Is Black Racer faster than Flash?

Some Flashes are slower than others. The two fastest Flashes, Barry Allen and Wally West, are pretty much the fastest humans ever and have even outrun the Black Racer, the god of death.
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Who is faster, Flash or Black Racer?

Which is faster black racer Barry Allen or Wally West? Flash III (Wally West) is the victor. According to Jay Garrick, “It's a little-known Flash Fact that Death can't travel faster than the speed of light” (Final Crisis Vol 1 #3).
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Did The Flash outrun the Black Racer?

Literally, The Flash has Outran "Black Racer" and "Black Flash" MEANING The Flash has Outran(Death) in two different form. Barry can outrun the Black Racer, who is faster than Darkseid . Black Racer is an embodiment of Death or a manifestation of Death.
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Which speedster is faster than flash?

Barry Allen Admits Eobard Thawne Is Faster

But Eobard is by far the most dangerous, because he's not just Barry's equal - he's faster. After failing to save Wally West over and over in his nightmare, Flash turns to Eobard Thawne to try and steal his speed, admitting, "Thawne's faster than me. Always has been."
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Who is the slowest speedster?

Who is the slowest speedster in all of fiction? Honestly, it's Zoom. He is completely slow because he doesn't actually run, rather he travels through time.
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How to Actually Write a Speedster

Who is the fastest speedster ever?

However, fans have met quite a few different speedsters in the DC universe over the years that have challenged or joined the Flash over the years.
  1. 1 Wally West/The Flash.
  2. 2 Barry Allen/The Flash. ...
  3. 3 Hunter Zolomon/Zoom. ...
  4. 4 Black Flash. ...
  5. 5 Black Racer. ...
  6. 6 Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash. ...
  7. 7 Clark Kent/Superman. ...
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Who is faster, Flash or Goku?

If it really took him 0.00001 microseconds, this meant the Flash traveled 2.5 quintillion miles per hour -- or roughly 3.7 trillion times the speed of light. This means that Wally West traveled 111 million times FASTER than Goku as of the Buu Saga, based on their maximum recorded speeds.
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How fast is Godspeed?

Like other speedsters, Godspeed can run up to 10 times the speed of light by entering the Speed Force.
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What is Flash's highest speed?

It is said that The Flash can run 13 trillion times faster than the speed of light, which would mean that he can travel up to 1,750,000,000,000,000,000 miles per second. The Flash gets his incredible speed and abilities from The Speed Force. If you're a fan, check out our The Flash listings.
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How powerful is the Black Racer?

Powers and abilities

His ski poles can also phase through solid matter to deliver the Black Racer's deathstroke. As a deity, he's also immortal, and wears a cosmic armor that give him super strength and endurance. When he has finished delivering his message of death, the Black Racer returns to the comatose life of Sgt.
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Can Darkseid beat Black Racer?

Powers and Abilities

Possession: The Racer can take control of the body of a sentient host and corrupt it to his will. Fatal Touch: A simple grasp from his scythe was enough to greatly wound the body of the Anti-Monitor, and together with the Anti-Life Equation he could easily kill Darkseid himself.
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Can Flash beat Darkseid?

It's this power that allows Flash to defeat the villain Darkseid and his best-known device to attain power, the Anti-Life Equation. In Justice League Infinity #7, the story begins with the Justice League - or rather, what's left of them - in dire straights.
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What is the top speed of the Black Racer?

The lifespan of black racers in the wild can be up to 10 years. Although the black racer is swift, its top speed is about 8 to 10 miles per hour, about the same as a quick jog. Racers are beneficial to humans by controlling rodents, especially when they occur in or near agricultural fields.
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Is Wallace faster than Barry?

Wally West Surpasses Barry Allen with New Flash Power

Originally, Wally could run slightly faster than the speed of sound, while Barry could run at the speed of light. Over the years, Wally caught up to his mentor's top speed and eventually surpassed him... only to be kicked out of reality.
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Who is the fastest evil speedster?

While Eobard Thawne is the fastest villain Flash has ever faced, Black Flash is the fastest speedster of all time. This being is Death for anyone who possesses the power of the Speed Force.
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What is Sonic's max speed?

Despite his small appearance, Sonic the Hedgehog has a max speed of 186,000 miles per second and travels at a speed of 767 miles per hour. His light-speed shoes allow him to run faster than the speed of light and fight the evil genius who wants to use him in an experiment.
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Is God faster than light?

The idea that God can travel faster than light is a concept that is often found in religious texts and mythology, but it is not something that can be scientifically proven or disproven.
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Why does Bart hate Godspeed?

Eventually, Bart faced Godspeed, who became his archenemy after killing Jay right in front of him.
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Is Hyper Sonic faster than Flash?

The Flash was MUCH, MUCH faster than Sonic, but Sonic actually beat Flash in most categories, particularly Attack Potency and Durability. Boomstick: The gap in speed was huge, but Sonic's power and durability could certainly allow him to hold his own.
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Who's faster, whis or Flash?

Gogeta: The best person we can scale to is Whis' speed, which is about 72 quadrillion times the speed of light, when compared to the Flash it is nowhere near that speed where Barry can theoretically move at speeds of 11.8 quintillion times light, making Flash about 160 times faster than Goku, if we wank Goku to Whis' ...
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Who is faster, Flash or Minato?

The Flash is much faster than Minato. He's even faster than Minatos FTG which is instantaneous. In Naruto, Minato is faster than Lightning speed which is 1/3 the speed of Light. That is extremely fast, however the Flash is atleast 13 Trillion Times faster than the speed of Light which is 670,616,629 mph…
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Who is the slowest Flash?

9 Jay Garrick

Garrick became one of the elder statesmen of the DC Universe, a member of the Justice Society, and an all around role model. His years of experience made him a great hero, but speed wise, Jay is the slowest Flash.
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Who is the deadliest speedster?

Speed Kills: The 15 Deadliest Speedsters in Comics
  • 8 Black Flash.
  • 7 The Rival.
  • 6 Savitar.
  • 5 Quicksilver.
  • 4 Godspeed.
  • 3 Johnny Quick (Crime Syndicate)
  • 2 Zoom.
  • 1 Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne)
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Is Shazam as fast as Flash?

Shazam can fly at the speed of light, which makes him faster than almost any other hero, but both Barry Allen and Wally West are able to move at speeds faster than light, meaning that while they would have to push themselves, at least two Flashes are faster than Shazam.
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