How is compassion shown in The Hunger Games?

This, in turn, prompts Thresh, a competitor from Rue's district, to show mercy on Katniss. Katniss certainly employs strategy in winning the games, but by treating her sister and at least some of the other tributes as people worthy of love and care, Katniss, in a sense, breaks the Games.
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How is Katniss compassionate in The Hunger Games?

Katniss is fiercely protective of her younger sister, and she volunteers to take Prim's place in the Hunger Games to protect her. In fact, Katniss is more responsible than anyone else for her family's wellbeing.
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How does Peeta show compassion?

Peeta's compassion is demonstrated early in the film through a flashback which shows him throwing a loaf of bread to a starving Katniss. Before The Hunger Games commence, he admits to Katniss that he doesn't want the games to change him and doesn't want to be a “piece in their game”.
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How does Katniss show compassion toward Rue as she dies and after she dies?

Katniss wreaths Rue's face with flowers and presses the three middle fingers of her left hand against her lips, saying goodbye to Rue. She decides that she will make the Careers pay for Rue's death and gathers her supplies to move on through the woods. A gift comes to her: an unfamiliar loaf of bread.
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How is Peeta caring?

Peeta is best characterized by his love for Katniss and willingness to sacrifice himself for her. Katniss's first memory of him, for instance, is from an incident years before the Games in which Peeta willingly risked a beating to help her.
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Psychology of a Hero: Katniss Everdeen (part 1)

Is Katniss Everdeen caring?

Katniss isn't always particularly gentle and soft, but she also has a very compassionate and caring side. She can be really tough and removed when she needs to be, but when it comes to those she loves, she is always there to take care of them.
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Did Peeta have a crush on Katniss?

Often, he would stare at her in school. Sometimes Katniss would make eye contact with him, only for his eyes to quickly flit away. During an interview with Caesar Flickerman preceding the Games, Peeta admits on national television to having a long-standing crush on Katniss.
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Did Katniss get Rue killed?

However, soon after the second fire was lit, Rue stumbled into a trap set up by Marvel, who stabbed her through the abdomen with his spear while Katniss ran to save her. After dispatching Marvel, Rue begged Katniss to win and to sing to her as she died.
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How does Katniss feel about killing?

Though Katniss is an experienced hunter, she clearly feels uncomfortable at the thought of having killed him. This discomfort lasts only briefly, however, as Katniss remembers Rue's death and pushes the boy out of her mind, suggesting she feels justified in having killed him.
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Why did Katniss bury Rue?

Zoe Katniss covered Rue with flowers to honor her and to give her a proper death. SHe also did it to show the capitol that not everybody is bloodthirsty and wanting to kill.
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Is Katniss compassionate?

And because the government gathers strength by dividing up its residents and pitting them against each other, the way that Katniss's fierce and yet compassionate behavior encourages people to form groups willing to sacrifice themselves (as opposed to killing each other) is directly threatening to the Capitol's control.
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Why did Katniss kiss Peeta?

Peeta thanks Katniss for finding him and she says that he would have done the same. He talks about what Katniss should do if he doesn't make it back. She's worried that he might die, and to keep him from speaking of such things, she kisses him. It's her first kiss.
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Does Peeta ever love Katniss again?

It took time for Peeta to break out of that conditioning, and even when the possibility existed that Peeta could be a danger to Katniss, the two of them still elected to be together and build a future in a post-Hunger-Games world. Their love for one another is evident.
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How does Katniss show selflessness?

She puts family above all else.

"I volunteer as tribute!" With just four words, The Hunger Games' heroine selflessly proved that some things in life are worth getting hurt for. After her father died in a mining accident, Katniss becomes a maternal figure and sole provider for her younger sister, Prim.
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Why does Katniss refuse to cry?

Katniss comes close to crying, something she knows she mustn't do because it would indicate weakness to the other tributes and make her look vulnerable; thankfully, Haymitch distracts the crowd and the cameras by stumbling off stage.
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What kindness did Peeta show Katniss?

Make sure she's eating." This shows that he is willing to give her some bread to make sure she stays alive and well. He could have influenced his sone to be a kind and caring boy. We see this when he gives Katniss two loaves of bread when she was cold and starving.
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Who stopped Katniss from killing herself?

During the supposed execution of Snow, she instead shoots Coin, due to her being responsible for Prim's death. She then attempts to kill herself with the suicide pill attached to her uniform, but Peeta stops her.
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Who was the first person Katniss killed?

Glimmer's death occurs by chance. Katniss drops a tracker jacker nest on the Career Tributes' camp while they are sleeping, and Glimmer is stung to death before she can get away. Marvel is the first person that Katniss intentionally kills. After Marvel kills Rue, Katniss' friend, Katniss shoots Marvel in retribution.
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Why does Snow hate Katniss?

Snow can't stand to see a young woman betray a young man's affection—his view of what happened 65 years ago. And so he takes out his old, festering wound on Katniss.
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What if Peeta died?

If Peeta dies Katniss wins, she becomes a victor. Since the berries wouldn't be a factor in her winning, nothing would be seen as an act of defiance. Therefore, no rebellion in the districts. However, Rue and Peeta's death would probably push her to stand up to the Capitol eventually.
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Who kills the boy from District 3?

Cato is livid. He kills the boy from District 3 by snapping his neck and, at nightfall, the Careers head back into the woods to hunt.
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Could Rue have survived?

Could Rue have potentially survived the Games, had she not made an alliance with Katniss? Shadows n Secrecy Rue could survive perfectly fine on the fruits found around the arena since she's got good plant knowledge.
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Why did Katniss fake her love for Peeta?

Katniss here's this and understands that even though she may not love Peeta (then) that it's one less person who has to die. (At least that's what I have always thought.) Katniss realizes that if she pretends to be in love with Peeta people will want the capitol to let them survive.
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Who did Peeta kiss?

Effie Trinket, the escort assigned to District 12, guides Katniss outside so that she and Peeta can greet each other to kick off the Victory Tour. Remembering Snow's words, Katniss puts on a happy face for the cameras. She and Peeta embrace and share a romantic but playful kiss — their first in many months.
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Does Peeta ever kiss Katniss?

'Peeta & Katniss Kiss In The Arena' Scene | Hunger Games - YouTube. Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) and an injured Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) share a tender moment and a kiss, as Gale (Liam Hemsworth) watches from District 12.
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