Is Belle Fezziwig's daughter?

Fezziwig is mentioned as having three daughters; although their names are not revealed, it is possible that Belle is one of his daughters. In A Christmas Carol (2004) starring Kelsey Grammer, Fezziwig—following a downturn in his business—approaches Scrooge and Marley for a business loan.
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Who is Belle in A Christmas Carol?

Belle. A beautiful woman who Scrooge loved deeply when he was a young man. Belle broke off their engagement after Scrooge became consumed with greed and the lust for wealth. She later married another man.
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Is Belle Scrooge's ex wife?

He fell in love with a young woman named Belle and proposed marriage, but gradually his love for Belle was overwhelmed by his love for money. Belle realised this and, saddened by his greed, left him one Christmas, eventually marrying another man.
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Who is Belle in Scrooged?

Belle is Ebenezer Scrooge's neglected girlfriend from his past in Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol.
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What is Scrooge's relationship to Belle?

The Ghost shows Scrooge himself as a young man with his fiancée, Belle. Young Scrooge's face already reveals his love of money. Belle breaks their engagement because she says Scrooge loves money more than he loves her. The Ghost shows Scrooge that Belle has married someone else and has a loving family and a happy life.
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Daily Dickens: Belle Fezziwig #shorts

Why did Belle not marry Scrooge?

Belle realized that Money meant more to Scrooge than she did. She wanted to marry him and he was more concerned with money. So she left him. She realized his pursuit of money was greater than his love for her.
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Does Scrooge regret letting Belle go?

Suddenly, Scrooge realizes that if he had not lost Belle, he might have had a beautiful family too, and for the first time he senses the value of family. Previously he preferred being “solitary as an oyster.” Scrooge feels a heavy sorrow knowing that the time for having a family of his own has passed.
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Did Scrooge ever see Belle again?

The Ghost of Christmas Past then shows him a Christmas party several years later thrown by Fezziwig, a merchant for whom Scrooge apprenticed in his youth. He then sees a meeting with his former fiancé, Belle.
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What happened to Belle Scrooge?

Belle broke up with Scrooge. She married a Cratchit and had a son name Bob. Before she died Belle told Bob about Scrooge and his business. Leading him to work for Scrooge.
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Who is Scrooge's sister?

Scrooge's sister, Fanny, was based on Dickens sister Fanny whom he adored. Many of young Scrooge's memories are those of Dickens and his sister.
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Who is Belle's husband in A Christmas Carol?

In some versions where Scrooge is turned into a female, Belle is changed to a male. Also, in alternate versions, Belle re-establishes her relationship with Scrooge and ends up marrying him. In one where she is named Bella, marries Fred Scrooge and they have a son named Marley after Jacob Marley.
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Why is Belle important in A Christmas Carol?

Belle, Scrooge's former fiancée, is introduced to the reader in Stave Two of the novella. The Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge to see the final moments of his relationship with her. Her character is used to show the effects of Scrooge's​ fixation with money​.
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How old was Scrooge when he died?

However, the Ghost of Christmas Future shows the miser that he will be dead the following Christmas from old age. In the mid-1800s when the story was written, life expectancy was far shorter than it is today, and an old man was considered to be someone near 60 years old.
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What is the name of Fezziwig's other clerk?

Other than the owner, the text only specifies one employee, a clerk named Bob Cratchit.
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What does Belle say has replaced her?

Belle knows this when she says 'You are changed' and 'Another idol has displaced me'. This shows us Scrooge should love the woman he was going to marry, not money and so she leaves him and he ends up being married to money. By saying money is an 'idol' it makes it seem like Scrooge worships money, like a god.
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How is Fezziwig a foil to Scrooge?

A foil in literature is a character who stands in stark contrast to another character in order to illustrate particular things. Just as a white circle is more visible when laid against a black background, Mr. Fezziwig's unbounded joyful nature serves to highlight Mr. Scrooge's cranky and dismal personality.
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What if Scrooge married Belle?

This means that having married Scrooge, all of Belle's property, earnings, and money would have been deemed to belong to him. But, supposing Belle has a rich friend who can finance her divorce. She would still have had to prove she had grounds to do so.
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What does Scrooge realize when he sees Belle?

The Ghost of Christmas Past brings Scrooge to his former fiancé Belle's house when she is an older woman. She has a happy home and many children. One of her daughters is especially beautiful. Scrooge realizes he could have had such a daughter if he'd married Belle.
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Does Belle still love Scrooge?

By far, the saddest portion of the book is the scene where the ghost of Christmas past forces Ebenezer to relive the day his fiancée breaks their engagement and his heart. While we often assume that Ebenezer did not love Belle, the sad truth is that Belle never really loved Scrooge.
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Why does Belle believes Scrooge no longer loves him?

Dickens makes it clear that greed will lead to unhappiness. Belle breaks off their engagement, saying Scrooge now loves money more than he loves her. She calls money his idol (p. 35), suggesting that he not only loves it but also worships it as a false god.
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Why was Ebenezer Scrooge so mean?

What made Scrooge so mean? Many experiences over the course of his life made him cruel. He was ignored as a child and even left by his love. These incidents will harden a man.
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How does Belle's husband describe Scrooge when he sees him?

Her husband tells her that he saw Scrooge and he looked “quite alone in the world.” This was too much (too painful) for Scrooge and he demanded the Spirit take him away from this vision.
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Who was Ebenezer Scrooge's first love?

A year after the events of A Christmas Carol, the four ghosts (Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future) return with a new goal: to reunite the new and improved Ebenezer Scrooge with his long-lost first love, Belle.
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What does Belle say in Christmas Carol?

“You fear the world too much,” she answered, gently. “All your other hopes have merged into the hope of being beyond the chance of its sordid reproach. I have seen your nobler aspirations fall off one by one, until the master-passion, Gain, engrosses you. Have I not?”
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Why does Scrooge say remove me?

Who is Belle and why is she important to Scrooge? She was Scrooges fiance, but but she dumped him when he became greedy. Why does Scrooge say, "Remove me"? He hates the image he is being shown.
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