How has the story of Beauty and the Beast changed over time?

The biggest shift both Beauty and Beast have endured is their roles in modern tales. Beauty has undergone a subtle yet significant change as modern authors choose not to make her beautiful. The modern Beauty is not ugly, but she is no longer considered undeniably beautiful by all who see her.
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How has Beauty and the Beast changed over time?

The version that inspired the Disney version and all other retellings is actually a later version of the tale written by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, who shortened and altered the Villeneuve text, excising much of the drama and adding some moral agendas.
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How was the new Beauty and the Beast different to the original?

The animated version, however, presents more of a moral tale, as the Beast became cursed because of his own actions and had to become a better person in order to find true love and break the curse, whereas the Prince's curse in the original tale is more of a tragic event that was out of his control.
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How does the beast change in Beauty and the Beast?

Supervising animator Glen Keane describes The Beast as "a twenty-one-year-old guy who's insecure, wants to be loved, wants to love, but has this ugly exterior and has to overcome this." Upon his reform under his love interest Belle, his personality changes to refined and more even-tempered, while naive about the world ...
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How does the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast change the canonical story?

“In the Disney version the emphasis is more on the Beast's transformation.” In Disney's adaptation, Belle is immediately portrayed as someone who sees beyond appearances when she refuses to return Gaston's romantic feelings. “Disney portrays Beauty as a very uniquely modern heroine,” Schwabe said.
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Evolution Of The Beauty And The Beast Transformation - DIStory Dan Ep. 45

Are there different versions of Beauty and the Beast?

Beauty and the Beast – All Four Versions includes the original, adult-oriented edition of the story by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve (translated from the French by James Robinson Planché), the simplified and shortened version by Jeanne-Marie Leprince De Beaumont which appeared sixteen years later, the Brothers ...
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Did they change Belle in Beauty and the Beast?

Belle's early look in "Beauty and the Beast" was considered too glamorous to be relatable. In "Disney Princess: Beyond the Tiara," voice actor Paige O'Hara compared early concept art to Angelina Jolie. Belle was described as looking "a little too perfect." Animators changed her appearance, accordingly.
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What influenced Beauty and the Beast?

The fairy tale was influenced by Ancient Greek stories such as "Cupid and Psyche" from The Golden Ass, written by Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis in the second century AD, and "The Pig King", an Italian fairytale published by Giovanni Francesco Straparola in The Facetious Nights of Straparola around 1550.
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What is the moral of the story of the Beauty and the Beast?

The moral of Beauty and the Beast is that we should value inward characteristics such as kindness over other superficial qualities, such as wit and appearance. This moral is presented by showing that Beauty valued the inward characteristics of Beast, and fell in love with him despite his outward appearances.
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How does the story of Beauty and the Beast go?

Beauty and The Beast Plot

The Beast falls in love with Beauty and has to wait and hope that she falls in love with him. She takes a while to realize that she loves him when she dreams that The Beast is dying without her. She returns and confesses her love for the Beast and they marry and live happily ever after.
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What is the difference between Beauty and the Beast original and special edition?

The "Work-In-Progress Edition" and the "Original Theatrical Release" are both actually identical to the 2002 IMAX/"Special Edition" re-release, except that it retains the original animation of the footage from the end of "Something There" until Belle's release from the castle (this includes the retention of Cogsworth's ...
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What is the history of the original Beauty and the Beast?

The original printed version of Beauty and the Beast is credited to a French writer called Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve. She included it in a 1740 story collection called The Young American or Tales of the Sea. She claimed that a chambermaid told it to a young lady, while on board a ship to America.
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Why does Beauty and the Beast look different?

The original concept of Belle portrayed her as a glamorous and perfect woman, but animators adjusted her appearance to make her more relatable and connected to viewers.
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What is the age difference in Beauty and the Beast?

Beauty and the Beast

Belle is thought to be around the age of 17 in the film, with Prince Adam as the Beast being 21-years-old.
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Why did they remove human again from Beauty and the Beast?

The song was originally written for the 1991 film, but was cut due to pacing issues and its length. It was included in the 1994 Broadway musical, and was brought back for the 2002 DVD release of the film.
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Does the beast from Beauty and the Beast have depression?

Similar with Beauty, Beast craves for love and attention, so that Beast faces depression when he lets Beauty leaves. Without Beauty, he doesn't see a point of continuing in life. The story says that he is dying and calling for her; twisting in agony He has lost his love and his chance at being human again.
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What does a rose symbolize in Beauty and the Beast?

Roses play a key role in Beauty and the Beast. In Chapter 1, Beauty asks her father for a rose because she hasn't seen one since they left the city and misses the flower's beauty. Here, the rose symbolizes Beauty's ability to find pleasure in simple things.
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What can we learn from Belle in Beauty and the Beast?

6 Things I Learned From Belle in Disney's Beauty and the Beast
  • Reading is cool. ...
  • Being smart can scare. ...
  • Dating someone just because they're attractive isn't a good idea. ...
  • First impressions are often inaccurate. ...
  • You really have to know someone to love them. ...
  • It's not always the man that does the rescuing.
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What does Beauty and the Beast teach children?

Beauty and the Beast is a great portrayal of finding your inner self, voice, and strength and not falter. Bell shows unconditional love for her father and the Beast through the sacrifice she makes for both of them. Unconditional love is a rarity in our world.
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What is controversial about Beauty and the Beast?

At the time of Beauty and the Beast's release, the implication that a beloved animated character would be queer caused controversy. An Alabama theater refused to screen the film, Malaysia balked at screening an uncensored version of it, and Russia approved the film for screening but with an age rating of 16 and above.
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What does the beast symbolize in Beauty and the Beast?

Beauty's task is to relate to her instinctual self, represented by the beast. Each of us has an inner other, often imaged as opposite sex, who possesses qualities that seem utterly foreign yet compel attention and interaction.
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Why Beauty and the Beast is feminist?

Beauty is given the power to choose and the freedom to fall in love with the Beast, if she so chooses. She is not forced into marriage, as was often the case in the 18th century; she is given the power to choose her own destiny. This furthers her liberation as a feminist character.
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Why did Belle marry the beast?

Belle runs back to the forest to take his fathers penalty and the Beast immediately falls in love with her and asks her to marry him, every night she refuses, every night he insist. Belle chooses to take this to hand only because she refuses anything bad to happen to her father.
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What mental disorder does Belle have in Beauty and the Beast?

Clearly, Belle is schizophrenic, and the strain of her efforts to reconcile the ease and luxury of an aristocratic lifestyle with the oppression and social injustice required to perpetuate its existence causes her to experience increasingly vivid hallucinations.
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Why is Belle called beauty?

Contrary to what you might think, “Belle” does not mean “Beauty” in French, which would be in keeping with her inspirational namesake, but instead means “beautiful.” (The French word for “beauty” is “beauté.”) In the original tale, her full name was “La belle enfant” (“The Beautiful Child”).
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