How much older is the queen than Anakin?

Padmé was born in 46 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and Anakin's miraculous Force-created birth came in 41 BBY, so Padmé is five years older than him. They do not meet until Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, which takes place in 32 BBY.
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How old is Anakin vs Queen Amidala?

Padmé is Five Years Older Than Anakin Skywalker

In actuality, Padmé was just 14 years old in The Phantom Menace. When she ventured to Tatooine and met an enslaved young boy named Anakin Skywalker -- who took an immediate shine to her -- Anakin was just nine years old.
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Why was Padme Queen at 14?

Padme was elected Queen of Naboo at just 14 years old, and while some believe she was very wise for her age, others elected her for more nefarious reasons, as Palpatine mainly pushed for her to become. Queen because she would be easy to trick and manipulate, therefore making it easier for him to enact.
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What is the age gap between Anakin and Ahsoka?

At this point in the timeline, Ahsoka was 14 years old. As the animated movie took place in the same year as Attack of the Clones, this puts Anakin at 19 years old, creating a five-year age gap between him and Ahsoka. It's easy to forget just how young Ahsoka was when she became a Padawan.
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Does Anakin love Ahsoka?

Did Anakin care for Ahsoka as much as he cared for Padmé? In my opinion, I think it's hard to compare Anakin's relationship with Padmé to his relationship with Ahsoka because the nature of the relationships are different: Anakin romantically loved Padmé, meanwhile he loved Ahsoka unconditionally like a sister/daughter.
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Every Fine Addition in General Grievous's Collection [EXTENDED]

How old is KYLO Ren?

Kylo was born in 5 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin). The battle occurred at the end of Star Wars: A New Hope and marked the destruction of the first Death Star. The Force Awakens was said to have taken place in 34 ABY, making Kylo 29 years old when he made his onscreen Star Wars debut.
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Did Padme not wear a bra?

She was not allowed to wear a on set because of the “no underwear in space” rule. Instead, the costume designers had her cover certain areas with gaffer tape, which is incredibly sticky and painful to remove.
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Who was Anakin's father?

Shmi informs Qui-Gon that Anakin has no father, leading Qui-Gon to suggest that Anakin is a product of midi-chlorians (Force-imparting microorganisms). As the film progresses, Anakin leaves Tatooine to begin his Jedi training.
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Why couldn t Padme marry?

The marriage, witnessed by the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, was kept secret due to Amidala's place as a prominent Senator in the Galactic Republic and because of Skywalker's membership in the Jedi Order; the Jedi Code prevented Jedi from falling in love and forming attachments such as marriage.
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How old was Darth Vader when he died?

1 Darth Vader Was 45 When He Died In Return Of The Jedi

Luke's faith in his father leads to his redemption, with Anakin turning against Palpatine at last. The greatest hero of Star Wars is redeemed when he is just 45 years old, finding peace in the Force at last.
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Is Padme too old for Anakin?

Padmé was born in 46 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and Anakin's miraculous Force-created birth came in 41 BBY, so Padmé is five years older than him. They do not meet until Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, which takes place in 32 BBY.
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How old was Anakin when he died?

While it seemed like Anakin had lived a long life, his choices eventually led to his demise at 45. Though half of his life was filled with tragedy, he managed to make things right with the time he had and gained a Jedi burial that had him reunite with his old Master and Yoda.
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What happens if a Jedi gets married?

In the Jedi Order, emotional attachment and possession were forbidden because it was believed they could lead to jealousy and fear of loss, and ultimately the dark side of the Force; for that reason, Jedi were not allowed to marry.
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Who has a crush on Padme?

Anakin and Padmé met when Anakin was still just a young boy in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Though he was already infatuated with her then, it was a boyish crush — one that Padmé could not reciprocate at the time.
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Are Rey and Anakin related?

Rey is Anakin's half sister, and Palpatines relations to Rey through the force. Rey is a genetic experiment/force experiment of immaculate conception orchestrated by palpatine. So Rey is Palpatines daughter or grand daughter, in a metaphorical sense. The same way Anakin is Palpatines son through the force.
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Are Rey and Kylo related?

Finally, Rey is Kylo Ren's aunt through Anakin Skywalker. This means that Kylo and Rey's romance is just as genetically awkward as Luke and Leia's kiss on Hoth was. Granted, neither pair knew they were related at the time, but that's no excuse.
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Who adopted Anakin's daughter?

Organa witnessed Palpatine's Declaration of Empire with horror, and began working in secret with Mon Mothma to create a network of resistance cells opposed to the Empire. He and his wife Breha adopted Leia, the orphaned infant daughter of Padmé and Anakin Skywalker, and raised the girl as their own.
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Why couldn t Leia wear a bra?

No just kidding, Lucas said in Space flesh expands and a bra would strangle a person's breasts.
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Did Padmé kiss Anakin?

The name for the first kiss between Anakin and Padme was known as 'the stolen kiss' and I think thats so romantic!
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Why did Padmé look pregnant at her funeral?

Her body was made to still look pregnant in order to keep Luke and Leia safe from their father, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith formerly known as Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who fell to the dark side of the Force in a failed attempt to save his wife from dying.
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Did Rey and Kylo kiss?

Once she defeated Palpatine, Rey died and Kylo Ren brought her back through Force healing, at the cost of his own life. Rey kissed Kylo (now Ben as he returned to the light side), but the use of Force healing was too much for him and he died, becoming one with the Force.
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Who killed Darth Vader?

While he had suffered fatal injuries from the Emperor's lightning, Vader's redeeming final act restored his consciousness to Anakin Skywalker, and he had one last moment with Luke before peacefully accepting his death.
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Who is Kylo Ren's twin?

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) revealed that Kylo Ren and Rey were two halves of a "dyad" in the Force, which Terrio alternatively described as "sort of soulmate[s] in the Force" and "twins of fate, twins of destiny".
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Did Obi-Wan sleep with Padme?

This fell in line with various fan theories and non-canon novelizations that suggested Obi-Wan and Padmé had an affair sometime during the Clone Wars. In the Star Wars prequel movies, Obi-Wan often has a duty to protect Padmé, but there was never any sense of romantic feelings.
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