How many Jedi died in order?

But these complaints often ignore the sheer number of Jedi who did die during Order 66 and shortly afterward. We are talking about, at least, a few thousand. Considering how few survivors there are—less than 100 as of 2023—the actual death toll is probably closer to nine thousand or so.
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What order killed all the Jedi?

Order 66, also known as Clone Protocol 66, Protocol 66, or simply "the Order," was one of top-secret contingency orders that identified all Jedi as traitors to the Galactic Republic and, therefore, subject to summary execution by the Grand Army of the Republic.
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Who got killed in Order 66?

Star Wars' Most Brutal Order 66 Deaths, Ranked
  • Quinlan Vos Was Shot by a Tank.
  • Barriss Offee Was Crushed by a Tank. ...
  • Aayla Secura Was Shot in the Back. ...
  • Eeth Koth Watched His Baby Be Kidnapped. ...
  • Jocasta Nu Was Killed in Handcuffs. ...
  • Plo Koon and Stass Allie Crashed and Burned. ...
  • Ki-Adi-Mundi Was Shot by Galactic Marines. ...
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Was Order 66 genocide?

No, this is a stratocide, that is, the destruction of a certain social group. No, genocide is a broader concept. The destruction of the Jedi is a stratocide, since they were destroyed not for religious, but for purely political reasons. They were definitely destroyed for religious reasons.
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What is order 67?

Order 67 was an order requiring clone troopers to dance and clean their armor.
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ALL Jedi Who DIED During Order 66 (Canon)

What is order 99 in Star Wars?

Order 99 was an order arranged by Jedi Master CaptainR1. It turned the storm troopers back to side of the new Republic. During the clone wars, clone commando "Roger" refused Order 66. He was very close to the Jedi he was fighting with.
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Who survived Order 666?

Order 66 marked the downfall of the Jedi, orchestrated by Palpatine to cut them off from the light side of the Force. Survivors like Yoda, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan lived on, facing the Empire's wrath as they struggled to continue their fight.
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How many Jedi Knights died in Order 66?

When it comes to Jedi deaths in Star Wars, Order 66 from Revenge of the Sith with never be beaten. Out of the 10,000 Jedi in the Republic, less than one percent survived the very first day of the purge, and the Order never recovered.
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How many jedis were killed by Order 66?

But these complaints often ignore the sheer number of Jedi who did die during Order 66 and shortly afterward. We are talking about, at least, a few thousand. Considering how few survivors there are—less than 100 as of 2023—the actual death toll is probably closer to nine thousand or so. That's still a lot of dead Jedi!
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Which Jedi cheated death?

Revenge of the Sith

Palpatine explains that Plagueis was so powerful and wise, he had mastered the dark side of the Force to such an extent that he could cheat death and create life; unnatural abilities which are unknown to the Jedi.
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Who is the deadliest Jedi?

Star Wars: 15 Most Powerful Jedi Masters, Ranked
  1. 1 Yoda. The Jedi Order's Grand Master.
  2. 2 Luke Skywalker. The Son of Darth Vader. ...
  3. 3 Qui-Gon Jinn. The Maverick Jedi Master. ...
  4. 4 Mace Windu. A Legendary Jedi Master. ...
  5. 5 Luminara Unduli. The Enduring Voice of the Jedi. ...
  6. 6 Rey Skywalker. ...
  7. 7 Obi-Wan Kenobi. ...
  8. 8 Kelleran Beq. ...
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Which Jedi died the most?

The majority of Star Wars' Jedi have met a grim end, yet none have died as often as Jedi Master Shaak Ti, who has a quartet of on-screen deaths.
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What was worse than Order 66?

Order 66 was horrible but it was at least targeting Jedi who knew how to defend themselves, Order 37 targeted innocent people just trying to live their lives. That makes it worse.
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Did any clones disobey Order 66?

Some clones disobeyed the infamous order than decimated the Jedi order, and refused to execute it. SOME of these Clones include; Captain Rex: Captain Rex, as most know removed his chip that would later be the way that Palpatine would execute order 66. Wolffe: As with Captain Rex Wolffe removed his bio chip.
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Who killed the 4 Jedi Masters?

Vader and the 501st Legion stormed the Temple and proceeded to slaughter nearly every Jedi within its walls, murdering both esteemed Masters and defenseless younglings. The Temple was set ablaze while all of Galactic City watched.
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Has a droid ever killed a Jedi?

The assassin droid HK-47 also became a notorious Jedi hunter during this time period. General Grievous was among the greatest and most feared Jedi hunters, personally killing numerous Jedi in lightsaber combat during the course of the Clone Wars.
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What was order 69?

Order 69(AKA "clean up") was the idea to kill the entire clone army in one sitting, leaving the Jedi defenseless and exposed by the sudden departure. Palpatine knows the Jedi's weakness is empathy and most will try to help the clones and now it should be easy to either drive the Jedi into hiding or have them killed.
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What is order 65?

Order 65 stated that if a majority of the Senate or the Security Council declared that the Supreme Chancellor—at that time Palpatine—was unfit for duty, the Chancellor was to be arrested or, if necessary, killed.
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Who trained Yoda?

Legend had it that Yoda—a Jedi who became Grand Master—was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. A Force-sensitive Hysalrian, N'Kata Del Gormo was trained in the ways of the Force and achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi Order.
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Why didn't Vader hunt Yoda?

Vader did not hunt for Yoda in any cinematic depiction. He and Sidious could not find Yoda as he had exiled himself on the planet Dagobah which had strong dark side energy that masked Yoda's presence in the Force.
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How did Grogu survive Order 66?

After ably deflecting the bolts from the clone troopers, Beq took off on the speeder through the skies of nighttime Coruscant with Grogu by his side. Still chased by the clones, he avoided their attack, and, with the help of some Senate guards, he and Grogu boarded a ship and escaped via lightspeed.
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What is Order 150 Star Wars?

The Executive Order Codes for the Grand Army of the Republic, also known as the 150 general orders, were a set of directives memorized by every clone trooper of the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic.
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Why was 99 deformed?

During the Clone Wars, Clone 99 was a malformed result of the cloning process.
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