Is Harry Potter 3 scary?

Younger children in this age group could still be scared by the horror and supernatural events in this movie in particular: the Dementors. the Dementors trying to drag Harry and Sirius out of their bodies. Professor Trelawney possessed by a man and talking in a man's voice.
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Which Harry Potter movie is scariest?

The Deathly Hallows – Part 1

Both Deathly Hallows movies are the culmination of the Harry Potter series and its descent into darkness. Several scenes highlight this transition, but none are scarier than the incident at Godric's Hollow.
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Is Harry Potter 3 ok for a 7 year old?

This film is quite dark, thematically and visually, but not too frightening. Children should be able to handle it. The plot of the film revolves around a convicted murderer escaping from prison and going after Harry, supposedly to kill him. All scenes with Dementors are quite frightening and intense.
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Is Harry Potter 3 dark?

The Hollywood Reporter called the film "a deeper, darker, visually arresting and more emotionally satisfying adaptation of the J.K. Rowling literary phenomenon," especially compared to the first two instalments.
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How scary is Harry Potter 4?

Scary scenes include characters trapped under water as they try to complete a task, with one participant apparently losing consciousness. There are scenes set in a dark maze and in a graveyard, with some scary looking characters.
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Prisoner of Azkaban doesn't make any sense...

Is Harry Potter 5 scary?

Frightening & Intense Scenes (6)

Moderate. The appearance of various characters and/or monsters, such as Voldemort, some fiery dragon type apparitions, the Dementors, an elf, etc.
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Is Harry Potter 6 Scary?

Although it is milder in terms of scary images and violence than other Harry Potter movies, this movie is a little darker and has higher levels of emotion and romance than its predecessors. It also has more mature themes. It reflects the increasing age of Harry and his friends.
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Is Harry Potter 3 scarier than 2?

However, the films were starting to get a little scarier by this point. This is darker than the first two, not as dark perhaps as what was to come, but definitely the bridge between the lighter first two films, and darker later films.
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Is Harry Potter 3 appropriate?

Parents need to know that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the third movie in the fantastic Harry Potter series (all based on the books by J.K. Rowling) is growing up with the Hogwarts crew. The themes are darker, the peril is more intense, and the images of some magical creatures are…
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Why is Harry Potter 3 so different?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban departs from the first two installments of the series to bring more danger to Harry and his friends using fear and magic. These two concepts are entwined throughout the film, resulting in a darker tone and build-up for the next film: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
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Why is the prisoner of Azkaban so scary?

Though Prisoner of Azkaban may not be a horror movie in the traditional sense, it does feature some horror elements, as Cuarón mentions. It introduces the dark and menacing dementors who guard Azkaban Prison and Professor Remus Lupin, who is secretly a predatory werewolf.
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Is Harry Potter 12+?

Age 12+ At this age, your kids can probably handle everything J.K. Rowling sends their way, but you might want to watch the more mature movies with them. Read: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)
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Is Harry Potter rated R?

|a MPAA rating: PG (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) and PG-13 (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part ...
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What is the least scary Harry Potter?

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

Considering most of the characters are 11 years old, it's unsurprising that Sorcerer's Stone is a (mostly) scare-free affair.
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Is Harry Potter 1 scary?

You are strongly cautioned that the movie is sometimes intense. It contains violence, dark moments and visual images capable of scaring or disturbing younger children, particularly those who haven't read the book. At 151 minutes, the movie is also too long for younger children.
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Is Harry Potter 2 scary?

Parents need to know that Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is scarier than the first film in the Harry Potter series (all based on the books by J.K. Rowling), and characters spend lots of time in extreme peril. There are frightening creatures, including hordes of big spiders and an enormous…
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Who is the villain in Harry Potter 3?

Peter Pettigrew. The true traitor and the one guilty of everything Sirius Black was believed to be. Pettigrew served Voldemort and betrayed Harry's parents. Pettigrew blew up the street full of Muggles.
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Is Harry Potter 4 ok for a 10 year old?

Parents need to know that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the first PG-13 movie in the Harry Potter series (all based on the books by J.K. Rowling), and not for nothing. The fourth installment has two deaths (including a really sad one), scary creatures, some romantic yearnings, and edge-of-the-seat scenes.
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How old was Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter 3?

By the time he acted in the last Harry Potter movie, he was 21 years old. If you need particular info he was 11 in the first movie, 12 in the second one, 14 in the third one, 15 in the fourth one, 17 in the fifth one, 19 in the sixth one and 20 and 21 in the last two movies.
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Why is the 3rd Harry Potter so good?

The Big Picture

The film's unique visual style set the stage for the success and experimentation seen in later Harry Potter movies. Prisoner of Azkaban is a powerful coming-of-age story that emphasizes the theme of change, making it the most captivating movie in the series.
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Is Harry Potter 7 scary?

Content that may disturb children

Several scenes contain images of a giant snake that has a very threatening appearance. Voldemort is a very scary character with pale skin, a bald head and a face that has snake like qualities. Younger children may be scared or disturbed by the sinister appearance of the elf Kreacher.
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What is the scariest scene in the Harry Potter movies?

The Bathilda Bagshot Scene Is the Scariest Moment in 'Harry Potter' The trio's scarce successes are marred by the seemingly endless roadblocks they encounter. Slowly but surely the torment of Voldemort's Horcruxes snuffs out their hope, and you wonder if they will even succeed at all.
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Is Harry Potter 7 Part 1 Scary?

Frightening & Intense Scenes (9)

Moderate. The film's ending is very depressive and heartbreaking. The scenes involving Nagini are very frightening, (the scenes with Bathilda Bagshot and her eating the dead Muggle teacher), especially for viewers with ophidiophobia (scared of snakes).
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Is Harry Potter 5 kid friendly?

Parents need to know that, as has been the case with each succeeding movie in the Harry Potter series (all based on the books by J.K. Rowling), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix has its main characters taking on bigger challenges, with darker themes and more intense danger.
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