How many staff were on the Death Star?

In the version of the Star Wars Complete Vehicles released for Force Awakens, the crew figure given for the Death Star is 342,953 (285,675 operational staff, 57,278 gunners), and 843,342 passengers for a total of 1,186,295 people on board.
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How many staff are on Death Star?

According to Star Wars reference books, the population of the Death Star was 1.7 million military personnel, 400,000 maintenance droids, and 250,000 civilians, associated contractors and catering staff.
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How many prisoners were on the Death Star?

In Star Wars, how many prisoners were kept on the Death Star, and why was it used as a prison? None, and it wasn't, respectively. The Death Star had over 1.5 million people aboard.
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How big is the crew of the Death Star 2?

Upon completion, the DS-2 Death Star would have been an immense battle station 200 kilometers in diameter that featured 560 internal levels which could house 2,471,647 passengers and crew.
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How many Imperials were on the Death Star?

The Death Star was crewed by anywhere from 1.1+ to 1.2+ million Imperials, depending on its given mission.
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How many stormtroopers were on the Death Star?

The Death Star Had the Population of a Small Country

It's also known that around 25,000 Stormtroopers were on board, which sounds small in comparison, but it's not as if the Empire was expecting much fighting within the station.
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How many troops died on the Death Star?

End result: just over 2.4 million deaths and the loss of infrastructure to the tune of 1.17 trillion galactic credits. The Force Awakens sees the First Order, heir apparent to the Empire, with a new toy: Starkiller Base. Forget blowing up planets one at a time.
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How many died on alderaan?

Out of the 2 billion inhabitants on Alderaan - with the modern-day populations of China and India having about 2.8 billion people combined - about 60,000 survived the destruction of the planet due to being outside of its star system at the time.
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Was there a third Death Star?

Present for battles/events

For other uses, see Death Star (disambiguation). The Death Star III, also known as the third Death Star, was a mock Death Star battle station created from an incomplete worldcraft by the Kaarenth Dissension.
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How many death stars did Luke destroy?

Both Death Stars were destroyed by the Rebel Alliance shortly after they became operational. The first Death Star was destroyed by Luke Skywalker, with the help of Han Solo, and the second Death Star was destroyed by Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian.
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Was there a fourth Death Star?

Death Star IV was the fourth Death Star, a type of space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet.
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How many people died because of the Empire in Star Wars?

Some present figures like 20 billion clones, a trillion on Coruscant (this is correct by the way, according to current canon) a quadrillion droids, and a death toll numbering in the hundreds of trillions. The same Legends asserts anywhere from several hundred million to several hundred trillion under the Empire.
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How big is the Executor Death Star?

The Executor-class measured 19 kilometers in length and was 12 times more massive than the ubiquitous Imperial-class Star Destroyer. 280,734 Imperial Navy officers, gunners and enlisted men were said to have crewed each vessel.
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How heavy is the Death Star?

Carrying enough consumables to feed that population, plus all the people, superstructure, armour, engines, guns and the whopping great laser system puts the estimated weight of the Death Star at around 900 trillion tonnes.
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How big was Starkiller's base?

The wiki page for says it's 660 km wide—tiny for a planet, but curiously the same size as I looked it up and the Star Wars fandom wiki told me it was 830 km. Also it's technically a dwarf planet.
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Which star is closest to death?

1 Answer. Betelgeuse in Orion and Eata carina are two possible candidates to go supernova soon.
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Why does the second Death Star look unfinished?

It was two-three times larger than DS1 and took far more materials to build it. Sid also wanted it to look unfinished so he could lure the Rebels in: “it's a trap!” But he ensured the planet killer gun was operational by sending Vader in to oversee it.
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How many people died on Death Star 2?

But taking all these sources into account, the death toll of the first Death Star can be left as around 1.1 million and the one of the second Death Star as over two million, which is still a lot even for Star Wars – more so considering that this happened in the first three films of the franchise.
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Did Naboo get destroyed?

Naboo was among the first worlds to be attacked. Despite the planet sustaining heavy losses, Operation: Cinder was foiled before Naboo could be destroyed. After that, however, little is known about Naboo, other than it was saved from the First Order after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
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Did Bail Organa survive the destruction of Alderaan?

Though the Alliance won its first major victory of the Galactic Civil War at Scarif, Organa and his wife were killed when the Death Star, an Imperial planet-killing superweapon, destroyed Alderaan just days later.
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Was Palpatine mad about Alderaan?

Emperor Palpatine sees the deaths of billions that occurred when the Death Star destroyed Aldaraan as an absolute failure. Palpatine never wanted the Death Star to be used to destroy planets, but to inspire fear and hatred within his citizens - hatred that would allow him to become more powerful in the dark side.
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How many clones died?

Most battles in the clone wars didn't involve clones or droids, according to The Essential Guide To Warfare, and most of the battles involving clones weren't in the show. So considering there were about 3.5 million clones, it seems reasonable that 700,000-900,000 clones died given the intensity of the warfare.
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Who has most kills in Star Wars?

However, the Star Wars villain with a higher kill count than anyone else isn't a Sith Lord, a trained Mandalorian warrior, or a powerful gangster — it's the creepy First Order officer General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson), whose activation of the Starkiller Base superweapon program ends up obliterating countless lives within ...
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How big is the Death Star 1 vs 2?

There are a lot of different numbers floating around out there as to the size of all three of these weapons. For DS1, I've seen diameters of 120, 140, or 160 km. For DS2, I've seen 160 to 900 km. Wookieepedia has Starkiller Base at a diameter of 660 km.
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