How many times Scarface uses F-word?

Scarface (1983) Ironically, Scarface ranks a bit low in terms of total F-bombs, with just 226 to its name.
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How many times is the F-word used in Goodfellas?

Goodfellas ends up hitting 300 F-words, which is an impressive feat for a movie that's less than 150 minutes long. Much of that swearing is courtesy of Joe Pesci, who definitively proved here that few actors have ever been as good at swearing as him.
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How many times do they say the F-word in Wolf of Wall Street?

The Leonardo DiCaprio-starrer 'The Wolf of Wall Street' has 506 f-word expletives, according to the Guinness World Records. In total, the film has 687 expletives- an average of 3.81 swear words per minute.
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How many F-bombs are in Scarface?

Ironically, Scarface ranks a bit low in terms of total F-bombs, with just 226 to its name. It feels like more when watching the film, perhaps due to the gritty subject matter, but Scarface is actually one of the lightweights when it comes to profanity.
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Who says the F-word most?

It's Joe Pesci, who's said the F-word 272 times in his various movies. But check this out: 241 of those were from a single movie: “Casino”.
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Every F*CK (Swear) In Scarface | Swear Count #22

How many times did Joe Pesci say the F word?

Starting with the F-word, Newark, New Jersey-born Joe Pesci has dropped the expletive 272 times in all of his movies – more than any other actor. While the thespian was infamous for his F-word rant in “Goodfellas” as gangster Tommy DeVito — “You said I'm funny.
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How many F bombs are in Deadpool?

There is also about 85 F words, and about 30 S words. There is a lot of drinking and smoking, Deadpool gets very drunk in one scene, and there are a few smoking scenes. Overall, it's a very funny superhero movie and I love it, but it's absolutely not for kids. 6 people found this helpful.
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What song has most f words?

The 1980s group, 2 Live Crew, made everyone sound like they were just writing the encore for the school play and Lil' Jon (see below) holds a Guinness World Record with 295 cusses in just one song: 2004's "Real N----- Roll Call," with Ice Cube. A special gold star, however, goes to Welsh rockers Super Furry Animals.
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How many times does Jonah Hill swear in Wolf of Wall Street?

According to the study, Hill says a curse word in “The Wolf of Wall Street” 22.9 times every 1,000 words. The survey listed Jackson's “Jackie Brown” character Ordell as the actor's most swearing character, but he says a curse word 6.9 times every 1,000 words in comparison to Hill.
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What movie had the first F word?

Originally Answered: What is the first film to ever utter the word "fuck"? The one that's cited most frequently is Robert Altman's MASH (1970) , but 1967 was the year of the first "fuck". Some believe it was I'll Never Forget What's'isname (1967) .
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How many F bombs are in good will hunting?

This is not to mention the 150 or so F-bombs throughout the film. I would not recommend this movie for anyone who wishes to avoid such things.
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Who first said the F word on TV?

1965: First use of the f– word on TV is on 13 November 1965 by literary agent Kenneth Tynan (UK) during a satirical discussion show entitled BBC3.
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What is the oldest swear word?

What is the first swear word? The word fart is the first and therefore, the oldest swear word in the English language.
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What movie has 400 swear words?

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut hold the record for the most swear words in an animated feature film. The movie has an incredible 399 swear words, more than any other cartoon characters have ever spoken on the big screen.
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How many F bombs are allowed?

Reserved only for impact in the PG-13 universe, R-rated films have a green light to use the F-word unregulated. You only get one, and you better make it count. From action to comedy and everything in between, these PG-13 movies slipped in the F-bomb and made sure we didn't miss it.
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Has there ever been an F-bomb in Marvel?

James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 holds the honor of having the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first F-bomb, but there's a better place they could have used the word for greater emotional impact.
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What actor swears the most per 1,000 words?

The star recently discovered that Jonah Hill holds the record for most curse words said by an actor on film, and he was very surprised about it.
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What male actor swears a lot?

The actor with the most use of curse words on screen in history is not who you'd expect, though. Forget Samuel L. Jackson, Al Pacino, or Joe Pesci, Jonah Hill is the one who holds the profanity crown.
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How much swearing is in Scarface?

Profanity (17)

'F*ck' is said 207 times, including paired with the word 'mother' and used in a sexual context. 'Wh*re' is said at least once. 'P*ss' is said at least once. 'D*mn' is said at least once.
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What country swears the most?

Cursing countries which swear the most - and the least

Coming out on top as the most likely to use explicit language online is France. The French have 7.59% - or seven in every 100 people - using curse words online per year.
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Is the F word OK to say?

Although there's no hard-lines or consensus on a certain age, the general recommendation will be: Never use the f-word if you are under the age of 13. Strongly avoid using the word if you are under the age of 18.
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Can the radio say the F word?

Federal law prohibits obscene, indecent and profane content from being broadcast on the radio or TV.
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