How is Katniss different in the book?

Appearance. In the book, Katniss and Gale are described as having olive skin and black hair. However, in the movie, they're both fair and have brunette hair. The book says that Katniss is smaller than most of the tributes, but in the movie she's taller than most of them, even some of the Careers.
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How does Katniss Everdeen change throughout the book?

Being a tribute in the 74th annual Hunger Games and motivated by her promise to Prim, Katniss grows from an introverted person to someone who tolerates other people's presence. At the same time, her awareness of the Capitol and its cruelty slowly increases.
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What makes Katniss different?

Katniss is tough, independent, resourceful, fiery, and skilled with a bow and arrow, and yet she also has a compassionate side and deep loyalty to those she loves.
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How do they describe Katniss in the book?

Katniss is first described in The Hunger Games as a thin young woman with dark hair, olive-toned skin, and gray eyes. In the first book, she is 16 years old. She is unremarkable in District 12, and some make fun of her for being scrawny and underfed.
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Why is Katniss confused at the end of the novel?

At the novel's end, Katniss isn't sure who she is now that she's a victor in the Hunger Games. She also doesn't know whom she loves, Gale or Peeta, or where her life will go from here with the Capitol's eyes closely upon her.
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Hunger Games Series Review & Book Dissection Part 1/2

Why did Katniss's mother marry her father?

Katniss and Prim's mother is from a wealthier merchant class within District 12, but she moved to the Seam to marry their father for love.
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Why can't Katniss let herself cry?

Katniss comes close to crying, something she knows she mustn't do because it would indicate weakness to the other tributes and make her look vulnerable; thankfully, Haymitch distracts the crowd and the cameras by stumbling off stage.
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Do Katniss and Peeta have a baby?

In the epilogue, Katniss and Peeta are married and have a young daughter and a son.
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How old was Katniss when she had her first child?

The only information the audience has about Katniss' future is that she and Peeta have a child together 15 years after their experiences in the Rebellion (at 33 years old) and that five years later, they have a second child.
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Why did Katniss choose Peeta instead of Gale?

Katniss's focus on survival and her family's safety prevented her from fully considering romance, but her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged in the end. Katniss ultimately chose Peeta because he understood her trauma and she didn't want to lose him, proving her love for him.
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What is Katniss biggest flaw?

For example, Katniss Everdeen has a fatal flaw of valuing others (beginning with her sister) and putting herself last. She does this numerous times, especially with Peeta. This major flaw in her character nearly gets her killed several times. She must overcome it to survive.
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What personality type is Katniss Everdeen?

But through the course of her journey, she reveals her INTJ personality type to the full. Determined, fearless and focussed, Katniss overcomes the immense challenges thrown at her by thinking strategically.
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Did Katniss actually like Peeta in the first book?

Peeta always loved Katniss. However, she faked it in the first book. In Catching Fire, she began to fall for him. And in Mockingjay, in the end, she loved him..
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What are Katniss weaknesses?

She's not overly emotional or even motivated by romance, but instead, she's just trying to survive. However, at times, this can be a weakness. She has a difficult time understanding how she really feels about things, especially when it comes to relationships, and she's even worse at expressing those feelings.
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What happens to Katniss in the books?

She embraces him, recognizing her need for his hope and strength. Together, they write a book to preserve the memory of those who died. Though still suffering nightmares from the entire ordeal, they comfort each other. Twenty years later, Katniss and Peeta are married and have two children.
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Is Katniss deaf?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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How much older is Gale than Katniss?

Answer and Explanation: Gale is eighteen in The Hunger Games, two years older than Katniss. Since the citizens of the Districts cannot be selected after they turn nineteen, this is the last year when Gale can be chosen as a Tribute.
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What does Cinna look like in the book?

Books. In The Hunger Games, Cinna is described as wearing a simple black shirt with matching pants. Wearing gold eyeliner is his unique and bizarre fashion choice, exposing gold flecks in his green eyes, an attractive look for Katniss. Besides that, Cinna looks very normal, with short brown hair and green eyes.
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Does Peeta sleep with Katniss?

It's only implied that they get it on via snuggling and other affectionate acts in close quarters — but if you have read the book, they really imply that they took their relationship to the next level.
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Who does Katniss get pregnant by?

Peeta tells Caesar that he and Katniss are already married. According to Peeta, the two married in secret and Katniss is now pregnant.
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Why did Peeta mention a baby?

l Peeta did it so that the citizens of the Capitol would be unhappy with President Snow/the Gamemakers. Because of course they would be outraged if they were going to kill one of their favourite victors AND her unborn child.
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Why did Haymitch kiss Effie?

According to the star behind Effie, Elizabeth Banks, she and Haymitch's Woody Harrelson improvised the scene. Considering she's been adamant about the characters having some romantic connection, it only makes sense that they'd share a goodbye kiss. It's very on-brand for Effie, as well.
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Does Katniss not like Gale?

Katniss's focus on survival and her family's safety prevented her from fully considering romance, but her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged in the end. Katniss ultimately chose Peeta because he understood her trauma and she didn't want to lose him, proving her love for him.
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Why didn t Katniss love Gale?

They have grown apart and changed; maybe that would have happened even without their roles in the rebellion. Although she will never know for sure, Katniss does recognize that she cannot be with Gale. She will never be able to forgive him for his idea — the parachute bombs — that killed Prim.
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