How old is Alex in Clockwork Orange?

Alex is 15 years old by the beginning of the book and 18 by the end of it. However, to minimize controversy and to avoid hiring a teen actor to play a heinous character, Alex's age started from 17 and ended at 20 in the film.
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How old are the kids in Clockwork Orange?

In the original novel from which Kubrick loosely adapted A Clockwork Orange, Alex is 15 years old at the beginning of the book's action and 18 by the end.
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What did Alex do to the girls in A Clockwork Orange?

Alex takes them back to his place, where he gets the girls very drunk, injects himself with a drug, and then rapes them to the choral movement of Beethoven's Ninth (the “Ode To Joy”). The girls leave in hysterics as Alex dozes off to the symphony recording.
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Is Alex evil in Clockwork Orange?

His actions are inherently evil, but his love of life, even an evil life, keeps him from being simply a monster. Despite being a rapist and murderer, Alex has a strangely innocent, schoolboylike charm.
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Why does Alex talk weird in Clockwork Orange?

Nadsat, from the Russian word meaning 'teen', is the name of the invented slang in which Alex narrates the novel. Anthony Burgess decided to use Russian because he had learned the basics of the language before visiting Leningrad in 1961.
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Analyzing Evil: Alex DeLarge From A Clockwork Orange

Why does Alex drink milk in A Clockwork Orange?

His beverage of choice is milk spiked with various drugs, which he and his fellow gang members ("droogs") drink to fortify themselves for "ultraviolence".
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Why does Alex have eyelashes on one eye?

To assert his dominance as leader of “the Droogs”, Alex takes their white boiler suit uniform a step further by rimming one menacing eye with fluttery eyelashes. The look is almost clown-like, but abhorrently pretty, making his twisted animalistic faces when killing even more disturbing.
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Was Alex really cured in A Clockwork Orange?

He's cured because he's no longer averse to the very things that had him subjected to the Ludovico treatment in the first place, but the state couldn't care less. For the government, he's allowed to revert to type because it's been proven he can reintegrate into society to a certain extent.
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Who is the main villain in Clockwork Orange?

Alex is a teenage psychopath living in a near-future dystopia who roams the streets with his friends causing general violence and destruction.
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Why is it called A Clockwork Orange?

Apart from being inspired by the popular Cockney expression, Burgess opined that the title of the book was meant to reflect an added layer of interpretation, implying a cross between the organic, lively, sweet nature of life and the cold, disciplined, and mechanical aspect of conditioning via the Ludovico treatment.
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Why does Alex Strike Dim in the milk Bar?

At the Korova, Alex strikes Dim for his crude response to a woman's singing of an operatic passage, and strains within the gang become apparent. At home in his parents' flat, Alex plays classical music at top volume, which he describes as giving him orgasmic bliss before falling asleep.
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What happened to Dim in Clockwork Orange?

After Alex's arrest Dim stays with Georgie and Pete, until Georgie's death. Dim becomes a police officer a some time between Georgie's death and Alex's release, eventually being called; along with Billyboy who had also become an officer, to break up a fight and without knowing saving Alex.
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What was Alex drinking in A Clockwork Orange?

There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking.
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What year is A Clockwork Orange set in?

Answer and Explanation: Though no specific year is given in A Clockwork Orange, the setting is a not so distant future dystopian England. Society has broken down, leaving gangs of teenagers free to terrorize their communities.
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Is Clockwork Orange based on a true story?

“A Clockwork Orange” is a truly bizarre choice for a venerated film many consider one of the best ever. It's incredibly dark and grim, but it isn't a “based on a true story” movie that feels like eating your vegetables like “Schindler's List.” No, it's a depraved film based on an even more depraved book.
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Can a 13 year old watch A Clockwork Orange?

Not very gory at all really, but VERY violent and disturbing. You could say the whole movie is violence for the sake of violence which wouldn't be too inaccurate the movie is a weird LSD TRIP of violence, sex, rape, and discount shakespeare. Not for any age.
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What happens to Alex's droogs?

What happened to Alex and his droogs at the end of "A Clockwork Orange"? In the novel, they all grew up and became involved with life as adults. In the film, two of them became police officers, and turned on Alex.
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Who is the cat lady in Clockwork Orange?

A Clockwork Orange (1971) - Miriam Karlin as Catlady - IMDb.
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Does Alex stop using Nadsat?

Toward the end of the chapter, Alex gradually uses less nadsat in his narrative, a sign that he is maturing. Early in the novel, Alex pointed out how nadsat was important to the droogs because it was a language of rebellion, and it made the droogs outsiders in society.
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What does the final shot of A Clockwork Orange mean?

At the end of the movie Alex's choice has been restored. His triumph is that he is no longer something unnatural. The original ending of the book that was edited out of the first edition is that after Alex is released he gets married and has a child and is eventually assaulted by young thugs.
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What is the last line of the Clockwork Orange?

' The book ends with the words: 'I was cured all right. ' The authority for this editorial decision came from Burgess himself, who discussed the ending in an exchange of letters with his American editor.
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Does A Clockwork Orange have two endings?

In 1962, two versions of Anthony Burgess's novel A Clockwork Orange were published. One concludes with Alex growing up and turning away from violence, while the second, darker version leaves out that final chapter.
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Why do the droogs dress like that?

Influenced by the Mod movement of the 1960s (itself, a reaction to post-war, free love sentiments), the 'Droogs' iconic costume designs – made up of white jumpsuits, suspenders and working man boots – pay homage to fascist subculture while their black bowler hats and canes mockingly gesture toward attire worn by ...
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What does the eye symbolize in a clockwork orange?

What is the symbolic meaning of eyes in A Clockwork Orange? On the road to happiness. The eye, especially in the poster, is often believed to be the eye of elite society and the higher authorities, constantly watching over it's people and trying to control their every move.
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