How many times can you swear in a rated R movie?

That's fine, by the way, if you want to write an R-rated movie. In fact, you can use the F-word as many times as you want. The record holder according to Variety is believed to be The Wolf of Wall Street which used the word “fuck” in all its variations 506 times in its 180 minute run-time.
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How many swear words can an R-rated movie have?

A motion picture's single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating, as must even one of those words used in a sexual context.
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How many F bombs are allowed in a R-rated movie?

PG-13 movies can only use the F-word twice (and neither can be sexual). R movies can swear as much as they want.
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How many F words can PG-13 have?

Using the F-word in PG-13/12A movies - IMDb. The restrictions set by the Us ratings board mean the F-word can only be used once in a PG-13 movie.
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How many F words are in Deadpool?

Will he say it more this time?
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Every Swear In Ted | Swear Count #3

How many times do they say the F word in Wolf of Wall Street?

On January 2, a Variety piece, citing Wikipedia, declared that Martin Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street used the F-word 506 times, setting a new record. This report was quickly picked up by news outlets around the world.
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Is there an F bomb in Beetlejuice?

There's one f-bomb and a couple of swear words however nothing too intense.
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Do 5th graders swear?

Swearing: school-age children and pre-teens. Children aged 5-11 years might swear to express emotions, get a reaction, or fit in socially. It's good to talk with children about swearing. They can understand that some words hurt or offend others.
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Can you say the B word in a PG-13 movie?

If especially coarse words are used in a sexually charged way, the movie gets slapped with R rating, McMahon said. The word s--- can appear in a PG film, but only in a limited amount. Repeated use of the word b---- is acceptable in PG-13 movies.
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Is it illegal to sneak into a rated R movie?

In that case, you could be charged with violating PC 602 trespassing law. Trespassing is a California misdemeanor crime with a fine of up to $1,000 and up to six months in county jail.
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What are the minor curse words?

Gosh, gee, golly, dagnamit, darn, drat, gadzooks, zounds, heck, and cripes are all minced oaths that are still around to charm us with their innocent old-timey ring. But there are others you may not have heard of.
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How many f words are in it?

61 F words. All said by pre-teens some used in a freak out matter when they are scared so used in context some used in general talk one kid has a potty mouth and says most of the f words. Gay slurs are used in the beginning.
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What is worse than rated R?

The NC-17 rating is the highest rating (even higher than the R-rating) that a film can be given, and it means the movie is for adults only (ages 18 and older) and no one age 17 or younger will be admitted. This rating, prior to 1990, was previously rated X.
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Does PG allow cursing?

Language. Snippets of language that go "beyond polite conversation" are permitted in G-rated films, but no stronger words are present. Profanity may be present in PG rated films, and use of one of the harsher "sexually-derived words" as an expletive will initially incur at least a PG-13 rating.
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Is Rated R worse then PG-13?

A G rating would mean there's no content that parents would be concerned about, a PG rating means there's some content that parents may want to know about, a PG-13 rating indicates there's even more content that families may not find appropriate and R means the film has adult content (same with NC-17).
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Is it OK to cuss at 13?

For many teens, swearing is a way of fitting in with peers and “trying out” adult behaviours, adds Arnall. “It tends to peak in the early teen years, and then diminishes as teens mature.” So don't worry that the newly expanded vocabulary of your 13-year-old daughter means she's doomed to a life as a potty mouth.
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Why do kids with ADHD swear?

Sometimes, children with ADHD use offensive language in order to get your attention. Other times, they just succumb to impulsivity. And often they also lack the perspective-taking skills they need to anticipate how their words may impact others.
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Is cursing a sin?

What the Bible does make clear is that any language used to belittle, demean, or attack someone is a sin. But what about cussing when we stub our toe or using a strong word to better express what we are feeling? The Bible doesn't give us a direct answer. God doesn't really seem to care about the words we use.
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How many f words before rated R?

According to the MPAA's website: “A motion picture's single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating.”
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What PG movies use the F word?

PG rated films with the "F" word.
  • The Seven-Ups. 19731h 43mPG. 6.8 (6.7K) Rate. ...
  • The Song Remains the Same. 19762h 17mPG. 7.6 (9.1K) Rate. ...
  • AC/DC: Let There Be Rock. 19801h 38mPG. 8.3 (1.3K) Rate. ...
  • Beetlejuice. 19881h 32mPG. 7.5 (341K) Rate. ...
  • Harlan County U.S.A. 19761h 43mPG. 8.2 (6.7K) Rate.
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How many F bombs are in Scream?

25 "f" words (1 used sexually), 26 "s" words, 10 "ass" words, 6 damns, 2 slang terms for breasts (the "t" word), 2 hells, and 6 uses each of "Oh my God" and "Jesus," 4 uses of "God damn," 2 uses each of "Oh God," "Jesus Christ," and "God" and 1 use each of "My God" and "For Christ's sake" as exclamations.
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Who said the F word first?

The oldest unambiguous use of the F-word comes from De Officiis, a treatise on moral conduct by Cicero. No, the Roman philosopher didn't gift English its soon-to-be favorite obscenity. Rather, in 1528, an anonymous monk scrawled this parenthetical into the margins of a De Officiis manuscript: “O d fuckin' Abbot.”
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Who says the F word most?

It's Joe Pesci, who's said the F-word 272 times in his various movies. But check this out: 241 of those were from a single movie: “Casino”. Al Pacino is second, with 197, followed by Jason Mewes of Jay & Silent Bob fame and Jonah Hill with 183 apiece, Leonardo DiCaprio with 144, and Seth Rogen with 140.
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How many F words are in Superbad?

Characters use the f-word nearly 200 times during the 110-minute film—one every half minute or so.
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