Is LOTR inspired by Norse?

While Tolkien drew inspiration from many different sources, one key influence was Norse Mythology, which many of his fantastical creatures and settings can be linked to thematically, or in appearance. The first and perhaps easiest to overlook of these, is the name 'Middle Earth' itself.
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Is LOTR based on Norse mythology?

Tolkien's Elves are derived partly from Celtic mythology and partly from Norse. The division between the Calaquendi (Elves of Light) and Moriquendi (Elves of Darkness) echoes the Norse division of Dökkálfar and Ljósálfar, "light elves and dark elves".
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What was LOTR inspired by?

Desolate landscapes, dwarfs, elves and wizards

Tolkien was inspired by Icelandic books written by both known and unknown Icelandic authors, such as the Sagas and Prose Edda. As an Icelander myself, I love Icelandic sagas, Norse Mythology and Tolkien's work.
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Is Gandalf from Norse mythology?

Gandalf (Old Norse: Gandálfr [ˈɡɑndˌɑːlvz̠]) is a Dvergr (Norse dwarf) in Norse mythology, appearing in the so-called 'Tally of the Dwarves' within the poem Völuspá from the Poetic Edda, as well as in the Prose Edda.
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Is The Lord of the Rings Viking?

The first part argues that Tolkien was deeply inspired by Norse Mythology in terms of characters and storyline. Parallels are drawn between the poetry and legend of the Vikings and the poems in The Lord of the Rings, and between the oral tradition of the Vikings and that of the Rohirrim.
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The Norse myth that inspired “The Lord of the Rings” - Iseult Gillespie

Is Gandalf inspired by Odin?

The figure of Gandalf is based on the Norse deity Odin in his incarnation as "The Wanderer", an old man with one eye, a long white beard, a wide brimmed hat, and a staff. Tolkien wrote in a 1946 letter that he thought of Gandalf as an "Odinic wanderer".
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Who is Aragorn in Norse mythology?

Aragorn was the son of Arathorn II and his wife Gilraen. Gilraen's mother, Ivorwen, prophesied that if Arathorn II and Gilraen "wed now, hope may be born for our people; but if they delay, it will not come while this age lasts". Aragorn was the heir to the throne of Gondor and of the lost realm of Arnor.
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Is Gandalf based on Jesus?

There is no single Christ-figure comparable to C. S. Lewis's Aslan in his Narnia books, but the characters of Gandalf, Frodo, and Aragorn exemplify the threefold office, the prophetic, priestly, and kingly aspects of Christ respectively.
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Are hobbits part of Norse mythology?

The Hobbit is chock-full of Norse inspiration. The Elves and Dwarves resemble their Norse counterparts, and every Dwarf name can be found throughout the mythology. Even Gandalf is influenced by it, with the character appearing like Odin, who was described as a wanderer with a long white beard, broad hat and spear.
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Are dark elves Dwarves Norse?

Since the Prose Edda describes the dökkálfar as being subterranean dwellers, they may be dwarfs under another name, in the opinion of a number of scholars such as John Lindow. The Prose Edda also uniquely mentions the svartálfar ('black elves'), but there are reasons to believe these also refer to merely dwarfs.
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What myth inspired Lord of the Rings?

He often took the form of a fish and, one day, he swam to the land of the water nymphs, who guarded mounds of gold. When the nymphs laughed at his appearance, Andvari grew infuriated and seized their gold. With it, he crafted himself a special ring. Iseult Gillespie shares the Norse myth of the cursed ring.
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Did J. R. R. Tolkien fight in WW1?

In June 1916 Tolkien went to France and was posted to the 11th Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers. From July onwards his battalion went in and out of the line along the northern sector of the Somme. He occupied front line trenches in Beaumont-Hamel, Serre and the Leipzig Salient.
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What was Mordor inspired by?

Commentators have noted that Mordor was influenced by Tolkien's own experiences in the industrial Black Country of the English Midlands, and by his time fighting in the trenches of the Western Front in the First World War.
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Is LOTR based on Beowulf?

Tolkien made use of Beowulf, along with other Old English sources, for many aspects of the Riders of Rohan. Their land was the Mark, its name a version of the Mercia where he lived, in Mercian dialect *Marc.
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Is LOTR based on Celtic mythology?

J. R. R. Tolkien derived the characters, stories, places, and languages of Middle-earth from many sources. Among these are the Celtic legends and languages, which for Tolkien were principally Irish and Welsh.
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Is Marvel based on Norse mythology?

Although Marvel's rendition of Thor retains many aspects of the original Norse mythology, it's unsurprising that the writers changed a few key elements of these ancient myths in order to bring them into the world of superheroes.
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Who is Gandalf in Norse mythology?

Gandalf (Gandálfr) is a Dvergr (Norse dwarf) in Norse mythology, appearing in the so-called 'Tally of the Dwarves' within the poem Völuspá from the Poetic Edda, as well as in the Prose Edda. The name derives from the Old Norse words gandr (magic staff) and álfr (elf), thus a protective spirit who wields a magical wand.
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Who is Odin in The Hobbit?

The Hobbit film trilogy

"Along with his brother Glóin, Óin was a distant cousin of Thorin Oakenshield. A brave Northern Dwarf, Óin joins The Company of Thorin Oakenshield out of a sense of loyalty to his kin, and also because he has a substantial sum of money invested in the venture.
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Are elves gods in Norse mythology?

(The Norse did not seem to be big on firm doctrines, after all). Alliteration is the basis of Old Norse poetry, and Aesir and álfar alliterate well. So, the majority of informed people think of elves as more of a demigod or other supernatural being and not a god per se.
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Who is the Jesus character in LOTR?

Jesus as the priest can be observed in the character of Frodo Baggins. Frodo paints an applicable picture of both the High Priests of old and of Jesus Christ the Great High Priest. Frodo, like Christ and the ancient Priesthood, is called to cleanse the people from sin through sacrifice.
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How is LOTR related to the Bible?

First of all, we can see that Tolkien has modelled his story on the basic plot of the Bible. The Lord of the Rings starts with an unspoiled paradise (the Shire / Garden of Eden), which is rudely disturbed by evil (Sauron / Satanic snake). Then there is a moral quest, which brings about moral and spiritual maturation.
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Is Samwise Gamgee Jesus?

However, in J.R.R. Tolkien's books, he does not have one representation of Jesus but rather three: Gandalf, Aragorn, and Samwise Gamgee (perhaps representative of the Holy Trinity, the concept of 'God in three persons'). Each of these characters symbolizes a different aspect of Jesus Christ.
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Is Isildur a Nazgul?

The story was abandoned, but Tolkien reused the characters and events. Isildur features briefly in voiced-over flashback sequences of Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. The video game Middle-earth: Shadow of War departs from Tolkien's narrative by having Sauron make Isildur into a Nazgûl or ringwraith.
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Is Isildur Aragorn's father?

Isildur was Aragorn's remote ancestor. He died at the beginning of the Third Age (TA), in TA 2. Aragorn was born 2929 years later, on March 1, TA 2931. His father was Arathorn II, Chieftain of the Dunedain.
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Is Elrond Aragorn's uncle?

Elros was approximately the 63rd great-grandfather to Aragorn. This also means that Elrond was his equally distant great-uncle, making Arwen (his wife) his first cousin, 64 times removed.
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