How old was Natalie Portman in Episode 2?

Natalie Portman's Age in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Attack of the Clones began production in 2000, which would make Natalie Portman around 19 years old. The movie was released in 2002, making her 21 years old.
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How old is Padme Amidala in Episode 2?

That changed by the time of their next meeting, in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, when another 10 years had passed. It was at this point, when Anakin was 19 and Padmé was 24, that the two developed genuine feelings for one another and married in secret.
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How old was Natalie Portman in her first movie?

Natalie Portman was just 11 years old when she was cast as Mathilda in Leon: The Professional and was 12 when she filmed the movie. With it being the star's first role, it makes sense she would be young and was the right age to depict the character she was playing.
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Why was Padme Queen at 14?

Padme was elected Queen of Naboo at just 14 years old, and while some believe she was very wise for her age, others elected her for more nefarious reasons, as Palpatine mainly pushed for her to become. Queen because she would be easy to trick and manipulate, therefore making it easier for him to enact.
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How old was Keira Knightley in Episode 1?

Knightley was twelve years old when she was cast and during Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace filming in August 1997 at Leavesden Film Studios, England. The completed film was released two years later in the Summer of 1999, when she was fourteen years old.
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Natalie Portman Cut School To Be On The Show | Letterman

Who was the body double for Padme?

Keira Knightly had no idea who she played in the Star Wars franchise. The actress played the part of Sabé in 1999's The Phantom Menace when she was 12 years-old. The character is a very important handmaiden and body double for Natalie Portman's Queen Padmé Amidala.
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How old is Anakin in Episode 2?

Palpatine, newly elected as the Galactic Republic's Chancellor, befriends Anakin and tells him he will "watch [his] career with great interest". In Episode II: Attack of the Clones, which takes place 10 years after The Phantom Menace, 19-year-old Anakin is still Obi-Wan's Padawan apprentice.
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Did Padmé not wear a bra?

She was not allowed to wear a on set because of the “no underwear in space” rule. Instead, the costume designers had her cover certain areas with gaffer tape, which is incredibly sticky and painful to remove.
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Is Padmé A Skywalker?

From that moment on, Amidala was also called Padmé Naberrie Skywalker, a title with her birth name, and the name of her husband, though she would never publicly take her new husband's name.
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How much older is Padmé than Anakin?

Padmé was born in 46 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and Anakin's miraculous Force-created birth came in 41 BBY, so Padmé is five years older than him. They do not meet until Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, which takes place in 32 BBY.
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Was Mathilda in love with Léon?

Mathilda looks up to Léon and quickly develops a crush on him, often telling him she loves him but he does not reciprocate. When Léon is out on a job, Mathilda fills a bag with guns from Léon's collection and sets out to kill Stansfield.
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Does Natalie Portman have a PHD?

Natalie Portman, known for her roles in films like Star Wars or Cold Mountain, studied psychology at Harvard University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science.
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Is Natalie Portman A Vegan?

Vegetarian since the age of nine, Portman went vegan in 2011 after reading Eating Animals and has been a vocal vegan advocate and investor in plant-based businesses ever since.
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Who is Anakin Skywalker father?

Shmi informs Qui-Gon that Anakin has no father, leading Qui-Gon to suggest that Anakin is a product of midi-chlorians (Force-imparting microorganisms). As the film progresses, Anakin leaves Tatooine to begin his Jedi training.
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Did Padme groom Anakin?

She was around 14 years of age. No, she did not groom him because their entire interaction basically amounted to about a couple weeks to a month, before a roughly 8 year separation. Originally Answered: When Anakin met Padme in Phantom Menace, how old was she?
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Did Luke and Leia ever learn about Padme?

Leia Organa never knew her mother, Padmé Amidala. She thought she could remember Padmé - describing her to her brother Luke as "kind but...sad." But in truth Leia seems to have been confused, instead remembering Padmé's former handmaiden (and doppelgänger) Sabé. But Leia actually knew quite a lot about Padmé.
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Did Darth Vader love Padmé?

Darth Vader Likely Hates Padmé

In other words, Vader could only be in love with the Padmé before she betrayed him and hates her for not accepting what he became. In 2017's Darth Vader series, the eponymous fallen Jedi goes out of his way to deform Padmé's personal shuttle he later acquires.
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Why can't Padmé marry Anakin?

The marriage, witnessed by the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, was kept secret due to Amidala's place as a prominent Senator in the Galactic Republic and because of Skywalker's membership in the Jedi Order; the Jedi Code prevented Jedi from falling in love and forming attachments such as marriage.
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Is Padmé In love With Anakin?

However, when they next met in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, Anakin and Padmé's feelings for one another grew into something resembling love, and their wedding at the end of the film solidified their relationship as one of the most important romances in Star Wars history.
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Did Padmé kiss Anakin?

The name for the first kiss between Anakin and Padme was known as 'the stolen kiss' and I think thats so romantic!
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Did Padmé sleep with anyone before Anakin?

We've never actually seen Padme have an intimate relationship with anyone apart from Anakin, and maybe Clovis. Other than that, nobody has come up.
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What killed Padmé?

There, it is said that, while medically healthy, she is dying because of a “loss of the will to live.” The terminology here is a bit vague, but some concluded that the cause of her death was a broken heart at learning the news of Anakin's fall to the dark side.
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Who was Yoda trained by?

Legend had it that Yoda—a Jedi who became Grand Master—was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. A Force-sensitive Hysalrian, N'Kata Del Gormo was trained in the ways of the Force and achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi Order.
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