How was Wormtail killed?

Harry reminds Wormtail that he owes Harry a life debt, incurred when Harry had prevented Lupin and Sirius from executing Pettigrew in the Shrieking Shack four years earlier. Wormtail hesitates, and the silver hand, sensing this, turns on Wormtail and strangles him, despite Harry's best efforts to save him.
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Did Sirius Black kill Peter Pettigrew?

The following day, 1 November, Sirius cornered Peter on a street in London, intending to kill Peter for his betrayal. However, Peter was too quick and set off a Blasting Curse, killing twelve innocent Muggles and creating a diversion, allowing Pettigrew to cut off one of his fingers, take on his rat form, and escape.
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How did Peter Pettigrew kill so many people?

These people were a group of twelve Muggles killed by an explosion deliberately caused by Peter Pettigrew with a single curse on 1 November 1981.
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Why did the hand kill Wormtail?

However, Harry reminded Pettigrew of saving his life in four years ago, and Pettigrew released Harry in an unintended and momentary show of mercy. After Pettigrew tried unsuccessfully to undo that moment of weakness, the hand recognised Pettigrew as unfaithful to the Dark Lord and suddenly began strangling him.
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How did Peter Pettigrew die?

In the spring of 1998, during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, in a moment of rare mercy, he hesitated to strangle Harry Potter when Harry reminded him of his life debt. The silver hand Lord Voldemort had given Pettigrew interpreted his hesitation as weakness or disloyalty, and strangled him to death.
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Wormtail death

Who actually killed Peter Pettigrew?

The silver hand Lord Voldemort had given Pettigrew interpreted his hesitation as weakness and/or disloyalty, and strangled him to death, saving Harry and finally finding redemption for his treason, despite his reputation remained tarnished as many remained dubious of the evidence of his innate bravery.
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Who kills Bellatrix?

During the final battle, Bellatrix was the last Death Eater standing. She was eventually killed in a duel by Molly Weasley after her attempted murder of Ginny Weasley. Before her death, Bellatrix secretly gave birth to an illegitimate daughter named Delphini, whom she conceived with her beloved master, Lord Voldemort.
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Why did Pettigrew kill himself?

Pettigrew's death is a reaction to his own attempt to kill, or at least, disable Harry, coupled with Voldemort's distrust of his own lieutenant.
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How did Wormtail get Voldemort's body?

Pettigrew mixed up a potion for Voldemort using unicorn blood and the venom of Nagini. With this potion, they were able to create a new body for Lord Voldemort to finally return to.
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Why did Pettigrew strangle himself?

However, Harry reminded Pettigrew of saving his life four years ago, and Pettigrew released Harry in an unintended and momentary show of mercy. After Pettigrew tried unsuccessfully to undo that moment of weakness, the hand recognised Pettigrew as unfaithful to the Dark Lord and began strangling him.
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Who killed the 12 muggles?

This massacre in London occurred on 1 November 1981 when Peter Pettigrew killed twelve Muggles with an extremely powerful explosive curse (possibly the Blasting Curse), leading to the false conviction and imprisonment of Sirius Black. This event was one of the most infamous massacres in recent times.
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Who killed the 13 muggles?

Peter Pettigrew was a scum allright but how the hell did he kill 13 muggles with a single curse, which spell is capable of that ? pretty darn impressive nonetheless.
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How did Pettigrew kill 13 people?

However, Pettigrew outwitted him: confronted by Sirius on a city street, he created an explosion, faking his own death (leaving a severed finger behind as evidence) and killing twelve Muggles in the process.
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Did Remus think Sirius was innocent?

Until the climax of Prisoner of Azkaban, Lupin believed Sirius Black was guilty of murdering 12 Muggles, betraying Lily and James Potter, and killing Peter Pettigrew. He eventually discovered the truth — that Sirius was innocent, and the very much alive Peter was the traitor.
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Why did they think Sirius was bad?

Sirius Black is introduced in the third Harry Potter installment as the Prisoner of Azkaban, a dark and menacing figure feared by the Wizarding World almost as much as Voldemort himself. Everyone believes he's a mass murderer who betrayed Harry Potter's parents to the Dark Side.
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Who was Sirius Black killed by?

After Lord Voldemort returned in 1995, Sirius rejoined the Order. He was killed by his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and subsequently cleared of all charges by the Ministry of Magic, though it was too late for him to enjoy his freedom.
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Did Dumbledore know Sirius was innocent?

Dumbledore's lack of belief that Sirius is innocent is also suspect. Sirius was a member of the Order of the Phoenix which fought against Death Eaters, but Sirius also was as close to James as a brother, the Potters even took him in when he ran away from home.
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Who was the rat in Harry Potter?

Scabbers was Ron Weasley's pet rat. Passed down throughout the family, by the time he came to Ron, Scabbers was living up to his name with patchy fur and a distinct preference for sleeping.
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Who was Lupin bitten by?

Remus John Lupin was an only son of Lyall and Hope Lupin (née Howell). At the age of 4, he was bitten by the foul werewolf Fenrir Greyback when his father-Lyall Lupin- insulted all werewolves. Fenrir tried to kill him but Remus got saved by his father. However he became a fully fledged werewolf.
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Who got Bellatrix pregnant?

In the play "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child," which has become part of "Harry Potter" canon, it was revealed that Bellatrix conceived a child with none other than Lord Voldemort.
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Who raised Bellatrix' daughter?

Who is Delphini raised by? After the deaths of her parents, Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, Delphini is raised by Euphemia Rowle, who was not fond of her and allegedly only took her because she was offered a substantial amount of gold.
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How did Voldemort and Bellatrix have a child?

Delphi was conceived from a liaison between Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange. She was born in March of 1998 at Malfoy Manor, shortly before the Battle of Hogwarts.
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What was James Potter's Animagus?

Werewolves might be dangerous to humans, but they don't attack other animals; so Lupin's friends found a way to stay together as a kind of pack. James's Animagus form was that of a stag, which earned him his nickname, Prongs.
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Why did Peter betray James?

Why did Peter Pettigrew betray James Potter? Because Peter Pettigrew wanted to be on the winning side of the war and at the time, Voldemort and the Death Eaters were winning. So Pettigrew decided that he would be safer being a spy for The Death Eaters not even fighting in the war.
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How did Sirius Black know Peter Pettigrew was alive?

Explanation: Sirius Black, a character from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, discovered that Peter Pettigrew was alive when he saw a picture of the Weasley family on their Egyptian vacation, published in the Daily Prophet.
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