How old is Palpatine?

With The Phantom Menace taking place at 32 BBY, it's known that Palpatine was 52 at the time. And with Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith taking place 13 years later at 19 BBY, it means he becomes emperor at age 65.
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How does Palpatine live so long?

Being powerful enough to transfer his being into the body of a clone, Palpatine could essentially live forever, so long as he had clone bodies to control. Much like in The Rise Of Skywalker, this plan might seem a bit silly, but Palpatine had much more success with it in the Legends canon.
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Why does Palpatine look so old?

In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, it was revealed that Emperor Palpatine's face wasn't just the product of old age but also scarring from fighting the Jedi. Yet, in the galaxy of Star Wars, where missing limbs get replaced and wounds heal in Bacta Tanks, Palpatine never searched for a medical solution.
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How old is Count Dooku?

19 BBY: Asajj (age 31) dies late in the Clone Wars at Dooku's hand. Dooku's death follows later that year in Revenge of the Sith. Dooku is 83 at the time of his death.
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Is Dooku older than Palpatine?

But no, Dooku is born in 102 BBY and Palpatine in 84 BBY. Weird... It doesn't help that Dooku is more often seen in combat/action and thus he seems more fit than Palpatine(when he isn't spinning like a Beyblade, wielding a lightsaber).
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How Old Was Palpatine When He Died - Explain Star Wars

Why was Count Dooku not a Darth?

Sidious may have given Dooku the title of Darth Tyranus, but because the Jedi Order knew him as Count Dooku, greatly preferring to not indulge his role as a Sith, they continued to call him by that name.
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How old is Palpatine when he dies?

It's said that Star Wars: Return of the Jedi takes place during 4 ABY, meaning Palpatine was 88 when he met his original end. The first on-screen appearance for Palpatine was with the release of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back in 1980.
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What is Dooku's Jedi name?

Count Dooku of Serenno, also known by his Sith name Darth Tyranus, or simply as Dooku, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, created by George Lucas.
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How old is Darth Maul?

That was in 3 BBY, thus meaning Maul was 51 years old when he first appeared in Star Wars Rebels season 2. His time on the show didn't last long, seeing as he was killed off - for the final time - in a duel with Obi-Wan on Tatooine in Star Wars Rebels season 3. He was 52 years old when he died in 2 BBY.
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How many Jedi survived Order 66?

Although Order 66 greatly depleted the Jedi Order's ranks, with an estimated less than 100 Jedi surviving it, it was only the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge, which stretched on for years and claimed the lives of many of the survivors of the initial onslaught.
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Did Darth Sidious have 2 lightsabers?

Sidious rarely used these elegant weapons, preferring to manipulate events indirectly and in secret. He wielded two lightsabers against his renegade apprentice Darth Maul and Savage Opress on Mandalore, took up arms to battle the Jedi on Coruscant, and used one of his crimson blades against his enemies on Ryloth.
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Why does Palpatine not use a lightsaber?

Palpatine carried the lightsaber for a great deal of his life afterward, though he only rarely wielded it in combat, as his position as Emperor made battles with other Force-users few and far between, and he preferred to rely on his raw ability with the Force in any case.
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How did KYLO Ren get Vader's helmet?

Kylo Ren's obsession with Vader is clear, but Star Wars never explained how he acquired the helmet. It is speculated that he may have found it himself on Endor, or it could have been passed down to him by Supreme Leader Snoke.
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Is Snoke a clone of Palpatine?

In the context of the story, Snoke is a "genetic strandcast" created by Emperor Palpatine to serve as his proxy in power. Snoke, whom Abrams called "a powerful figure on the dark side of the Force", was introduced as the leader of the First Order and master to the sequel trilogy's main villain, Kylo Ren.
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Who trained Yoda?

Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Yoda's Jedi instructor was N'Kata Del Gormo, a Hysalrian Jedi Master, according to an in-universe legend.
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Why did Dooku not have Sith eyes?

Sith eyes really only appear in those actively giving themselves up to the dark side. Palpatine is regularly seen without them, and Dooku seems to be a rather composed individual, given his alignment. It seems they're not permanent physical changes.
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What is a female Sith called?

The term "Sith Lord" generally encompassed members of both sexes, although some female Sith such as Lumiya, Tahiri Veila, Olaris Rhea, and Vestara Khai were styled Sith Lady. Originally, "Sith Lord" referred to a high-ranking member of the Sith Order's society.
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Did Rey and Kylo kiss?

Once she defeated Palpatine, Rey died and Kylo Ren brought her back through Force healing, at the cost of his own life. Rey kissed Kylo (now Ben as he returned to the light side), but the use of Force healing was too much for him and he died, becoming one with the Force.
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Who is Kylo Ren's twin?

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) revealed that Kylo Ren and Rey were two halves of a "dyad" in the Force, which Terrio alternatively described as "sort of soulmate[s] in the Force" and "twins of fate, twins of destiny".
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Who did Palpatine fear?

As powerful as Darth Sidious may have been, it's easy to forget he actually seemed afraid of Master Yoda. As seen in Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine initially thought he could deal with the aged Jedi Master - and then, when Yoda proved able to counter the Sith Lord's Force lightning, he fled.
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What made Palpatine evil?

He is basically the end result of the Sith philosophy. He values power above human life. He values his own freedom above any else's. He's evil because he's about as selfish as a person can get.
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