How old is Grogu really?

Grogu's age was revealed in The Mandalorian episode 1, where he was confirmed to be 50 years old. This is the one definite date given in the show, as Grogu's exact age is never mentioned again in later seasons.
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How old is Grogu biologically?

A member of the same species as the Star Wars character Yoda, he is 50 years old during the events of The Mandalorian "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian", but still appears to be an infant because of the pace at which that species matures.
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How old is baby Grogu in human years?

You might be surprised to learn that Grogu, aka Baby Yoda, is 50. By human standards, he should have gone through a mid-life crisis by now but in the context of what 50 means for his mysterious species, it makes sense that he'd still be an infant.
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Why is Grogu a baby at 50?

Baby Yoda is 50 years old at the beginning of "The Mandalorian." Though his age seems old, Grogu is still developmentally a child, and this is due to how slow his species matures.
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Is Grogu older than Yoda?

Grogu appears to be the youngest known member of Yoda's species. He is only 50 years old, and he is still developmentally an infant. For the whole first season of The Mandalorian™, they referred to him only as the Child. It seems that the species is, for whatever reason, quite slow to age.
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Why Yoda's Species Is SO POWERFUL | None Have Turned to the Dark Side

Is Grogu older than Darth Vader?

If I didn't miscalculate, I'd say Grogu was born in the same year as Anakin: Grogu is 50 years old in "The Mandalorian" which takes place about 9 years after A New Hope, meaning he was 41 years old during ANH, which would make him 22 years old during ROTS which is the same age Anakin/Vader was at at that time.
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Who is Grogu's father?

Din Djarin Being Grogu's Father Is The Best Parent Reveal

While it had been hinted throughout The Mandalorian season 3 that Din Djarin had adopted Grogu as his son, the finale makes it official. In order for Grogu to move on from his status as a foundling, Din adopts him, and the Armorer gives Grogu the name Din Grogu.
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Is Grogu mentally a baby?

Also, it's explained by Ahsoka that he was taken as an infant and hidden away. He likely missed some key developmental stages as a result. We also learn both by witness and from Ahsoka that Grogu doesn't lack intelligence. He's aware and understands... But he lacks language skills ...
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Why did Luke never mention Grogu?

Luke Skywalker returns to the main Star Wars story at the climax of The Force Awakens. However, Episode VII predates The Mandalorian by several years. Grogu isn't mentioned to Rey by Luke, but that's purely because The Mandalorian, Grogu, and Disney+ didn't exist when The Force Awakens script was written.
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Why is Grogu no longer with Luke?

Grogu didn't want to leave with Luke, he wanted to stay with Mando. Grogu left because he thought that's what Mando wanted him to do, but he had no way of vocalizing his not wanting to leave. Luke smartly found a way to find out what Grogu wanted to do.
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What is Yoda's full name?

Minch Yoda, known by most as simply just Yoda, was a legendary Groglyn male who was regarded as one of the most renowned and powerful Jedi Masters in the history of the Jedi.
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What is Yoda's race?

George Lucas opted to have many details of the character's life history remain unknown. Yoda's race and home world have not been named in any official media, canonical or otherwise, and he is merely said to be of a "species unknown" by the Star Wars Databank.
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Who is the mother of Grogu?

Given the rarity of his species in the galaxy, along with the fact that the only other two known members of Grogu's species were both living in the Temple when he was born, it seems likely that Grogu is the child of Yoda and Yaddle and was born to help preserve their rare species.
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How long does Grogu live?

Based on what we know about Yoda, Grogu could live to be 900 years old. And all three members of this unnamed, mysterious species are also Force users. Yaddle sat on the Jedi Council alongside Yoda during the end of the Galactic Republic. Otherwise we know very little about these short, green, big-eared beings.
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How old is Grogu at the end of Mandalorian?

Grogu Is Likely 53 In The Mandalorian Season 3

The Star Wars: Timelines book fails to place The Mandalorian season 3 in the timeline. However, Favreau's comments suggest Grogu is now 53 in The Mandalorian season 3, and that he has known Din Djarin for almost three whole years now.
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What happens to Grogu after Luke died?

Din Djarin has been teaching Grogu how to navigate the galaxy, and Grogu could honor his father by becoming a bounty hunter in the future. Grogu does not have to be the new Mand'alor or a Jedi Master. Instead, Din Grogu could make his own through the galaxy, perhaps assisting the New Republic as a bounty hunter.
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Is Grogu Dead in The Force Awakens?

While fans don't know the state of Grogu's well-being in the sequel trilogy, his ties to Mandalore might explain why Kylo Ren doesn't kill him. It's likely Grogu stays with Din Djarin and the Mandalorians, and never returns to embark on his training with Luke.
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Who trained Yoda?

Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Yoda's Jedi instructor was N'Kata Del Gormo, a Hysalrian Jedi Master, according to an in-universe legend.
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Will we ever see Baby Yoda grown up?

Language aside, Kane felt that Baby Yoda was a more advanced juvenile—closer to a seven-year-old human. But she still thinks it'll be another a century before Baby Yoda's full-grown, although he could start hitting puberty in two or three decades.
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Does Grogu have teeth?

So even though Grogu's little teeth aren't enough to scare them away, at least he got a snack.
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Is Baby Yoda evil?

As said by Jedi Master Yoda himself, "fear is the path to the dark side." This provides an explanation for why Baby Yoda has evil tendencies — when his fear takes over, he's lured to the dark side of the Force. For the most part, Baby Yoda has been nothing but an adorable infant who typically appears to be helpless.
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Who adopted Din Djarin?

Mando's Own Adoption Backstory

As a young child, Din was living with his birth parents on the planet Aq Vetina, when there was an attack. His parents protected him but were killed. Din Djarin was rescued by Death Watch. Later, he joined a Mandalorian group called The Tribe.
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Who is the black Jedi who saved Grogu?

As depicted in "Chapter 20: The Foundling," Grogu was rescued from the attack on the Jedi Temple by Jedi Master Kelleran Beq. Beq completed the daring escape that got Grogu to safety, then escaped the attack with his life.
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