How many people has Basilisk killed?

Known Victims Not directly at least. Harry and Ron discussing why no one has been killed by the Basilisk. Several unknown students attending Hogwarts in 1943 (all petrified, possibly restored). Myrtle "Moaning Myrtle" Warren (died, became a ghost) (the only victim who died).
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How many people did the basilisk kill?

The Basilisk actually killed one girl by the name of Myrtle Warren. In 1993, Riddle opened the Chamber again, through the use of one of his seven Horcruxes. Using the bit of his soul encompassed by the diary, he took partial control of Ginny Weasley.
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Could the basilisk kill Voldemort?

If the basilisk venom was injected into his body yes Voldemort would die a true death, However if he had any Horcrux's left He would become what he became when he tried to kill Harry Potter.
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Does looking at the basilisk kill you?

Basilisks are enormous poisoned-fanged serpents. Unlike other snakes, the Basilisk is unique in its ability to kill with its gaze alone. Looking into the eye of the Basilisk will cause instantaneous death, however, even catching a glance of it in a reflection will cause Petrification, or total paralysis.
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Who is killing everyone in Chamber of Secrets?

Serpent of Slytherin

Riddle unleashed the Basilisk on the school, with his goal of ridding the school of all of its Muggle-borns. All the victims were merely Petrified, except for a student named Myrtle Warren.
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Everything You Need to Know About Basilisks (+Horcrux Plot Hole?)

How come no one saw the basilisk?

The victims only saw the snake's gaze indirectly, either through a reflection or through something, such as a camera (with Colin Creevey). Nearly Headless Nick, a ghost, received the full force of the Basilisk's gaze, but as he was already dead, he was merely put into a Petrified-like state.
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Was Moaning Myrtle killed by the Basilisk?

Opening the stall's door, she was about to yell at Riddle to go away, when the Basilisk stared at Myrtle and her eyes met with the monster's. Since looking into a Basilisk's eyes is a fatal act, Myrtle was killed instantly and her body fell to the bathroom floor, becoming Tom's first victim.
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Would sunglasses stop a basilisk?

Wearing glasses will not protect a person from the fatal effect of the basilisk's stare, because glasses still allow one's line of vision to connect directly and clearly with the serpent's eyes, unlike looking in a mirror or through a camera."
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Why does Aragog fear the basilisk?

Aragog's point of view.

He knew that this was the Basilisk, so he would have been scared that it would find him, and being ancient enemies, the Basilisk would have dealt him a merciless death.
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Why is the basilisk so bad?

According to the Naturalis Historia of Pliny the Elder, the basilisk of Cyrene is a small snake, "being not more than twelve inches in length", that is so venomous, it leaves a wide trail of deadly venom in its wake, and its gaze is likewise lethal. According to Pliny, the basilisk's weakness is the odor of a weasel.
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Why didn t Basilisk kill Harry Horcrux?

To destroy the horcrux you have to destroy the container in which it lives in. Harry didn't die, so its container wasn't destroyed.
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Did Basilisk bite Harry?

In 1993, Harry Potter stabbed the roof of the Basilisk's mouth with the Sword of Gryffindor and ended up getting a fang splintered into his arm. Tom Riddle described the venom as being able to kill Harry in a little more than a minute, though Fawkes's tears healed Harry's arm and cleansed the poison.
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Could Dumbledore beat the Basilisk?

Dumbledore. Keep in mind that although Harry was an extraordinary wizard he was inexperienced and only in his second year. Dumbledore is a much more experienced wizard beating Grindlewald and being a master of the Elder Wand. Dumbledore could easily destiny the basilisk.
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Would the basilisk kill half bloods?

Based on what we know of them, basilisks are just magical creatures with looks that kill; one's blood status seems irrelevant, as does one's species (Filch's cat) and even whether one is a non-corporeal ex-wizard (Nearly-Headless Nick).
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Can a basilisk kill a blind person?

The blind person has no gaze, so should be able to face the Gorgon Medusa but the basilisk still has its gaze and would kill the blind person. Its a bit like Superman's heat vision. It doesn't matter whether or not you can see him, it's whether he can see you.
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Is the basilisk blind?

After discovering he can speak Parseltongue, the language of snakes, Harry gathers Hermione's clues and goes after the Basilisk, opening the Chamber of Secrets and slaying the creature after Fawkes blinded it, disabling its power of instantly killing those who look it directly in the eyes.
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Why did Aragog not eat Hagrid?

Aragog had a close friendship with his former owner, Hagrid. He admitted that it would have been his instinct to try to attack humans, but he restrained himself out of respect and gratitude for Hagrid, and unlike the Basilisk herself, he never personally harmed a human in his life.
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Who killed Aragog?

That same year, Aragog contracted an unknown illness over the summer, and despite Hagrid's attempts to heal and comfort Aragog by feeding him giant grubs, he eventually died on 20 April, 1997.
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Did Newt Scamander give Aragog to Hagrid?

According to the theory, Aragog was gifted to Hagrid by none other than Newt Scamander after a visit from one of his many adventures.
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Could Voldemort look the basilisk in the eye?

He could but why would he? He isn't stupid. Anyone who looks into the basilisk's eyes will die instantly. Except Voldemort will not die because of his horcruxes.
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What animal kills a basilisk?

The only animal that can directly kill a basilisk is the weasel. The weasel enters the cave where the basilisk lives, causing the basilisk to flee, but the weasel catches and kills it; Sometimes the weasel may itself be killed in the fight.
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What is the lifespan of the basilisk in Harry Potter?

Basilisks can live a natural life of at least nine hundred years, though Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk lived for approximately a thousand years. This is accomplished by using Parseltongue to put the creature into a deep sleep that prevents it from aging, similar to suspended animation.
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Why did Tom Riddle turn evil?

With no one to claim him as their own, Tom lived in a Muggle-run orphanage where he felt abandoned and unloved. He slowly realized he was different from others and became obsessed with his powers, believing he was unique and elite.
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Who was the mudblood that died?

After that point he thought and spoke as if that part of his background didn't exist. This happened in July or August of 1942. The next murder, a year later, was that of Myrtle Warren, the Mudblood student who died in the bathroom where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was located.
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Why did Hagrid go to Azkaban?

In 1993 Hagrid was sent to the wizarding prison, Azkaban, when the Chamber of Secrets was re-opened. It was assumed he was the one who reopened the Chamber because his expulsion from Hogwarts was for the same occurrence.
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