How old was Sleeping Beauty when she died?

Another fairy, who had not yet bestowed her blessing on the child, states that when the princess wounds her hand on a spindle, she will fall asleep for 100 years, rather than die. While her parents are away, sixteen-year old Beauty discovers an old woman spinning and pricks her finger falling into a deep sleep.
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How long did Sleeping Beauty sleep when she died?

Instead of dying, the Princess will fall into a deep sleep for 100 years and be awakened by a king's son ("elle tombera seulement dans un profond sommeil qui durera cent ans, au bout desquels le fils d'un Roi viendra la réveiller"). This is her gift of protection.
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How old was the sleeping beauty?

Aurora was 16 years old in Sleeping Beauty, and far too young to be cursed to sleep forever. Like many of Grimm's original fairy tales, which inspired the Disney versions, Aurora's story was originally much darker, especially when considering her age.
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Did Aurora sleep for 100 years?

In the original fairy tale, the princess actually sleeps for 100 years before she is finally awakened by the prince's kiss; this detail was adjusted for the film in favor of having Prince Phillip introduced earlier, and thus Aurora is awakened much sooner.
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How old was Sleeping Beauty when she was kissed?

How old was Sleeping Beauty when Prince Charming kissed her? The curse was that on her 16th birthday, she would touch the spinning wheel, which eventually put her in a 100 year sleep.
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The Messed Up Origins of Sleeping Beauty | Disney Explained - Jon Solo

Who is the oldest Disney Princess?

They were given an official number in the franchise line-up based on the chronological order in which their films were released, starting with Snow White as the first and original Disney Princess, with Cinderella being the second, followed by Aurora and so on.
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What is the age gap between Aurora and Sleeping Beauty?

Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip

This couple in Sleeping Beauty had been betrothed since Aurora's birth! Aurora was 16 and Phillip was 20.
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How old is Belle supposed to be?

Although multiple sources have claimed over the years that the character is 17, Henn estimated Belle to be in her early 20's. In an interview for Vanity Fair, Paige O'Hara stated to believe that Belle was the only Disney princess to be in her 20's.
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How old is Moana?

5) In the film's novelization, Moana's age is given as 16. This makes her the only Disney princess to be voiced by an actress younger than herself. Moana was released on Cravalho's 16th birthday.
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How old is princess Jasmine?

At only 15 years of age, Jasmine is already more resourceful than her two immediate predecessors, while sharing their same preference for assertiveness and empowerment over passiveness, traits echoed by several other Disney Princesses introduced throughout the decade.
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Is Snow White actually 14?

In “Little Snow-White,” as the original story was called, the Evil Queen asks a hunter to take Snow White into the forest to kill, as happens also in the movie. (In the original version, the child is also only 7 years old, as opposed to Disney's 14.
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How does Sleeping Beauty end?

With Maleficent finally vanquished for good, the fairies lead Phillip to the sleeping Aurora's bedside, where he placed a kiss on her, awakening her and also allowing King Stefan, King Hubert, Queen Leah, and everyone else in the kingdom to wake up from their eternal slumber.
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Did Sleeping Beauty give birth in her sleep?

Sleeping Beauty: The Original Story

The Sleeping Beauty character had been put into an enchanted sleep by flax in her finger. Instead of waking from the prince's kiss, she wakes up when she gives birth to her twin children, and one of the babies gets the flax out of her finger.
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Why did Maleficent curse Aurora?

She is represented as an evil fairy and the self-proclaimed "Mistress of All Evil" who, after not being invited to a christening, curses the infant Princess Aurora to "prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die" before the sun sets on Aurora's sixteenth birthday.
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How did Snow White wake up?

The dwarfs reluctantly gave it to him. He didn't kiss or touch her. As he carried the coffin away, he tripped, and the piece of poison apple came up from Snow White's throat and she woke up. The prince and her went back home to the kingdom to get married.
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How old is Rapunzel's mom?

Mother Gothel is the main antagonist of Tangled. Her actual age is around 400 years old, and due to this Gothel became obsessed with regaining her youth. She was ultimately forced to kidnap Rapunzel and raise her as her own at the cost of abandoning her birth daughter, Cassandra.
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Does Belle have a baby?

Belle then names her son Gideon, in honor of her favorite book hero before Mother Superior sends the child away. The nuns/fairies & Emma had placed a protection on the nunnery to prevent Gold from entering until the baby was delivered.
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Are Belle and the Beast married?

The queen left him in the care of an evil fairy who tried to seduce him when he became an adult; when he refused, she transformed him into a beast. Only by finding true love, despite his ugliness, could the curse be broken. He and Beauty are married and they live happily ever after together.
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Is Snow White older than Sleeping Beauty?

The First Generation (1937-1959):

This period is the foundation of the 'Princess' genre as a whole. In this generation, Snow White (1937), Cinderella (1950), and Sleeping Beauty (1959) were created.
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Is Sleeping Beauty OK for 3 year old?

There are many scary scenes (which are likely to disturb anyone aged under 9 or so) and there are many scenes that will make much more sense to adults than to children.
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Who is the 8000 year old Disney Princess?

Kida is over 8,800 years old. Fans have clamored for Kida to be included in the Disney Princess lineup for diversity purposes, but Disney executives had a feeling that Kida doesn't fit in, possibly because of the film's poor box office performance.
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Who took over for Walt Disney when he died?

Roy Oliver Disney was, with his younger brother Walter Disney, the co-founder of what is now The Walt Disney Company. After Walt died, Roy became the chairman of the company.
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Who is the youngest Disney Princess now?

Snow White is only 14 years old, making her the youngest. Jasmine, who is supposed to be 15, is the second youngest.
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