Does the Dead Poets Society have Lgbtq?

Dead Poets Society follows a group of boarding school boys and their new English teacher, as they find identity and individuality. Although not explicitly a queer film, it's queer subtext is undeniable.
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What is inappropriate in Dead Poets Society?

Sex & Nudity (4)

Teenage boys look at a magazine centerfold of a nude woman. Her breasts are visible and details are clear. There are several instances of innuendo and direct mentions of sex.
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Was Neil Perry in love with Todd?

The consensus is that they had at least feelings for each other. Especially towards Neil's Death. Todd's reaction indicates that Neil was more than just a friend. it's neither confirmed or denied that Neil and Todd were in a romantic relationship or gay, but they do show signs of attraction towards eachother.
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Who is in love with the girl in Dead Poets Society?

Chris Noel

Knox fell in love with her at first sight. After the eye-lock, he tells his friends that he has fallen for the girl but she was dating Chet and got teased for it. After that, he plan to wooed Chris until she likes him. He even writes a poem about his feelings for her.
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Who has a crush in Dead Poets Society?

Knox is a thoughtful, romantic student at Welton. Over the course of the novel, he falls in love with Chris Noel, the girlfriend of a family friend's son. Knox's first attempts to woo Chris are disrespectful at best and assaultive at worst; he even gropes Chris at a party.
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How to Read Gay Subtext: Dead Poets Society

Did Knox and Chris get together?

It can be assumed at the end of the novel Chris will end up with Knox. During their first date at the premiere of A Midsummer Night's Dream at Henley Hall, the narrator states, "... Chris found herself becoming infatuated with Knox as well." The two then kiss after the end of a Dead Poets Society meeting.
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How do the boys find out about the Dead Poets Society?

Mr Keating stirs this up in the boys as he tells them of the Dead Poets Society to which he belonged at school. The boys soon follow in his footsteps and form a society of their own, meeting in the cave to read poetry and make up some of their own.
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Why does Charlie punch Cameron?

This animosity for Cameron grows in Charlie when he 'finks' to Mr. Nolan about the Dead Poets Society and when Cameron blames Mr. Keating for Neil's suicide. Charlie is more than willing to punch Cameron over this betrayal, implying bad blood.
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Why does Knox get beat up at the party?

Meanwhile, Knox is arriving at the Danbury house, where a teenage party is in full swing. He gets pretty drunk, and so does everyone else, including Chris. When Knox kisses her forehead, Chet gets angry and beats him up.
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Who got expelled in Dead Poets Society?

Answer and Explanation: In Dead Poets Society, Charlie Dalton is expelled from Welton Academy. Charlie is expelled after punching Cameron for ratting out his fellow members of the Dead Poets Society, and setting up John Keating to take the fall for Neil's suicide.
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Why did Neil open the window?

As with any symbolic moment in film or literature, the open window in Dead Poets Society is open to a range of audience interpretations. One answer is that the open window symbolizes his last glimpse of freedom before the end of his life, as he wears the crown he wore in the play while he looks out at the snow outside.
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Did Neil tell his dad about the play?

Neil, however, does not confront his father about the topic and instead, lies to Mr. Keating when asked about his talk. The lie comes to a head when Neil's father comes to the play and forcefully takes his son home.
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What is Todd Anderson's full name?

Todd Robert Anderson is known for Blast from the Past (1999), Film Pigs (2012) and Adam & Steve (2005).
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Will Dead Poets Society make me cry?

Dead Poets Society (1989)

But even before his tragic end, Dead Poets Society was a surefire way to devolve into tears. In this drama, Williams is an English teacher in a boys' boarding school.
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What grade are the boys in Dead Poets Society?

Answer and Explanation: The Dead Poets Society boys are juniors or in the 11th grade. This is made known in the novel when Nolan assigns their extracurricular activities for the year at the beginning of the novel.
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Why do people love Dead Poets Society?

“Dead Poets Society” is full of poetry, beauty and romance; things that Keating tells his students are “what we stay alive for.” It is a coming-of-age story in the sense that the students grow a lot over the course of two hours and eight minutes.
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What does Mr. Keating say to Charlie?

Keating is clearly Charlie's favourite teacher. In addition, Charlie took the phrase carpe diem (seize the day) to heart as their new life motto; this phrase was said by Keating in his first class, encouraging his students to live life to the fullest, and every day as if it were the last.
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What do Todd's parents give him for his birthday?

Keating teaches tells the boys not to conform, and Todd gets the same desk pen set from his parents that they got him last year for his birthday.
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What does Mr. Keating say after Todd's poem?

Keating walks towards the chalkboard and writes down a quote from Walt Whitman: “I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.” “For those of you that don't know,” Mr. Keating explains to the class, “a 'yawp' is a loud cry or yell.” Much to Todd's dismay, Mr.
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Why does Charlie start smoking?

Charlie starts smoking as a more outward form of rebellion, and as a way to calm his nerves, but his nerves are not calmed.
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Why did Mr. Keating cry?

He looks at the words, “Dead Poets,” written on the first page, and begins to weep. Mr. Keating weeps because the phrase “Dead Poet” has taken on a tragic new meaning. Keating's philosophy of “seize the day” was based on the inevitability of death—now, death has come to one of the Dead Poets.
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Is Charlie's dad abusive?

Charlie's dad first comes across as cold, uncaring, and maybe even abusive. In his first letter, Charlie tells us that his dad slapped him after he made Aunt Helen cry. It's not until his second letter, almost two months later, that he says that his dad "felt terrible for doing it. And he was so sorry.
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Does Dead Poets Society have a sad ending?

After Neil participates in the play, his father has him withdrawn from Welton and enrolled in a military academy in retaliation. Lacking any support from his mother and unable to explain how he feels to his father, Neil commits suicide.
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Who takes the blame and why in Dead Poets Society?

Answer and Explanation:

Mr. Keating takes the blame for Neil's suicide in Dead Poets Society. The headmaster Nolan forces the students to all sign an affidavit having Mr. Keating play a key role in Neil's death.
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What happens to the boys after Dead Poets Society?

Neil Perry's death, Charlie Dalton's expulsion, and the firing of John Keating marked an end to the group as a whole. Knox Overstreet ended up with the girl he wanted to be with from the beginning and Todd Anderson learned to speak up for himself by the end of the group, showing it was not all in vain.
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