How tall is Clove?

In the movie, Clove is smaller and younger than Katniss, being only 14-15 and weighing just at 100 pounds. She is described as being 5'4" and has dark hair, usually in a ponytail or braid, (while her mutt had dark fur) dark eyes, and some freckles.
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How tall was Clove in the books?

In the book Clove is tall and strong, being between 150-200 pounds. She has blue eyes. Movie Clove is small and light. She is about 100 pounds with a height of 5'4.
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How was Clove described in the books?

Clove was strong, sadistic, arrogant, violent, dangerous, and powerful, characteristics of a typical Career. Clove was also slightly unhinged, which made her a feared opponent. She had a strong hatred for Katniss, particularly due to her score of 11 from the Gamemakers, which was higher than her own score of 10.
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How old is Clove?

Clove was a slightly sadistic fifteen year old girl from District 2 who volunteered for and participated in the 74th Hunger Games as a career tribute.
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How tall is Gale Hawthorne?

He Is Over Six Feet Tall

Gale is known to be over six feet tall. Katniss describes him as towering over her when they stand next to each other. Supposedly, he was nearing 6 feet when he was only fourteen years old.
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Why Cloves Are So Expensive | So Expensive

Who is taller, Katniss or Peeta?

The camera zooms out to a neutral angle, giving audiences a sudden, somewhat startling reminder that oh, that's right—Katniss is slightly taller than Peeta.
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Who kills clove?

When Thresh attacks Clove in the movie, she screams for Cato, but he is nowhere to be seen. Thresh then bashes her head against the cornucopia and she is killed. Conversely, The Hunger Games book offers a more heartbreaking note to her death.
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Why did Clove hate Katniss?

Clove was strong, sadistic, arrogant, violent, dangerous, and powerful, characteristics of a typical Career. Clove was also slightly unhinged, which made her a feared opponent. She had a strong hatred for Katniss, particularly due to her score of 11 from the Gamemakers, which was higher than her own score of 10.
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Did Cato love Clove or glimmer?

Cato never loved Glimmer he was just trying to make Clove jealous. And the truth about Cato's love comes out when he ditched Glimmer with the tracker jackers but he tried to save Clove when she almost died.
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Was Clove reaped?

Clove Kentwell is the most dangerous female tribute when it comes to combat in the Games. She was reaped for The 74th Hunger Games. She is seen as an athletic tribute, who will stop at nothing to stop her target. She is from District 2, and her partner was Cato Hadley.
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Did Glimmer have a crush on Cato?

In the film, Glimmer acts flirtatiously toward Cato. They talk and joke around the fire, she sleeps beside him that night, and even snuggles into his arm. However, the relationship is largely one-sided, and Cato leaves her to die to the tracker jackers.
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Why doesn't Haymitch send her water?

She believes that Haymitch hates her and is punishing her, but then she decides he wouldn't do that. Instead, she interprets his withholding of water as a message, a signal telling her that she's close to water.
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What did Katniss really look like?

How she's described in the book: "Straight black hair" in a braid, "olive skin," "gray eyes," and "thin." Her hair, skin, and eye color are all shared by people from the Seam, the poor, coal-mining section of District 12.
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What was President Snow supposed to look like?

In The Hunger Games, President Snow is described as a small, thin man with white hair and snake-like eyes. In fact, he is often described using snake imagery—beyond his eyes, his entire physical form and personality are said to be near serpentine.
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What did Cato say before he died?

Cato says, paraphrased, "Kill me, I'm dead anyway, no matter what happens. Thats all I'm good for, right?".
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What stops Clove from killing Katniss?

What stops Clove from killing Katniss? Thresh grabs Clove just in time and kills her with a rock.
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How old was Clove in the first Hunger Games?

Clove was a 15-year old tribute from District 2 who competed in the 74th annual Hunger Games.
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Who killed the most in The Hunger Games?

Brutus was the male Career tribute from District 2 for the 75th Hunger Games, and the victor of the 43rd Hunger Games. He went down in history as the tribute to get the most kills in one edition of the Games, killing eleven of his competitors.
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Why was Cato so obsessed with Katniss?

He is also very impulsive, climbing a tree to chase Katniss, not taking into account his enormous weight. Cato is very vengeful, swearing revenge on Thresh for killing Clove, and becoming obsessed with killing Katniss for outshining them in the private training scores.
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Is Clove dead?

Clive Still Dies After FF16: The Rising Tide

In an interview with GameInformer, developers confirmed that The Rising Tide DLC won't change anything about FF16's ending - Clive will still die after the final confrontation with Ultima.
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How much older is Gale than Katniss?

Gale is eighteen in The Hunger Games, two years older than Katniss. Since the citizens of the Districts cannot be selected after they turn nineteen, this is the last year when Gale can be chosen as a Tribute.
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