How many F bombs are allowed?

The ruling came to be that only one F-bomb could be used in a PG-13 movie, which meant that writers had to become more strategic when and if they placed it in a movie. This also meant that audiences would receive more iconic F-bomb moments in a film.
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How many F bombs are allowed in R rated movie?

From the MPAA rating guidelines, it reads, ""A motion picture's single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating, as must even one of those words used in a sexual context."
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How many cuss words are allowed in PG-13?

In a PG-13 rated film, you are only allowed to use the f-bomb once, use it twice and you're slapped with an R rating. However If its used in a sexual context then it immediately garners an R rating.
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What is the all time record for F bombs?

Swearnet not only eclipses The Wolf of Wall Street's record but nearly doubles it with an astonishing 935 f-words over its 112 runtime, amounting to 8.34 uses per minute.
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How many F-bombs are in Deadpool?

There is also about 85 F words, and about 30 S words. There is a lot of drinking and smoking, Deadpool gets very drunk in one scene, and there are a few smoking scenes. Overall, it's a very funny superhero movie and I love it, but it's absolutely not for kids. 6 people found this helpful.
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Every F bomb in a PG13 Marvel Movie

Which actor has the most F-bombs in a movie?

Believe it or not it is Joe Pesci has the record for most F-bombs in his movies, at 272.
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How many F bombs are in the last of us?

There are probably around 10 F words in its 75-minute runtime.
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How many F bombs before rated R?

A common thing that people tell you about the MPA is that for PG-13, you are only allowed one F-bomb in a non-sexual way (though there have been films with two or more uses), as they say that two uses can get a film rated R.
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How many F bombs are in the boys?

Season 1: 396 F-Words, 23 C-Words, Season 2: 373 F-Words, 29 C-Words, Season 3: 474 F-Words, 21 C-Words. Therefore in total, there are 1243 F and 73 C-words. However, this is not the only profanity, racial slurs & more minor swearing is used even more often. See the points above.
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Can I swear at 10?

Children aged 5-11 years might swear to express emotions, get a reaction, or fit in socially. It's good to talk with children about swearing. They can understand that some words hurt or offend others. You can help children find other ways to express emotions.
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Is it OK to cuss at 13?

Cursing is sometimes allowed but never to degrade or bully anyone, in or outside of the family. Some parents allow their tweens/teens to curse out of frustration, but forbid profanity-filled name calling. There is a big difference between cursing because you stubbed your toe and cursing at someone in a degrading way.
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Do 12 year olds cuss?

Jay and Janschewitz state: “Parents often wonder if this behavior is normal and how they should respond to it. Our data show that swearing emerges by age two and becomes adult-like by ages 11 or 12. By the time children enter school, they have a working vocabulary of 30-40 offensive words….
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Does Beetlejuice use the F-word?

Profanity (6)

"Hell," and "damnit," can be heard a few times. Two uses of "fuck", one isn't clearly heard like the other, and two of "shit". "Goddamn" is said at the very beginning of the film.
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Can PG-13 say the F-word?

Reserved only for impact in the PG-13 universe, R-rated films have a green light to use the F-word unregulated. You only get one, and you better make it count. From action to comedy and everything in between, these PG-13 movies slipped in the F-bomb and made sure we didn't miss it.
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Can PG movies say the S word?

The word s--- can appear in a PG film, but only in a limited amount. Repeated use of the word b---- is acceptable in PG-13 movies. With sex and nudity, context is once again key.
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How many times was the F-word used in Scarface?

Profanity (17)

'F*ck' is said 207 times, including paired with the word 'mother' and used in a sexual context. 'Wh*re' is said at least once. 'P*ss' is said at least once. 'D*mn' is said at least once.
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How many times does Wolf of Wall Street say the F-word?

The Leonardo DiCaprio-starrer 'The Wolf of Wall Street' has 506 f-word expletives, according to the Guinness World Records. In total, the film has 687 expletives- an average of 3.81 swear words per minute.
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Why is Barbie PG-13?

Language and Suggestive References in Barbie

Some suggestive references are present in the movie, which were a big contributor to the movie's PG-13 rating. These include the characters' discussion about Barbie and Ken dolls' lack of genitalia, though there is no nudity or sex in the movie.
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Does Joel ever swear?

Does Joel ever swear? PCPlayStation 5. After the Hunters first crash their car, they enter a room full of rotting bodies. Joel says "F***ing Hunters." Since it seems like it was such an intentional choice to have him not swear (past s***), this seems interesting.
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How many F bombs can a TV 14 movie have?

Trivia. There are several companies or TV stations not subject to the FCC's rules that have broken the general implied rule that "crude indecent" language (ex. multiple F-bombs) is not allowed at the TV-14 rating.
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How many F bombs does the black phone have?

There are about 15 to 20 F-words, but they come almost all at once in a couple of outbursts through the movie. The harsh language is not constant, but when it comes all at once. In addition to it being sporadic language, much of it comes from children.
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Has the MCU dropped an F bomb?

Summary. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 breaks the MCU's cursing trend with its first uncensored F-bomb, adding a fitting touch to the emotional and humorous film. Audiences can now catch the moment on Disney+ after the movie's release, as Star-Lord frustratedly drops the uncensored F-bomb on Counter-Earth.
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Which Hollywood actor swears the most?

Film has provided a platform for swearing, and Jonah Hill is the actor with the most curse words on screen in history. Hill's partnership with Judd Apatow in R-rated comedies contributed to his reputation as a profane actor.
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What actor holds the record for swearing in movies?

Hill has used a total of 376 curse words in film history, followed by Leonardo DiCaprio who has cursed 361 times. Jackson came in third with 301 curses used throughout his career.
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