Is Agent Smith stronger than Neo?

The two are almost evenly matched as the fight begins, though Neo's combat abilities seem arguably superior to that of Smith, the latter attacking more out of brute force, rather than the technical skill he displayed in the first film.
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Who is stronger than Neo?

Despite being considered The One and possessing superhuman abilities, Neo is beaten by the Trainman, a minor antagonist in The Matrix movies.
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How did Smith become as strong as Neo?

Before being reborn, Smith was the perfect antithesis to Neo; where Neo freed minds, Smith took them over, adding them to his web and taking their abilities. He even gained the power of flight and proved he could do almost anything Neo could. As a result, his return in Resurrections showed him at more of an advantage.
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Who is the most powerful in the Matrix?

10 Strongest Fighters in The Matrix Franchise, Ranked
  • 8 Cypher.
  • 7 Seraph.
  • 6 Niobe.
  • 5 The Twins.
  • 4 Trinity.
  • 3 Morpheus.
  • 2 Agent Smith.
  • 1 Neo.
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How strong is Agent Smith?

Agent Smith was personified as stern, serious, and nearly invincible. He was also notably stronger and faster than the other Agents. At some point in the past he encountered and was defeated by Seraph. He later described chasing him as "chasing a ghost."
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Why Was Smith Afraid of Neo? | MATRIX EXPLAINED

Why was Agent Smith afraid of Neo?

Confused by his own behavior, Smith suddenly becomes frightened by the effect Neo has on his words—then, on the effect, his words have on Neo.
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How does Neo beat Agent Smith?

Realising what he has to do, Neo chooses to be assimilated by Smith – allowing Neo (and Deus Ex Machina) to destroy him from the inside, exploding all the Smiths as they glow with pure white Source light.
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Is Neo stronger than Morpheus?

With his greater experience and slightly higher kung-fu skill, Morpheus could likely edge Trinity in a scrap. Naturally, Morpheus doesn't compare to Neo, but if he did, Laurence Fishburne's character never would've come looking for The One in the first place.
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Is Neo a god in the Matrix?

Neo is referred to throughout the Matrix trilogy as the One, that is, the chosen one, which also describes Christ—a messiah, sent to deliver salvation. References to Christianity proliferate in the films, and the Matrix films are an allegory for the Christian faith and that Neo is a modern-day Jesus.
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Is Trinity stronger than Neo?

1 Trinity Is At Least As Powerful As Neo, If Not More

Triny is a spectacular combatant, within the coded realm of the Matrix as well as in the real world.
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How many Agent Smiths did Neo fight?

Neo realized he was surrounded by the recurring number of Smiths. He then flew straight up into the sky, leaving the 195 total copies of Smiths behind.
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Why is Neo weaker in Matrix 4?

Neo Was Weaker In Revolutions And Resurrections

Neo's self-doubt affects his mindset and makes him weaker as a result. He also engages in intense battles against Agent Smith and his army of clones which takes a toll on him both physically and mentally, making him appear progressively weaker.
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Why is Agent Smith so strong?

To this end, Smith and his fellow Agents possess a number of superhuman attributes from their ability to bend the rules of the Matrix. Smith manifests his physical form by inhabiting and overwriting the simulated body of a human wired into the Matrix; by moving from body to body, he can reform himself if he is "killed" ...
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Can Neo beat John Wick?

Even if Neo retains his hand-to-hand combat skills in a true reality, he's no match for Wick's deadly precision or his ability to use whatever's on hand to do some serious damage. But beyond that, Neo isn't used to fighting real people.
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Why is Neo so powerful?

In The Matrix, being The One meant that Neo could perceive the Matrix simulation in a way that no other human could. Not only that, but The One would also have the ability to bend the Matrix simulation code, meaning that The One would not have to answer to any of the rules inside the Matrix, such as gravity.
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Who does Morpheus think Neo is?

While Morpheus, and later Zion, believed Neo to be the second incarnation of the One, he was really the Sixth, meaning the cycle of the Matrix being reloaded had occurred five times before Neo sacrifices himself at the end of Reloaded.
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Is Neo human or a program?

In the first Matrix film, Morpheus explains that Neo's "body" is a digital construct created by his mind known as a "residual self-image," rather than an actual flesh-and-blood human body.
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Why did Trinity get Neo's powers?

In The Matrix Resurrections, Trinity develops the same reality warping powers as Neo after being reawakened to her true identity.
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Why can't Morpheus beat Agent Smith?

Thus, when fighting Agent Smith in the hotel bathroom and Agent Johnson atop the trucks on the freeway, Morpheus is unable to beat the Agents given his own inability to overcome the rules in the same way Neo can.
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What does Morpheus call Neo?

Morpheus : You are the One, Neo. You see, you may have spent the last few years looking for me, but I have spent my entire life looking for you.
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Why did Morpheus give Neo a choice?

When Morpheus presented Neo the choice between two pills, he explained how the red pill will start Neo's journey to discover the reality behind the Matrix and how the blue pill will just return Neo to his normal life.
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Why did Agent Smith help Neo?

While Smith was destroyed at the end of Revolutions, the fact that Neo was revived in Resurrections allowed a fraction of Smith to return. Smith realized how important Neo's existence was to him, and that is why Smith helps Neo in Resurrections.
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How evil is Agent Smith?

His Evil Ranking

Sadistically tortured Morpheus after beating him into exhaustion and kidnapping him. Gunned down Neo painfully, nearly killing him. Assimilated the entire population of the Matrix and took over its system.
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Why did the Oracle let Smith?

In the showdown between Smith and Neo in the pit, we learn that the Oracle can control Smith and make him do what she wants. Smith literally speaks the Oracles words to Neo. This means she purposefully let Smith cause all that damage and kill every inhabitant of the Matrix to orchestrate the showdown in the Pit.
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