Are Natalie Portman's biceps CGI?

Those muscles are completely real. See for yourself: Male actors aren't the only ones capable of getting into crazy shape for a superhero role, Natalie Portaman did the same for Thor: Love and Thunder. And frankly, that's an impressive feat for a 41-year-old mother who's naturally very slim.
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How did Natalie Portman's arms get so big?

Unsurprisingly, it seems the main secret behind those arm muscles is a set of dumbbells. "It was really fun. I worked with a trainer, Naomi Pendergast, for, I think it was, four months before shooting, and then obviously all the way through filming," Portman told Vanity Fair.
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Was Natalie Portman CGI in Love and Thunder?

Is Natalie Portman's body CGI in Thor: Love and Thunder? No. Her muscles are all hers.
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Does Natalie Portman have muscles?

Natalie Portman's muscles in Thor: Love and Thunder are real, only CGI needed was to make her taller (apparently she's too good to stand on apple boxes)
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Does Natalie Portman speak 6 languages?

Natalie Portman Knows More than Five Languages

She also speaks Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Arabic, meaning she knows five languages other than English and Hebrew. As an actress, Natalie Portman has traveled the world to film movies and this has inspired her to learn languages and her passion for diplomacy.
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Natalie Portman Battles Marvel Trolls Over CGI Call Out

How did they make Natalie Portman look taller?

Warning: Minor spoilers below if you haven't seen "Thor: Love and Thunder." Natalie Portman looks 6 feet tall in the movie once she becomes Mighty Thor. Raised platforms were built on set to make the 5-foot-3 actor look taller in the scenes.
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How did Natalie Portman get biceps?

According to interviews, Portman spent 10 months gradually building muscle with trainer Naomi Pendergast, the director of RPX fitness. “Our typical weekly routine would consist of three strength training sessions a week and two sessions of mobility, agility, and stability work,” Pendergast told Women's Health.
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Why is Natalie Portman so buff?

Her workouts consisted of boxing, skipping, core work and weightlifting. And because she was working out so rigorously, Portman, who is a vegan, had to switch up her diet so she could ensure enough protein intake to gain muscle as opposed to losing weight.
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Did Natalie Portman lift weights?

"Here, I was asked to get as big as possible. That's an amazing challenge — and also a state of mind as a woman," she said. Pendergast "had to introduce heavy weights" into Portman's fitness routine for the role, she explains. Training also involved running, an activity both Pendergast and Portman enjoy.
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Was CGI used in Thor: Love and Thunder?

When Love and Thunder was first out in cinemas, it attracted substantial criticism for its CGI effects, including from the film's own director, Taika Waititi.
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How did they make Natalie Portman buff in Thor?

How she obtained her new look was discussed in an interview with Vanity Fair. Portman said she worked with a trainer named Naomi Pendergast for four months before the shoot. During this time, she consumed protein shakes and did a great deal of weight training that she wasn't accustomed to before the movie.
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How did Natalie Portman get abs?

To achieve this, Pendergast devised a plan that mixed weightlifting sessions with cardio workouts and injury prevention exercises to build Portman a body that was strong, athletic, and agile enough to meet the physical demands of filming, while also delivering an authentically ripped 'superhero' aesthetic that didn't ...
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Did Natalie Portman bulk up for?

Natalie Portman Opens Up About Bulking Up for 'Thor', Being Sexualized on Screen at a Young Age.
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Who has the biggest natural biceps in the world?

1 Moustafa Ishmail - 31 inches

This 24 year old Egyptian with 31 inch arms who lives in the US has actually managed to get himself into the Guinness Book of World Records for having the biggest arms in the world. He claims he is a bodybuilder and all natural.
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How much weight did Natalie Portman have to lose?

The actress shed an astonishing 20lbs from her already slight frame to play a ballerina in the 2011 film and admitted it put such a toll on her body that she thought she was going to die.
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How intelligent is Natalie Portman?

Natalie portman: iq of 140 | MARCA English.
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Is Natalie Portman a polyglot?

Which languages does Natalie Portman speak? English, Japanese, Hebrew, French, Spanish and German – that's an impressive six languages! Born in Jerusalem and educated mostly in New York, Natalie Portman can speak Hebrew and English fluently.
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Is Natalie Portman adopted?

Natalie was born Natalie Hershlag on June 9, 1981, in Jerusalem, Israel. She is the only child of Avner Hershlag, an Israeli-born doctor, and Shelley Stevens, an American-born artist (from Cincinnati, Ohio), who also acts as Natalie's agent. Her parents are both of Ashkenazi Jewish descent.
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Is Natalie Portman A Vegan?

Vegetarian since the age of nine, Portman went vegan in 2011 after reading Eating Animals and has been a vocal vegan advocate and investor in plant-based businesses ever since.
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Did Iron Man 1 use CGI?

While the original suit was mostly real to prevent the movie from spending too much money on CGI, it was a difficult prop for Robert Downey Jr. to move around in. As the suit continued to be featured in other Iron Man and MCU films, more CGI was used.
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Did they use CGI on Thor?

Thor: Love and Thunder's CGI came under criticism upon the movie's release; even director Taika Waititi and star Tessa Thompson openly called it into question during a press video released after the film.
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How strong is rapu?

Superhuman Strength: Rapu possessed superhuman strength, enabling him to easily lift a powerless Gorr with one hand and nearly strangling him to death. In addition, it was also implied that Rapu also had godly powers to some extent, as he had the ability to kill the Dark Shadow Lord.
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What Natalie Portman eats in a day?

Natalie Portman Diet for Thor
  • Breakfast: oats and berries along with a plant-based protein shake.
  • Lunch: falafel dish with a plant-based protein shake.
  • Dinner: vegan curry and plant-based protein shake.
  • Snacks: fruit, nuts and salads.
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Does Natalie Portman eat eggs?

Despite this though, Natalie reverted back to eating eggs and dairy during her pregnancy, stating that: “If you're not eating eggs, then you can't have cookies or cake from regular bakeries, which can become a problem when that's all you want to eat.” If only we were around back then!
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