How many kids did Leia and Han have?

Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin. Luke reestablishes the Jedi Order, marries a non-movie (but fan favorite) redheaded Force-wielder named Mara Jade, and they have a son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi).
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How many kids to Leia and Han have?

In Legends they had 3. Boy-girl fraternal twins named Jacen and Jaina and then a boy named Anakin. However in Disney canon they only have the one child, Ben. AKA Kylo Ren.
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What happened to Han and Leia's son?

Na'vi Name: The son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, Ben Solo was seduced by the dark side of the Force and renamed himself Kylo Ren: leader of the Knights of Ren, champion of the First Order, and apprentice to Supreme Leader Snoke.
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How many kids did Luke and Leia have?

Leia married Han Solo in 8 ABY and had three children: twins Jaina and Jacen in 9 ABY, and a younger son Anakin, who was named after his grandfather, in 10.5 ABY. In 19 ABY, Luke married Mara Jade. Their son, Ben, who was named after Luke's first mentor Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, was born in 26.5 ABY.
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Is Rey the daughter of Leia and Han?

Did Luke Skywalker know that Rey was the daughter of Leia and Han Solo? No he didn't. That is because she wasn't. Rey's father was a clone of Darth Sidious, created to host Sidious's spirit, for his resurrection.
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The Untold Truth Of Princess Leia

How are Rey and Kylo related?

Despite being enemies, Rey and Kylo Ren share a connection called a 'Force dyad' and eventually become romantically involved with one another. Following Palpatine's final defeat and her own resurrection, Rey adopts the name Rey Skywalker to honor her mentors and their family legacy and renounce her lineage.
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Is Rey actually Luke's daughter?

This mystery was especially prevalent in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but The Last Jedi overcorrected it by claiming Rey is not related to any established original trilogy Star Wars characters. Then The Rise of Skywalker revealed, in an out-of-left-field retcon, that Rey is the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine.
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Why did Leia name her son Anakin?

Leia and Han had three children, and they named their youngest son Anakin after Anakin Skywalker, Leia's biological father. Since Luke was the twin to spend more time with Obi-Wan in the old canon, it made sense that he, not Leia, was the one to honor Obi-Wan when naming his child.
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How are Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker related?

In The Force Awakens, as the last known Jedi, Luke is in hiding after failing to prevent his nephew and apprentice Ben Solo (now Kylo Ren) from turning to the dark side to join Supreme Leader Snoke and has cut himself off from the Force.
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Why is Rey a Skywalker?

Although Solo was the last of the Skywalker bloodline, Rey assumed the name "Skywalker" to honor their memory, repudiating her own heritage as a Palpatine.
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Is Kylo Ren Leia's son?

Finn, Rey, and BB-8 escape Jakku in the Millennium Falcon, and are soon intercepted by the ship's former owner, Han Solo (Harrison Ford), and his co-pilot Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew). It is revealed that Ren is the son of Han and Leia, originally named Ben, and was once one of Luke's Jedi pupils.
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Why did Leia divorce Han?

They aren't cut out for long-term commitment, and the issue of losing their son to the dark side understandably puts a strain on their relationship. Han and Leia drift apart over the years and eventually break up.
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Is Leia Kylo Ren's mother?

Kylo-Ren's parents are Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) and Han Solo (Harrison Ford). Kylo Ren was encouraged to kill Han Solo by Snoke.
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Did Darth Vader know he had twins?

Darth Vader didn't learn he had a daughter until Return of the Jedi, when he stood before Emperor Palpatine. The Emperor's power probed Luke's mind, attempting to goad him to fall to the dark side, and he discovered Leia's existence. "Sister," the Emperor taunted. "So... you have a twin sister.
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Who killed Kylo Ren?

Kylo Ren dies on Kef Bir (the ocean moon of Endor) shortly after Rey deals a mortal wound during a lightsaber duel on the wreckage of the second Death Star. Though Rey Force-heals him, saving his life physically, this blow, coupled with the memory of his mother and father, destroys the man known as “Kylo Ren” forever.
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Who is the father of Anakin Skywalker?

Summary. Anakin Skywalker's birth mystery is solved - his mother, Shmi Skywalker, reveals that there was no father and she can't explain what happened. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that the Force itself created Anakin in Shmi's womb, making him the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.
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Was Kylo Ren in love with Rey?

Kylo develops a close relationship with Rey and starts feeling genuine affection towards her, so when Snoke reveals that he had manipulated their bond and tortures her in front of Ren, he looks furious at his master. Thus, when Snoke orders Ren to kill Rey, he chooses to save her and kill his master instead.
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Are Rey and Kylo siblings?

Finally, Rey is Kylo Ren's aunt through Anakin Skywalker. This means that Kylo and Rey's romance is just as genetically awkward as Luke and Leia's kiss on Hoth was. Granted, neither pair knew they were related at the time, but that's no excuse.
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How is Rey related to Anakin?

Rey is a palpatine and they planning to have her be the granddaughter of Obi wans younger brother from Stujohn so Rey is not a skywalker or biologically related to them. Although She is connected to the skywalker family through her grandfather Palpatine and her great uncle Obi wan Kenobi .
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Does Anakin ever find out Leia is his daughter?

Leia's Force abilities and her lack of awareness of her true identity also contributed to Vader's inability to sense their familial connection. Vader's denial of Anakin Skywalker's legacy and his fear of getting hurt again prevented him from realizing the truth about his children until later in the original trilogy.
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Who is the father of Rey Skywalker twins?

Summary. Rey's parents, Dathan and Miramir, have a Star Wars history tying them back to Emperor Palpatine and the Sith, but they have done the work to distance themselves from their past as much as possible.
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Who did Rey Skywalker have a child with?

The birth of a young hero

Soon after the battle, Rey and Solo bonded and conceived their son, Zayne. During her pregnancy, Rey could sense her son through the Force, and felt both the light side and the dark within him, seeing his nature of innocence and strength.
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Did Obi-Wan have a child?

In canon no Obi-Wan doesn't have kids. However, there is this theory where he and Satine had a child together but she hide it from him, knowing how it could ruin his jedi career. This child would be Satine's “nephew” Korkie Kryze…
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