How old is Spock when he meets Kirk?

So Spock was around 35+ when the show started. But he did serve before Kirk took command.
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How old was Spock when he served with Kirk?

Spock will not be born on the planet Vulcan until the year 2230, by Earth reckoning. At the start of the U.S.S. Enterprise's first five-year mission under Captain James T. Kirk, Spock will be 35-years-old.
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How old is Spock vs Kirk?

Kirk was born in 2233 which was canonized in both Star Trek (2009) and the TOS episode, “The Deadly Years,” where he said he was 34 years old, and that episode took place in 2267. Spock was born on stardate 2230.06, or in the Earth year of 2230 which was canonized on Star Trek: Beyond on Ambassador Spock's obituary.
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When did Kirk first meet Spock?

Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 6, "Lost in Translation" not only features the first meeting of Lt. James T. Kirk (Paul Wesley) and Ensign Nyota Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding) in Star Trek's Prime Timeline, but the episode also concludes with Uhura introducing Kirk to Lt. Spock (Ethan Peck).
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How old is Spock in The Original Series?

Spock was born on January 6th, 2230, and by the start of TOS was 35 years old, turning 39 by the end. The last time Leonard Nimoy's Spock appeared in the franchise's Prime Timeline was in the TNG episodes "Unification, Parts 1 and 2", which were set in the year 2368.
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Star Trek - Kirk meets future Spock

How much older is Michael than Spock?

Michael is about 4 years older than Spock, but curiously, Sybok was already gone when the young Burnham moved to Vulcan. Sybok is never mentioned in any of Michael and Spock's flashbacks to their childhood on Star Trek: Discovery, but was Burnham aware that Spock had an older half-brother?
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How many years did Spock live?

The elder Spock died off-screen on New Vulcan on January 2, 2263. Ambassador Spock was 161 when he died in the Kelvin timeline, although his final death chronologically happened 12 years before his original Prime timeline death in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
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Does Kirk kiss Spock?

Did Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock ever kiss? Very much no. If they had, it would have created ripples that likely would have made the creation of any new Star Trek series impossible until right about now, and Star Trek Next Gen has been out for over 30 years.
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What is Spock's full name?

The beloved Vulcan's full name is officially S'Chn T'Gai Spock. The name actually comes from a popular fan work-turned novel for The Original Series in Barbara Hambly's Ishmael which was published in 1985.
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What did Spock call Kirk?

In order to demonstrate how close they truly were, and how much Kirk had “humanized” Spock, they would have him use the diminutive of James, which is Jim. This is a name used by those close to the Captain or in intimate moments of friendship.
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Was Kirk in love with Spock?

Star Trek: The Original Series writer David Gerrold, has also spoken about K/S slash sometimes. In 1985, Gerrold commented: One of the truths I've been telling lately is that Kirk and Spock are not lovers ... they're not even boyfriends. They're just good friends.
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Who did Spock marry?

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Did Spock have a baby?

Sadly, Spock died without ever siring an heir, and in Star Trek canon, neither Kirk nor Spock got to have descendants to carry on their adventures and save the galaxy.
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Why did Spock never marry?

Spock needed to return to Vulcan to marry T'Pring, who he had been bethrothed to since childhood. However, T'Pring had other plans and, instead of going through with the wedding, she handpicked Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) as her champion to fight Spock in kal-if-fee - a fight to the death.
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Are Kirk and Spock the same age?

As for the character ages: When TOS started, Doctor McCoy was also the oldest at age 38, Spock was next oldest at age 35, and Kirk was the youngest at age 32. Kirk is the youngest Starship Captain, he is younger than McCoy and Spock.
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Who is Spock's girlfriend?

Later life. In 2267, when Spock began suffering from pon farr, he returned to Vulcan to mate with T'Pring.
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Does Spock marry Uhura?

At the beginning of the third movie, we learn that Spock and Uhura decided to break up, after Spock mentioned his dilemma about going back to New Vulcan, getting married and helping to rebuild instead of going through his Starfleet carrier.
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Is Spock's hair a wig?

In case you were wondering, Spock's hair was no wig. Nimoy had to rock the bowl cut in everyday life, too, while in production.
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Who did Spock mate with?

During The Search for Spock, Saavik (Robin Curtis) mated with Spock to keep him from dying during the Pon Farr he experienced while rapidly aging on the Genesis Planet. The film only implied that the two had been intimate, but there were plans for Saavik to be pregnant with Spock's baby in subsequent movies.
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Is Captain Kirk Smarter Than Spock?

In terms of overall knowledge and mathematical ability it's Spock. But in terms of tactics, quick-thinking, improvisation and people skills, it's Kirk. This is part of why they are a great team. They each cover what the other lacks and they know to trust the other man's abilities.
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Why is Kirk Captain and not Spock?

In Star Trek: Defiant #9, Spock acknowledges he could never live up to Kirk's reputation as Starfleet's greatest captain, but that he would not be able to control his desire to – leading him to never pursue the captain's chair.
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Why was Spock killed off?

Spock Died in Every Version of the Star Trek II Script

The filming of the first movie was a disaster, and so Nimoy wanted no more to do with Spock or Star Trek. Jack B. Sowards wrote his first draft for Wrath of Khan with Spock in the story -- and killed him at the end of the first act.
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How tall was Spock?

Spock is portrayed by Leonard Nimoy with a height of 6'0” (1.83 m). How tall is Spock? The Spock is 6 feet (1.83 m) tall as portrayed by Leonard Nimoy.
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Did Spock ever fall in love?

Despite his logical Vulcan nature, Spock has had quite a few love interests during his tenure as a character in the Star Trek franchise.
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