How much dancing did Natalie Portman really do in Black Swan?

In a written statement, "Black Swan" director Darren Aronofsky said, "Here is the reality. I had my editor count shots. There are 139 dance shots in the film -- 111 are Natalie Portman untouched. Twenty-eight are her dance double Sarah Lane.
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Was Natalie Portman actually dancing in Black Swan?

However, Natalie herself did most of the dancing featured in the final film." Aronofsky stated in an interview with Entertainment Weekly: I had my editor count shots. There are 139 dance shots in the film. 111 are Natalie Portman untouched.
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How many hours a day did Natalie Portman train for Black Swan?

For one one year training six day a week eight hours a day. Natalie Portman prepared for Black Swan.
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How much did Natalie weigh in Black Swan?

The actress ended up weighing 95lbs while she was filming Black Swan - but she didn't enjoy being that skinny.
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How long did Mila Kunis train for Black Swan?

Kunis engaged in cardio and Pilates, "train[ing] seven days a week, five hours, for five, six months total, and ... was put on a very strict diet of 1,200 calories a day."
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A Ball Dancer's Invisible Friend Controls Her Every Move. Black Swan explained

Did Natalie Portman wear pointe shoes in Black Swan?

The way she wears her clothes and slouches around in her practice-kit is well-observed, and the minutiae of darning and breaking in pointe shoes is spot-on. Portman acted well in Black Swan, but if she has failed to acknowledge Lane's contribution, she may have acted pretty gracelessly too.
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Did Mila Kunis do the ballet in Black Swan?

Soon after the L.A.-based Kunis was cast in "Black Swan," the film's choreographer, Benjamin Millepied, contacted the Los Angeles Ballet's artistic directors and asked if they could provide Kunis with ballet training. Instead of taking on the task themselves, they recommended Blacker for the assignment.
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How old was Natalie Portman in Black Swan?

Can child stars go on to credible careers? With her Ivy League credentials and a performance in Black Swan that's put her in line for an Oscar, Natalie Portman proves it can be done... At 29, Natalie Portman has already been in the business a long time.
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What mental illness does Nina have in Black Swan?

There are simply too many psychological issues going on with Nina. She shows elements of an anxiety disorder with obsessive compulsive behaviors. She also manifests self-injurious behavior and some signs of an eating disorder.
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How much weight did Natalie lose for Black Swan?

Natalie Portman has transformed herself for many film roles, but nothing was as grueling as her Black Swan makeover. The actress shed an astonishing 20lbs from her already slight frame to play a ballerina in the 2011 film and admitted it put such a toll on her body that she thought she was going to die.
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How intelligent is Natalie Portman?

Natalie portman: iq of 140 | MARCA English.
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How much did Mila Kunis weight during Black Swan?

Kunis had never had any previous experience in ballet, but trained for three months in order to "fake it." Kunis acknowledges that she got "crazy thin," as Stern puts it, weighing about 95 pounds. "I didn't starve myself," Kunis, who's 5' 4," stresses. "I did do it in the healthiest way possible.
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Did Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis lose weight for Black Swan?

Already lean, Kunis dropped 20 pounds in order to play Natalie Portman's ballerina frenemy in "Black Swan." At 95 pounds, Kunis says "I was muscles, like a little brick house, but skin and bones." Unfortunately, when she gained the weight back, Kunis says it ended up in completely different places.
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Was Lily real in Black Swan?

Lily (Mila Kunis) in "Black Swan" is only real in in half a dozen scenes.
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How do ballerinas feel about Black Swan?

“I really just wanted to walk out,” says Sara Mearns, remembering when she saw Black Swan in theaters. Like Nina, Mearns is a principal dancer at New York City Ballet. “Everything that she was going through was completely wrong and opposite of what I had gone through and what I think every ballerina goes through.”
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What age is Nina in Black Swan?

Synopsis. The movie opens as Nina Sayers (Natalie Portman), a young ballerina in her mid twenties, is dancing the prologue to Swan Lake. Swan Lake is a ballet in which a princess is turned into the White Swan and can only be turned back if a man swears eternal fidelity to her.
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Why did Mila Kunis lose so much weight?

Mila Kunis plays an addict in Rodrigo Garcia's “Four Good Days,” and to play the part, she had to lose an extraordinary amount of weight and watch a lot of YouTube videos.
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How many calories did Mila Kunis eat for Black Swan?

Mila Kunis has confessed that her diet was restricted to 1,200 calories per day while filming Black Swan. The actress - who shrunk down to 95lbs for her role as a ballet dancer in the film - revealed that she was in "hell" during filming and only ate foods that fit in her hand, reports the Daily Star.
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How many languages does Natalie Portman speak fluently?

Natalie Portman – English, Spanish, German, Japanese, and Hebrew. Learning any new language is seriously impressive. So being fluent in English, Spanish, German, Japanese, and Hebrew makes UN Ambassador and A-list actress Natalie Portman a serious contender for our #WCW.
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Does Natalie Portman speak 6 languages?

Natalie Portman Knows More than Five Languages

She also speaks Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Arabic, meaning she knows five languages other than English and Hebrew. As an actress, Natalie Portman has traveled the world to film movies and this has inspired her to learn languages and her passion for diplomacy.
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Who is the smartest actress in the world?

40 of the smartest celebrities in Hollywood
  • Natalie Portman graduated from Harvard with a psychology degree.
  • Before John Legend was a Grammy Award-winning artist, he worked for a consulting firm.
  • Mayim Bialik played a neuroscientist on "The Big Bang" and is also a neuroscientist in real life.
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Why did Natalie gain so much weight?

She still made it to America, and eventually had a small pandemic wedding with Mike. However, her married life made Natalie unhappy, which led to "stress eating." Natalie says she is on antidepressants, and gained 30 pounds following her arrival in the U.S.
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What is Natalie Portman's diet?

Aware of the personal benefits of a vegan diet, during a recent interview with InStyle Natalie was asked how she keeps her skin so 'luminous', to which the actress credited her vegan diet. Portman says, “Diet is a big part of it. I'm vegan, and I drink a lot of water. If I have dairy, I break out immediately.”
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How did Natalie prepare for Black Swan?

The actresses trained for hours a day with a ballerina from the New York City Ballet. By the end, Portman was dancing several hours a day, swimming miles and cross-training, losing almost 20 pounds in the process.
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