Is Darth Vader's suit lightsaber proof?

So no, Vader's suit offers no protection against lightsabers. His shoulder armor which was made of durasteel deflected Luke's lightsaber in Empire. His shoulder armor which was made of durasteel deflected Luke's lightsaber in Empire.
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Is Vader's suit lightsaber resistant?

Designed with life support technology, the armor ensured Vader's survival following the lightsaber and burn injuries that he sustained in a duel with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar. In addition to its practical use, Vader's armor inspired fear and terror across the galaxy during the era of the Galactic Empire.
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Was Vader's suit blaster proof?

The shoulder armor itself weighed 12.2 kg overall, was resistant to both blasters and energy blades, and was capable of withstanding hits from both weapon types with only minor surface pitting.
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How durable is Darth Vader's suit?

Summary. Darth Vader's armor is composed of durasteel and obsidian alloy, making it tough and resistant to lightsaber blades. The armor includes a breathing apparatus and vocabulator inside the helmet, allowing Vader to breathe and speak. The armor is heavy, weighing 264 lbs, and required cybernetics for Vader to move.
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Is Darth Vader's suit lightning proof?

Canon Star Wars comics have shown that Vader's armor can resist Force lightning, although there is a limit to this resistance. Vader's armor also protects him from flamethrowers and blaster bolts, meaning that a regular soldier would never even have the chance of hurting the Sith Lord.
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New ‘Return of the Jedi’ footage CHANGES Darth Vader

How painful was Vader's suit?

In addition to causing content pain and itchiness, the suit is so constricting that it causes him to suffer from claustrophobia.
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Why can't Anakin use Force lightning?

Anakin Skywalker's Chosen One Potential Was Permanently Stunted. The Darth Vader comic book series reveals that, while the eponymous Sith Lord was indeed capable of using Force Lightning, the electricity could potentially destroy his life-sustaining suit.
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Did Palpatine make Vader's suit weak?

But Palpatine also knew that, like any good Sith, Vader may one day try to usurp him. This informs his decision to give Vader obsolete tech for his suit. A cheap move perhaps, considering the technology keeping Vader alive is technically older than anything used during the Clone Wars by a decade, but an effective one.
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Would Darth Vader be stronger without the suit?

While Vader and his suit will always be iconic, it's clear that Anakin's Darth Vader would have been much stronger without it. His fights with Ahsoka in Ahsoka episode 5 prove that, as even she is clearly terrified of her own master.
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Is Darth Vader bullet proof?

His armor is bullet-proof and lightsaber, but some blasters can hurt him, and a fortified Force lightsaber can cut his armor, but his armor protects him from almost anything. Does Darth Vader have any good speed and durability feats? Yeah, sure.
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Why does Vader not wear Beskar?

Obsidian in the armor supercharged Vader's dark side power, turning anger into a power source. The Empire couldn't use beskar in the armor due to a lack of knowledge on forging the Mandalorian alloy.
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What lightsaber cannot cut?

The plasma that comes from a lightsaber blade: Can cut through pretty much anything it touches. exceptions include Beskar, or Mandalorian iron, the strongest metal in the galaxy, as well as the scales of a Zillo beast.
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Why is Darth Vader's lightsaber so powerful?

The weapon featured a black-ridged handgrip, black power cell chamber, beveled emitter shroud, two dual-phase focusing crystals, high-output diatium power cell, and customary power and length adjustment knobs. Darth Vader was constantly fine-tuning and upgrading his lightsaber for maximum blade power and stability.
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What is the weakest lightsaber in Star Wars?

However, a groundbreaking study conducted at the University of Leicester's Centre for Interdisciplinary Science challenges these long-held assumptions. The study suggests that, against all expectations, red lightsabers may actually be the weakest of the lot.
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Can Vader survive without his suit?

While the suit was necessary to save Vader's life after Mustafar, Lucas makes it clear that, in his mind, after a brief period, he could have survived without it. Of course, he wouldn't be the physical presence he is in the suit, which doesn't work for someone so enthralled and held captive by the Dark Side.
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What happens if Darth Vader takes off his helmet?

Darth Vader Would Suffocate Without His Mask

Above all, Darth Vader's mask enables him to breathe through a series of devices. If he took his mask off, Vader would rapidly suffocate and die. Additionally, all its other enhancements would fail, compromising many if not all his primary senses.
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What if Vader never had the suit?

If he hadn't been placed in his new armour and had been left on Mustafar by the Emperor who was disappointed with his failure to kill Obi-wan then he would have died. If he had won the battle then his force powers would only grow and it is estimated that he would be about twice as powerful as Palpatine.
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Why did Palpatine hate Vader's lightsaber?

Palpatine Always Hated Lightsabers

He believed that the Jedi's lightsabers, created as the order's primary weapon, clouded their vision and blinded them to the fact that everything around them is a weapon through the Force, and that the Jedi put too much stock in lightsabers.
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How much weaker was Vader than Anakin?

According to Lucas, Vader operated at twenty percent less strength than the Emperor. While this was still impressive, it also shows how much more powerful he could have been as Anakin. Had he emerged unscathed from his duel with Obi-Wan, conquering the galaxy would have happened much faster.
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Could Vader ever defeat Palpatine?

Darth Vader couldn't kill Palpatine before Return of the Jedi because he was everything to him, as that's how consumed with hatred Darth Vader was. It wasn't until he allowed himself to be filled with love for his son, and look past Palpatine at something more important, that Vader was able to finally kill his master.
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Could Kylo use Force lightning?

Kylo demonstrably couldn't defeat Snoke directly, instead killing his master via deception. Kylo most likely never learned how to conjure Force lightning, which is considered an advanced skill for dark side users.
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