lot of risky, but prevalent mes- sages. Right away, the movie hits you with one of its central themes, “you can be anything.” But along with that theme is the message that you need to work hard in order be- come anything you want to be.
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Does Zootopia have a message?

In Zootopia, there is this obvious message being pushed that “you can be anything you want, and it doesn't matter if you were born a Tiger or a bunny or a fox...” and this seems to be the concluding message.
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How does Zootopia relate to sociology?

In the Zootopia community, it seems there are rules, values and norms which govern the existence of the community. This is the concept of functionalism that was strongly relevant in the movie for establishing a social order in the community. The concept of interactionism is also used in the movie.
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How does Zootopia relate to government?

Now, it's worth noting that “Zootopia” touches on “smaller” sociopolitical elements, such as government-mandated job programs (a “mammal-inclusion” program) and government-bureaucracy ineptitude (the sloth-staffed DMV set piece plays like a direct, knowing homage to Bob & Ray's vintage “Slow Talkers” routine).
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Zootopia's Deep Meaning: How We Talk to Kids

Is Zootopia a utopian society?

What makes Zootopia a utopia and the city of Judy's dreams is that it appears to be “where anyone can be anything.” Zootopia confronts people with three utopian ideals: of security and social order, of individual self-determination and fulfillment, and of a just multispecies society.
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Is Zootopia A Dystopia or Utopia?

Ultimately, the zoo's presentation of nature is utopian, in the sense that it confirms current ideals and makes room for hope about nature's future.
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How is Zootopia an example of feminism?

From the characterization, Judy struggle to achieve her dream. There are three struggles found, they are; struggle to become the first female police officer, struggle to raise social class and struggle for gender equality. Zootopia is such a feminist movie.
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How does Zootopia relate to psychology?

Zootopia inspires thoughts regarding the relation between physical appearance and the psychological qualities attributed to the characters as a central reason for the emergence of prejudice and evil, trust and tolerance.
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What is the social justice issue in Zootopia?

In Zootopia big animals think, that little animals aren't supposed to do certain jobs. Just like in the human world, men think women aren't supposed to do certain jobs. This film helps parents introduce the topic of social injustice; main focus is on teaching the audience about being prejudice.
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Why isn't Zootopia called Zootopia anymore?

Not according to Disney's first statement on the matter, at least: “In the UK we decided to change the title to Zootropolis to merely allow the film to have a unique title that works for UK audiences,” a spokesperson told Screen International. The film itself remains unchanged.
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Does Judy have a crush on Nick in Zootopia?

The pair developed a great friendship over the course of Zootopia and there was a spark between them that could turn into something more. Not to mention that Judy admits she loves Nick at the end of Zootopia, although that could be explained as platonic love and playful banter.
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Are Nick and Judy dating Zootopia?

When asked about it, the directors said Nick and Judy are just friends. When I first saw the film, the "You know you love me" exchange made me think about their relationship was, but according to the directors, they love each other in a platonic way.
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What lessons does Zootopia teach us?

“Zootopia” teaches us that we can all live peacefully together, no matter our race, gender, herbivore or carnivore. Never Judge A Book By Its Cover: Our two main characters, Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, are both portrayed in ways that are deceiving.
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Why did Disney make Zootopia?

According to Howard, Zootopia emerged from his desire to create something different from other animal anthropomorphic films, where animals either live in the natural world or in the human world.
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Why Zootopia is so good?

The abundance of humor and action help to mask all the underlying themes that can be construed as far too adult or mature for the family-friendly layout. Zootopia is the rare animated Disney film that feels like it was made for adults almost as much as children. It's colorful, fun, and has a good message.
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How is bias shown in Zootopia?

The opening sequence depicting Judy's play about “meek” prey and “vicious” predators, for example, becomes a scene in which an out‐and‐out bias is being presented to the film's audience, rather than a biological “fact” about the story world; and Judy's suspicions about Nick earlier in the film become inflected as ...
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How does Zootopia promote the idea that anyone can be anything?

___Zootopia promotes the idea that anyone can be anything because it shows that no matter what or who you are whether you are a predator or prey you can be anything you want to be when you grow up. Such as how Judy was a police officer even though many doubted her.
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How is conformity shown in Zootopia?

Conformity: Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard. In the movie, when Judy said that she though that the predator's attacks were due to genetics, everyone conformed to this idea. The prey started to separate themselves from the prey and conform to this idea.
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What are the stereotypes in Zootopia?

The stereotype of race categories is seen between predator and prey groups. Gideon views prey groups as a weak group and predatory groups are powerful groups of animals, so that he can scare and underestimate Judy as a prey.
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Which Disney Princess is a feminist?

Pocahontas is sometimes forgotten amidst the newer Disney characters, but she was one of the first female leads to fight for what she believes is right. Reddit users have brought up the important role she played in maintaining peace in her tribe.
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What is the climax of Zootopia?

She attempts to shoot Nick with the night-crawler serum, only to discover that Judy and Nick swapped out the serum for blueberries in a ploy to catch Bellweather's confession on tape. Climactic Moment: Ms. Bellwether is arrested. Resolution: Nick joins the police force and becomes Judy's partner.
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Am I furry if I like Zootopia?

Does being a fan of Zootopia make you a furry? Some may argue otherwise, but my answer is no. At least not necessarily, not by itself. Furries are people who are fans of anthropomorphic animals, of which Zootopia has nothing but, so naturally furries are going to be drawn to the film.
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What type of world is Zootopia?

Zootopia is described as a "modern, civilized world that is entirely animal", meaning it is a world where human life is nonexistent, and anthropomorphic animals thrive in their place. Originally a mammal watering hole thousands of years prior, Zootopia grew into a city built by animals, for animals.
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Is there violence in Zootopia?

This is not a sweet, cute little story about bunnies and foxes. There's crime, violence and a lot of action. It's like a big kid action movie.
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