How is Kylo Ren not a Sith?

History. A dark side warrior with a mysterious past, Kylo Ren was neither Jedi nor Sith, but a product of both sides' teachings. Once an apprentice of Luke Skywalker's, he killed his fellow students and drove Skywalker into exile, becoming a First Order warlord and servant of Supreme Leader Snoke.
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Why is Kylo Ren not considered a Sith?

The only Sith act that Kylo Ren committed was when he betrayed Supreme Leader Snoke, following the Sith Rule of Two. Despite Kylo Ren's many dark deeds, few of them aligned with the Sith religion's rules, proving that he was not meant to be a true Sith.
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Why doesn t Kylo have Sith eyes?

However, joining the Sith means declaring loyalty to the dark side, which Anakin did before his eyes turned yellow. This may explain why Kylo Ren, torn between the light and dark, didn't have yellow eyes in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, as killing his father split his spirit even more.
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Why is Kylo Ren not called Solo?

Having revealed that he used to be a Jedi Padawan under Luke Skywalker, Ben Solo changed his name to Kylo Ren in order to escape his lineage after turning to the dark side.
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Who is the weakest Sith in Star Wars?

Star Wars Sith Lords From Weakest To Strongest, Officially Ranked
  • 8 Darth Plagueis.
  • 7 Darth Revan.
  • 6 Darth Zannah.
  • 5 Darth Nihilus.
  • 4 Marka Ragnos.
  • 3 Darth Traya.
  • 2 Darth Bane.
  • 1 Darth Sidious.
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Why Kylo Ren was Not a Darth

Is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

Summary. Jar Jar Binks's clumsiness may not be genuine, but rather an act to disguise his true nature as a Sith Lord infiltrating the Republic. Palpatine carefully orchestrated events to manipulate the galaxy, and Jar Jar's involvement suggests he may have been the eyes and ears on Naboo.
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Who is the deadliest Sith ever?

Darth Sidious stands out as one of the most powerful Sith Lords, having orchestrated the rise of the Galactic Empire.
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Why is Kylo Ren's lightsaber unstable?

The crossguard blades allow Ren's saber to operate safely – his weapon is constructed around a dangerously flawed kyber crystal, which would be overloaded if not for the lateral plasma vents that create the quillons.
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How did Kylo Ren get Darth Vader's helmet?

Kylo Ren's obsession with Vader is clear, but Star Wars never explained how he acquired the helmet. It is speculated that he may have found it himself on Endor, or it could have been passed down to him by Supreme Leader Snoke.
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Did Kylo Ren love Rey?

Kylo develops a close relationship with Rey and starts feeling genuine affection towards her, so when Snoke reveals that he had manipulated their bond and tortures her in front of Ren, he looks furious at his master. Thus, when Snoke orders Ren to kill Rey, he chooses to save her and kill his master instead.
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Why aren't count Dooku eyes yellow?

While Dooku may be powerful enough to hide his Sith eyes, there is another reason for his unusual appearance. Dooku's eyes were never yellow because he did not have the same motivation and emotions as other Sith.
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Has a Sith ever had a blue lightsaber?

After his reincarnation, Darth Sidious aka Palpatine used a blue-bladed lightsaber when he fought Luke onboard his Super Star Destroyer Eclipse. Ultimately, Sith who wielded colors other than red were usually looking to disguise their dark affiliations.
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Why does Dooku not have Sith eyes?

For many, only when they have truly given in to the dark side, allowing fear, hatred, and anger to consume them, do the eyes manifest. Dooku, however, never fully gives in to the dark side the way the likes of Anakin and Sidious do.
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Why is Snoke not a Sith?

Even with Palpatine's return, Snoke still wouldn't be considered a Sith, as he wasn't trained as one and he was mostly used as a proxy ruler of the First Order and master of Kylo Ren, tasked with molding him into an heir worthy of inheriting the Sith legacy, but that didn't turn out as expected.
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Did any Sith species become Jedi?

Praven was a Sith pureblood male who served the reconstituted Sith Empire as a Sith Lord and later protected the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order.
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Did any Sith ever become Jedi?

8 Darth Sajar

However, Tol Braga's skill in combat forced their fight to endure for three days, with both parties citing rhetoric on both sides of the Force. The fight ends with Braga convincing Darth Sajar to abandon the Dark Side and instead become a part of the Jedi Order.
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Why is Kylo Ren's helmet cracked?

Ren destroyed his helmet in a fit of rage after Snoke derided him as "a child in a mask." Ren struggled to control his anger as he left the throne room. However, once he was alone in a turbolift, cradling the helmet in his hands, Ren was overcome with unrestrained fury.
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How did Luke get Vader's lightsaber?

After defeating Vader in a duel on Mustafar, Obi-Wan Kenobi took Anakin's lightsaber with him into exile on Tatooine. Obi-Wan gave the lightsaber to Anakin's son Luke, who used it in taking his first steps along the Jedi path. But Obi-Wan didn't tell Luke the terrible truth that his father had become Darth Vader.
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Why did Luke see himself in Vader's helmet?

This occurred because Vader was not Luke's enemy in the Cave of Evil. Instead, Luke was fighting himself and his own fears, which Luke discovered when he saw his own face in Vader's helmet.
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Why was Kylo obsessed with Rey?

Why Do You Think Kylo Ren Was So Obsessed With Rey? He saw her as a useful tool for his rise to power. He was intrigued by the mystery surrounding her. He wanted closure for his defeat at her hands.
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Why is Rey's lightsaber yellow?

Traditionally, yellow lightsabers are associated with Jedi Sentinels, who balance their combat skills with a strong focus on exploration and practical application of the Force. This choice reflects Rey's well-rounded training and her determination to maintain balance in the Force.
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Why is Kylo Ren's lightsaber crackle?

The hilt of Ren's lightsaber also featured a black burned appearance as a result of its first activation without the vents to compensate for the unstable power of a damaged kyber crystal. Compared to typical lightsabers, this weapon had an unusual sound frequency where the ignition hiss sounded crackles and sputters.
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Is Starkiller a Sith?

Chronological and political information

A Sith in all but name, Starkiller spent years honing his skills in lightsaber combat and Force techniques as Vader's secret apprentice and personal assassin.
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Who was the strongest Jedi ever?

Drumroll please... Move aside, Anakin Skywalker. Master Yoda has risen above all others to claim the top spot as the most powerful Jedi of all time and the true chosen one according to IGN's audience. He won pretty handily as well, as he was victorious in 89,756 of his 95,243 battles and had a win percentage of 94.2%.
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