Is Captain Jack Harkness the face of Boe?

Captain Jack Harkness becomes the Face of Boe in Doctor Who, revealed in season 3 as a nickname he used. The show never officially confirms how Jack transforms, but it can be traced back to the season 1 finale when Rose Tyler saves him from death.
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Does the Doctor know Jack is the Face of Boe?

The Face remained a mystery until the conclusion to Doctor Who season 3, when Harkness casually mentioned that "The Face of Boe" was an old nickname he used to go by. Upon hearing this, the Doctor and Martha mentally join the dots and realize that their giant head friend is actually Captain Jack in the far future.
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Who is the Face of Boe in Doctor Who?

The Face of Boe appeared to be a male Boekind who was little more than a gigantic humanoid head. Although he would rarely do more than grunt vocally, he was able to communicate by means of telepathy, and he communicated verbally on at least one occasion.
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What episode is it revealed that Jack is the Face of Boe?

In the Doctor Who episode "Last of the Time Lords," Jack unwittingly reveals himself as the future Face of Boe, but it is not said when this transition occurs.
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What does the Face of Boe mean when he says the Doctor is not alone?

Throughout season one and two of New Who, we continued to see this Face of Boe. He was who prophesized that the Master would be coming back, by telling the Doctor that he was not alone. He wasn't the last Time Lord in existence.
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Is Captain Jack The Face of Boe? | Last of the Time Lords | Doctor Who | BBC

What is the racist episode of Doctor Who?

"Thin Ice" received mostly positive reviews from critics, with many labelling the topic of racism in the episode as well-executed. The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) visit the last great frost fair in London 1814, but they soon find that something sinister is lurking below the frozen Thames.
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Is Clara the Doctor's daughter?

Clara is the future child of the Doctor and River who's had her memory erased. The two Time Lords must be up to something on their nights away from River's prison cell.
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How is Jack Harkness immortal?

Jack was shot by a Dalek and then brought back to life by Rose, Rose couldn't control what she was doing so she brought him back to life forever, Jack is now immortal. The Doctor wasn't comfortable with what had happened so he ran from the scene leaving Jack behind on Satellite 5.
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Why did the Doctor leave Jack behind?

One of the Futurekind shorts the system out, filling the room with the rocket couplings with deadly radiation. Jack is enlisted to fix the couplings. While Jack is inside working, the Doctor admits he abandoned Jack purposely because of the immortality Rose granted to Jack. Jack readies the rocket for launch.
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Is Captain Jack a Time Lord?

"Captain Jack Harkness" was the alias adopted by Time Agent and con man Javic Piotr Thane (AUDIO: Month 25) from the 51st century who became an associate and occasional companion of the Doctor.
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How did Captain Jack become the face of Bo?

The show never officially confirms how Jack transforms, but it can be traced back to the season 1 finale when Rose Tyler saves him from death. Jack's transformation into the Face of Boe suggests that extreme aging and evolution could result in becoming just a giant head, unique to his Boekind heritage.
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How does Clara become immortal?

Clara was forced to face the Raven, killed by the touch of a Quantum Shade. However, death would not be the end for the impossible girl, and using Time Lord technology, the Doctor was able to extract Clara a second before her death, between one heartbeat and the next.
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How many Time Lords are alive?

We may never know for certain, but whatever its genesis, the outcome of this epic conflict was horrifying and only two Time Lords survived - the Doctor and the Master. With the latter's apparent death the Doctor is left to continue his travels with the lonely knowledge that he is the last 'child of Gallifrey'.
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Was Jack Harkness in love with the Doctor?

Discussing whether his character could ever find a soulmate, John Barrowman refutes that Jack "likes everybody, and his love for each person is different". He believes that Jack does harbour romantic feelings toward the Doctor, but "would never take that beyond infatuation" and "would never let the Doctor know".
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Does Jack ever meet the 11th Doctor?

Captain Jack Harkness was one of the Doctor's foremost allies, but the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors never met him. Why did Jack disappear until now? Doctor Who's Captain Jack Harkness was a longtime ally of Doctors Nine and Ten, but then he disappeared from the scene until his recent arrival to help Thirteen.
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Did Jack Harkness kiss the Doctor?

Captain Jack Harkness is one of the most popular companions. He was very open about his desires, and he didn't hide the fact that he liked both the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler. So when the time came to say goodbye, Jack, in his typical fashion, didn't discriminate. He shared a brief kiss both with Rose and the Doctor.
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What is Jack Harkness real name?

"Captain Jack Harkness" was the alias adopted by Time Agent and con man Javic Piotr Thane (AUDIO: Month 25, R&J) from the 51st century. He was a companion of the Ninth Doctor, and an associate of the Sixth, Tenth and Thirteenth Doctors.
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How long was Jack Harkness buried for?

Adventures with Torchwood – 2008-2011

During one Torchwood adventure he was transported back to 27 AD Cardiff and buried alive, trapped in a circle of death and resurrection until he was dug up by Torchwood in 1901, placed in cryopreservation for 107 years and returning back to life in 2008.
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Can Jack Harkness regrow limbs?

He can regenerate fully destroyed limbs or body parts, recover his life-force. Each time Jack came back to life, he would awaken with a very deep gasp of breath as his respiratory system resumed its functions.
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What does bad wolf mean in Doctor Who?

Bad Wolf was a message scattered in space and time to tempt Rose back to the Game Station to save the Doctor. Later the phrase 'Bad Wolf' became a warning, the TARDIS translated every word to Bad Wolf letting the Doctor know that the universe was in danger.
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Was the Doctor in love with Rose?

Each, in their own way, was affected by their travels and became bigger than themselves. They all helped the Doctor survive, across space and time. But Rose Tyler did it first. She fell in love with the Doctor, and he loved her.
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What is the Doctor's real name in Gallifreyan?

Theta Sigma (ΘΣ) is given as the Doctor's name in TV: The Armageddon Factor. This is retconned to be the Doctor's "nickname at college" in TV: The Happiness Patrol. The names ∂³Σx² and ΘΣ both contain the Greek letter sigma (Σ). The Doctor's real name was spelled as "d³ᓬx²" in Marvel Premiere #57.
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Does Clara ever meet River?

Now, obviously there are a few holes in this theory – Clara and River have actually met before in 2013's The Name of the Doctor, albeit when River was already a data ghost, so there probably would have been more recognition – but despite the relatively circumstantial evidence, we kind of like the idea of two Doctor Who ...
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Who was the doctors longest companion?

Jamie McCrimmon accompanied the Second Doctor in 113 episodes, far more than any other companion. Frazer Hines happened to be working on the show during one of its busiest times ever and stayed with the program at the request of Patrick Troughton who wished to have Jamie and The Doctor together until the end.
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