How good of a duelist was Anakin?

He may not be flashy or impressive with a saber like Mace Windu, but he has a consistency to him that almost everyone else in the galaxy respects. Anakin Skywalker, who is likely the most powerful duelist, worshiped Obi-Wan as the perfect Jedi.
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Was Anakin one of the best duelists?

However, Anakin Skywalker is also known as an excellent duelist along with Count Dooku.
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How good of a fighter was Anakin?

Anakin was a Jedi of great potential and immense power – naturally gifted with the Force and as a fighter, Anakin quickly rose to the rank of Jedi Knight despite arriving at the Order years later than his peers.
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Was Anakin the best swordsman?

Anakin Skywalker, and later known as Darth Vader, was arguably the greatest swordmaster in galactic history. As a Jedi, Skywalker's preferred style was the highly aggressive Form V: Djem So, which involved using brute strength to batter down an opponent's defense.
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Who was a better duelist, Dooku or Anakin?

In terms of pure technical saber ability, Dooku is probably a shade more skilful than Anakin, however Anakin is in his physical prime, has more power in the force to draw-on, and has a more aggressive and physically-strong lightsaber form which Dooku's Makashi struggles against.
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Why Anakin’s Second Lightsaber made the Council VERY Worried - Star Wars Explained

Could Anakin beat Sidious in a duel?

As such, if Anakin was powerful enough to shift the galaxy's power scale in Palpatine's favor, he was powerful to pose a threat to Palpatine. Darth Vader did not have the spirit to challenge Palpatine, at least in the current canon, but a hypothetical prime Anakin Skywalker could defeat Darth Sidious.
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Could Yoda have beaten Anakin?

Yoda lost his fight against Palpatine in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, but if he faced Anakin, it's likely the Jedi Master would come out on top.
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Who mastered all 7 forms of lightsaber combat?

Jedi Battlemaster Cin Drallig and Grand Master Yoda had knowledge and mastery of all seven forms, including Juyo, befitting Drallig's role as lightsaber combat instructor at the Jedi Temple and Yoda's reputation of having mastered all forms of lightsaber combat as did Anoon Bondara, another lightsaber instructor.
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What Jedi is stronger than Anakin?

Despite being the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker was not the most powerful Jedi in Star Wars, as that honor goes to Ahsoka Tano. The Star Wars prequel trilogy focused on Anakin's desire to become the most powerful Jedi, and while he became very strong in the Force, his lust for power drove him to the dark side.
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Who is the greatest duelist in Star Wars?

Frozen ranks the top 10 Star Wars duelists (canon)
  • Grandmaster Luke Skywalker. Given that ROTJ Luke is undeniably equal to Vader in skill, it stands to reason that GM Luke will rank high. ...
  • Knightfall Vader. ...
  • Yoda. ...
  • Mace Windu.
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Was Rey more powerful than Anakin?

Now in terms of actual power, with both of them at their peaks, Anakin would mop the floor with Rey. Anakin not only has more force potential, but has gone through much more force use training, actual field combat, and is known to be the greatest lightsaber duelist of all time.
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What made Anakin so powerful?

Anakin was powerfully attuned to the Force since birth -- some believe his supernatural birth is proof that he was conceived by the will of the Force.
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What is Anakin's greatest feat?

1 Anakin Balances The Force On Mortis

At the Father's behest, to save Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, Anakin briefly balances the Force, forcing the Son and the Daughter to heel. The Father tells Anakin that he is indeed the Chosen One, and begs him to stay. Anakin chooses to leave. This is Anakin's most powerful moment.
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How skilled was Anakin with a lightsaber?

Anakin's lightsaber skills were considered impressive by other Jedi before and after the Order fell. At one point, Anakin demonstrated his take on the fourth form of lightsaber combat by using his lightsaber to deflect several blaster bolts.
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Who would win in a duel Luke or Anakin?

Anakin wins because it is a duel and he is better trained than Luke at that point. Anakin has more explosive power and he is more aggressive. Luke takes awhile to come around and actually use his power. Think of that snow scene with the force projection in the sequel trilogy.
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Who is a better duelist, Anakin or Yoda?

While it's not to say Skywalker wouldn't stand a chance, the duel between Yoda and Anakin would be close. In the end, though, Yoda would be the ultimate victor if he fought Anakin in Star Wars' Revenge of the Sith.
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Was Maul afraid of Vader?

Yep. Darth Maul didn't really say or show straight up that he "feared" Darth Vader, but he openly stated his belief that he could not defeat Darth Vader without the help of the Jedi, therefore on his own.
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How did Luke beat Vader so easily?

Vader had been using all his energy to intimidate Luke, so when the actual fight began in a flash, he was already weak and panting. This leads to another huge factor, which is the age difference. While Luke was a young and spry 23-year-old, Vader was reaching his late 40s.
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Which Jedi hated Anakin?

In those movies, Mace was someone who loved confrontation, with his bullish ways usually winning arguments. However, he rubbed many the wrong way, and as the novel detailed, he was someone vehemently against Anakin joining the Jedi Order.
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What is the forbidden lightsaber form?

Form VII (Juyo/Vaapad)

Considered the most aggressive and unpredictable disciplines and therefore the most controversial, it was a combat style with a history of the Jedi High Council of the Jedi Order forbidding it and later allowing only select users to practice the disciplines.
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Who wields 3 lightsabers?

Darth Traya wielded three lightsabers telekinetically against her student on Malachor V. Kreia then returned to Malachor V, where she confronted Darth Sion and forced him to submit to her will.
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What form does Kylo Ren use?

Kylo Ren's lightsaber form was something of a hybrid, which blended three styles together: Djem So, Juyo, and Niman. Djem So used an irregular reverse grip and was meant for practitioners who loved fighting with a more offensive edge - a perfect fit for Ren.
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What Jedi almost beat Vader?

Infil'a put up a fierce fight against Vader, almost killing him by throwing the already damaged Sith Lord off of a cliff. Despite severe damage to his suit, Vader survived the fall, and repaired himself with parts from Infil'a's droid, Arex.
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Can mandalorian defeat Darth Vader?

Darth Vader would do very well against the Mandalorians because he has the force. That is one thing the Mandalorians cannot fight.
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Did Yoda fear Anakin?

Over the years, Anakin came to highly respect Yoda, while Yoda gradually outgrew his fear of Anakin and came to have faith in him and correctly came to believe that Anakin was the Chosen One from the Jedi prophecy.
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