How was Bane so much stronger than Batman?

But what gives Bane the advantage is that his mask feeds to him mild anesthetics that numb his pain and his ability to feel pain. As a result, he is able to strike with a lower pain tolerance, which allows him to hit faster and harder than anyone else.
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Is Batman more skilled than Bane?

Batman is proficient in at least 5 different martial arts including Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Ninjistsu, Muay Thai, Kung Fu and Karate. Bane is on steroids and is extremely powerful.
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Is Bane smarter than Batman?

Batman has a number of trying villains in his rogues' gallery, but few that can actually match wits with him. Except for Bane who, on more than one occasion, has proven that he is without a doubt Batman's intellectual equal.
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What was Bane's superpower?

Venom Usage: Bane's use of the super-steroid Venom allowed him to temporarily enhance his physical functions to superhuman levels, particularly his strength, endurance, and stamina. His body's healing abilities are also augmented to a degree.
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Who is more powerful Joker or Bane?

It's been established that Joker can move fast in a fight, But the strength difference is too much. And Bane knows martial arts. Bane would destroy Joker in a fist fight.
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Bane Anatomy Explored - Why Does He Wear A Mask? Can He OD on Venom? Is He Immortal?

Can Bane beat Batman in a fight?

Bane was able to defeat the Dark Knight physically by first exhausting him spiritually (and, well, also physically).
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Can Bane beat Deadpool?

Even with Venom enhanced strength, Bane is going to find it impossible to beat Deadpool. He's not used to dealing with someone who can withstand what Deadpool can, while the mercenary is used to self serious foes with super strength.
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What is Bane's weakness?

While the substance often makes Bane practically unstoppable, Venom is also Bane's biggest weakness. Venom gives Bane a huge Achilles' Heel. When the tubes/mask are damaged, severing Bane's Venom supply, he immediately experiences excruciating withdrawal. That intense pain makes Bane easily fallible.
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What did Batman do to Bane's mask?

In the comics and this movie, Batman defeats Bane in a similar way, by damaging his mask, depriving him of the drug.
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How strong is Banes Punch?

Superhuman Strength: With or without Venom, Bane possesses high levels of superhuman strength. He can lift at least 10 metric tonnes, punch through thick concrete and break walls by charging at it at full speed. His immense strength can easily kill a normal human with his bare hands.
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What is Bane's real name?

Finally, as far as television is concerned, in Season 5 of Gotham, Bane was introduced with the real name of Eduardo Dorrance, and with a background that combines his history in the comics with his role in The Dark Knight Rises.
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Why does Bane wear a mask?

Bane's Mask is the world-renowned headgear Bane wears to make people care about him and to suppress the constant pain he endures because of the wounds he suffered at The Pit. The pain-killing gas it delivers is so potent that Bane is, for example, able to take punches from rather large individuals without flinching.
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Why does Bane hate Batman?

Gotham City fascinates Bane because, like Peña Duro, fear rules Gotham—but it is the fear of Batman. Bane is convinced that Batman is a personification of the demonic bat which had haunted his dreams since childhood. Therefore, Bane believes fate placed Batman on a collision course with him.
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Is there anyone Batman can't beat?

There are a ton of people Batman would lose to in a hand-to-hand fight. Even Deathstroke can take Batman in hand-to-hand, despite the video's showing otherwise (it's not accurate). Then there's Bane (can and has beaten Bats), and quite a few more. Karate Kid (DC, not the movie) would stomp Bruce without much effort.
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What is Bane's IQ?

Bane is a criminal who uses a special type of Venom to gain superhuman strength. He is an excellent fighter with high intelligence (IQ of 187) and an army of loyal mercenaries under his command including his most loyal lieutenant, Bird.
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What's the strongest form of Batman?

The Batman Who Laughs created a universe on his own, showing his truly cosmic potential. This omnipotent and nearly all-powerful figure emerged from the Dark Multiverse and is perhaps the most powerful Batman variant in comic book history.
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What does Bane suffer from?

So it seems in the movie, his face and especially spine were severely damaged due to attack by the prisoners and later the doctors had to perform a surgery (a spinal/cervical surgery) on him, but still he couldn't recover completely.
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Why is Bane disfigured?

As Talia left the prison, Bane became overwhelmed by attackers, and was severely injured after the conflict was settled. Extremely disfigured after the fight, the prison's local doctor examined Bane, but could do nothing to ease his pain, other than wrap bandages around him.
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How strong is Bane physically?

Superhunan Strength Even without Venom, he is stated to Possess Superhuman strength and Metahuman level Speed and reflexes. Physical Strength: he is 30% Weaker without Venom. proven capable of breaking Killer Croc's bones and standing toe-to-toe with other super-humans.
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Who is stronger than Bane?

But he can increase his strength to be stronger. But Rhino could lift up to 100 tons which was about 2x Bane's strength. Placing Rhino's strength above Bane's. Rhino's speed was also a lot faster than Bane's, running at 100+ miles per hour.
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How much can Bane bench press?

He is tall and extremely broad, and is covered in slabs of huge, powerful musculature. As a result, he is tremendously strong, able to bench-press 600lbs as a maximum weight, and due to a life of near-constant hardship and suffering is somewhat inured to physical pain.
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Who wins juggernaut or Bane?

Juggernaut bends Bane in half completely, to a complete 360 degree angle exposing Bane's broken spine, an explosion of blood, and certain organs like the stomach and liver being exposed, thus killing him.
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Who is stronger Bane or Wolverine?

1 Winner: Wolverine

Bane is tough and smart but there's just about nothing he'd be able to do against Wolverine. Wolverine has faced much tougher than him and he's smart enough to know when he's being manipulated. He'd allow himself to be taken into Bane's traps just so he could face him.
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Who is stronger Croc or Bane?

Croc was at the top of his list; in terms of physical strength. He cornered him in the sewer and then put him in a full-body cast. To this day, Killer Croc absolutely DESPISES Bane…
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