How was Dorothy transported to Oz?

Young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the magical Land of Oz, and embark on a quest with three new friends to see the Wizard, who can return her to her home and fulfill the others' wishes.
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How did the wizard arrive in Oz?

When his hot-air balloon was accidentally blown into Oz, everyone thought he was magic, and he just went with it. He's been ruling ever since, and he keeps the illusion of his power alive through tricks he picked up during his circus days.
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What is the transportation in Wizard of Oz?

Being pulled in a green cart by a horse of a different color. Horse-drawn carriages are an excellent old form of transportation, though this appears to be a slower way of traversing Oz than flying, being carried by a tornado, or a hot air balloon.
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Where did Dorothy get transported to?

Dorothy gathers up Toto, clicks her heels together three times, and says, β€œTake me home to Aunt Em!” She is transported back to the farm in Kansas.
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How did Dorothy get back to Oz from the Country of the Winkies?

Dorothy learns the power of the Golden Cap and uses that power to get back to the Emerald City from the West. The magical nature of this golden object foreshadows the power that Dorothy already has in the silver shoes she wears.
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Dorothy and friends TRAVEL TO OZ!πŸŒͺ πŸ§™ Animated Stories for Kids | Story Time with Ms. Booksy

How does Dorothy get to Oz in Return to Oz?

Dorothy is rescued by a mysterious girl, who tells her the machines damage patients, and the two escape. Nurse Wilson chases the girls into a river, where Dorothy floats away on a chicken coop, unable to save the other girl. Dorothy awakens in Oz with her chicken, Billina, who can now talk.
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Why didn t Dorothy leave in the balloon with Oz?

Toto took off chasing a kitten. Dorothy couldn't leave without him. Once she had found Toto and was racing toward the balloon, the ropes holding the balloon cracked, and the balloon took off without Dorothy in it.
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How did Dorothy get transported to the land of the Munchkins?

Dorothy Gale is a young girl who lives with her Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, and dog, Toto, on a farm on the Kansas prairie. One day, Dorothy and Toto are caught up in a cyclone that deposits them and the farmhouse into Munchkin Country in the magical Land of Oz.
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How long did Dorothy stay in Oz?

At the end of the film, Dorothy describes her time in Oz as being "days and days" long. Though it appears that the film only takes place over the course of two days and one night, it does imply it to be a bit longer. In the book, Dorothy doesn't just spend days in Oz, she spends weeks, maybe even months there.
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Why is Dorothy's aunt thin and gaunt?

When Aunt Em came there to live she was a young, pretty wife. The sun and wind had changed her, too. They had taken the sparkle from her eyes and left them a sober gray; they had taken the red from her cheeks and lips, and they were gray also. She was thin and gaunt, and never smiled now.
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How were they going to cross the river in The Wizard of Oz?

The Tin Woodman, following the Scarecrow's orders, chops the tree bridge down before the Kalidahs could reach them sending the Kalidahs tumbling into the ditch. Finally the travelers come to a river. Tin Woodman starts to build a raft, so the group can cross.
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How did they cross the ditch The Wizard of Oz?

Summary: Chapter VII: The Journey to the Great Oz

Despite being afraid, the Cowardly Lion volunteers to jump across the ditch, carrying his companions. The Tin Woodsman suggests the Cowardly Lion carry him first since a fall won't hurt him. The leap is a success, and so the Lion carries the others across.
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Why is the Wizard called Oz?

Oz explains that his real name is Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs. To shorten this name, he used only his initials (O.Z.P.I.N.H.E.A.D.), but since they spell out the word pinhead, he shortened his name further and called himself "Oz".
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What does Dorothy call Oz?

Even Dorothy had hope that "The Great and Terrible Humbug," as she called him, would find a way to send her back to Kansas, and if he did she was willing to forgive him everything.
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How old was Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz?

In the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy was played by Judy Garland, who received an Academy Juvenile Award for her performance. Since she was sixteen years old at the time of filming, Garland's maturing figure was bound into a figure-hiding corset.
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How much older was Sophia than Dorothy?

All the Golden Girls from oldest to youngest

Sophia Petrillo: between 80 to 85 years old. Rose Nylund: between 55 to 62 years old. Dorothy Zbornak: between 54 to 61 years old.
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Was Dorothy going to Oz a dream?

In the movie of The Wizard of Oz, it is quite obvious that Oz is a dream; Dorothy wakes up in the end in the very same house that she flew in to Oz, surrounded by people who saw her sleeping the whole time. Many of these people took part in her dream as different characters, which is a fairly common feature of dreams.
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Who did Dorothy marry at the end?

At the end of the series, after living in Blanche's house for seven years, Dorothy meets and falls in love with Lucas Hollingsworth (Leslie Nielsen), Blanche's uncle (her father's baby brother). The two marry, and Dorothy moves into Lucas' home in Hollingsworth Manor in Atlanta.
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Why was The Wonderful Wizard of Oz banned?

The Wizard of Oz

This may seem an innocent journey, but throughout the twentieth century and across various US states, the book was banned for its strong female characters, use of magic, promotion of socialist values and attribution of human characteristics to animals.
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Is Glinda related to the Wicked Witch?

She introduces herself as Glinda and explains that the true Wicked Witch is her half-sister, Evanora. Years ago, she poisoned their father, the King, so she could rule Oz uncontested. Before he died, the King predicted that a powerful Wizard would come and take his place.
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Why was the Land of Oz cut off from the rest of the world?

In The Tin Woodman of Oz Baum writes how Oz came to be a fairyland: Oz was not always a fairyland, I am told. Once it was much like other lands, except it was shut in by a dreadful desert of sandy wastes that lay all around it, thus preventing its people from all contact with the rest of the world.
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What is the moral of the story of The Wizard of Oz?

When choosing between love and hate, good and evil, love and good will always triumph. This is an obvious theme in The Wizard of Oz, and it's the best way to live. The very first person that Dorothy encounters in the land of Oz is Glenda the good witch.
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Why doesn't Dorothy have parents?

It's never explained, in the main books or any other well-known source, who Dorothy's parents are, how they died, or how she came to live with her aunt and uncle β€” only that Dorothy is an orphan.
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Why did Dorothy forgive Oz?

β€œIf Oz had taken a dose of the same courage he gave me,” added the Lion, β€œhe would have been a brave man.” Dorothy said nothing. Oz had not kept the promise he made her, but he had done his best, so she forgave him. As he said, he was a good man, even if he was a bad Wizard.
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