How is hope related to Ant-Man?

She is the daughter of Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, working for Darren Cross.
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Is Hope Ant-Man's Daughter?

Hope's relationship with her father Hank Pym became distant after her mother Janet van Dyne was lost in a subatomic spacial void called the Quantum Realm. Instead of comforting his seven year old daughter, Pym became lost in his own grief and sent her away to boarding school.
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What is the relationship between Scott Lang and Hope?

Scott and Hope have been a tremulous pairing for a while. Unlike many MCU pairings like Thor and Jane or Tony and Pepper, their relationship is not the Ant-Man films' focus. Instead, they have a quiet, understated love affair that takes tentative steps forward and makes its way around various obstacles.
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Are Hope and Scott married?

Granted, Hope (Lilly) isn't referred to as Cassie's (Kathryn Newton) stepmom, and Hope and Scott (Paul Rudd) aren't officially married, as far as we know.
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Why did Kang call Hope Jellybean?

When Kang the Conqueror finally shows his face to Janet van Dyne and her family, he refers to Hope as "Jellybean." This affectionate term is usually only used by Janet when speaking to her daughter, but Kang's use of the nickname shows the bond that he made with Janet when he was first exiled to the Quantum Realm.
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scott and hope being an underrated duo for almost five minutes #02

Who is Ant-Man's wife?

Throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Janet van Dyne is portrayed by Michelle Pfeiffer and is introduced as the wife of Hank Pym and mother to Van Dyne in Ant-Man (2015) and was presumed dead after she shrunk to subatomic level to stop a nuclear missile, becoming trapped in the Quantum Realm.
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Did Hope and Scott break up?

Following the events of the Civil War, Scott had not been in contact with Pym and Hope for a while, and his relationship with the latter ended as well. Scott was under house arrest, and the tech of Ant-Man belonged to Hope and Pym, so they had to become fugitives.
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What happened to Ant-Man's ex wife?

Not wanting Cassie to have a father in prison, she divorced start and started dating Jim Paxton, who she worked hard to ensure had a positive relationship with Scott so that they could remain civil for Cassie's sake.
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Did they recast hope in Ant-Man?

Evangeline Lilly portrays a different version of the character, Hope van Dyne, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Ant-Man (2015) and appears as the successor of the Wasp in the films Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023).
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Why does Cassie call Hank grandpa?

There are touches added in—like Cassie calling Hank "Grandpa"—that help to illustrate how close this family has grown in the time since we last met them.
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Do Hope and Scott fall in love?

Hope and Scott first did not get along well, but she trained him into combat and both began developing romantic feelings for each other and entered a relationship.
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Who exiled Kang?

The Council Of Kangs Exiled Kang To The Quantum Realm

Led by a trio of powerful Kang variants, including Immortus, the Egyptian Pharaoh Rama-Tut, and a version of the Scarlet Centurion, the Council of Kangs consists of a veritable army of conquerors.
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Who is Ant-Man's original daughter?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe introduced audiences to Scott Lang and his daughter, Cassie Lang, in 2015's Ant-Man. Abby Ryder Fortson was the original Cassie Lang, being eight years old in the film.
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Why is Ant-Man's daughter older?

Marvel Studios recast Cassie Lang for Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania following her MCU appearance in Avengers: Endgame. During the first two Ant-Man movies, Scott Lang's young daughter Cassie was played by Abby Ryder Fortson, but the five-year time jump in Avengers: Endgame concluded with another actor in the role.
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Why is Cassie different in Quantumania?

Marvel Studios recast Cassie Lang for Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, choosing Kathryn Newton for a bigger and more recognizable star in the role. The decision to recast Cassie Lang was not unusual, as Marvel has recast other characters in the past, such as Bruce Banner and James Rhodey.
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Why did Ant-Man divorce his wife?

Ant-Man. Margaret Lang is the former wife of Scott Lang, they both have a daughter named Cassie. After VistaCorp incident and the subsequent arrest of Lang, Maggie decided to divorce him to give a quieter life to her daughter.
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What happened to Cassie Lang's mom?

If the Avengers: Endgame theory that Cassie's parents were snapped is correct, it means that she was completely alone for those five years after Thanos' snap. Maggie and Jim were snapped, while Scott was presumed to have met the same fate while trapped in the Quantum Realm.
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Who is Scott Lang ex wife?

Maggie (Judy Greer) is Scott Lang's ex-wife and the mother of Cassie Lang. Maggie fell in love with Scott despite being aware of his criminal activities and supported him through everything until she became pregnant with Cassie.
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Why is Ant-Man not talking to Hank?

Scott and Hope's budding romance never quite took off, and due to Scott's ordeal in Berlin, and because he had used Hank's Ant-Man suit, Hank was now a fugitive from the law. Part of Scott's plea deal stated that he was no longer allowed to contact Hank or Hope.
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Are Ant-Man and Wasp married?

The wife of Hank Pym and mother of Hope, Janet Van Dyne operated under the codename Wasp in S.H.I.E.L.D. but became lost to the Quantum Realm during a dangerous mission.
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Why does hope go by Van Dyne?

The sequel hinged primarily around getting her back, which the family succeeded in doing shortly before The Snap claimed all of them except Scott. The easiest and most expedient explanation for Hope's choice of a last name is simply a way to honor her mother.
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How old is Ant-Man's daughter?

Since Cassie's age in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is not directly confirmed during the movie, the only way for this to be true is if she is 16 years old at the start of Phase 5.
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Who is Ant-Man sister?

Ruth Lang is the sister of Scott Lang, the second Ant-Man. She helped him when he was in Ryker's Island, adopting his daughter Cassie Lang with her boyfriend Carl.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers.
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