Is DC or Marvel stronger?

While the Marvel and DC's heroes are pretty evenly matched in some places, DC's would prove too powerful for Marvel's superteams to handle. Beyond the fact that DC's heroes are overall more powerful, they have many advantages. From magic-users to Kryptonians to the Flash Family, Marvel can't match DC's power.
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Who won Marvel vs DC?

Marvel takes the tiebreaker, and with the win for best heroes, Optic crowns Marvel as the superior franchise. DC has icons like Batman and Superman, but Marvel's heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and Spiderman are superior.
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Who is the strongest DC character?

When counting down the most powerful DC cosmic characters of all time, the number one has to be DC's version of God, known as The Presence. While there are numerous Gods in the DC pantheon, mostly from the Greek versions of Zeus and his offspring, the Presence is more powerful than them all.
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Who in DC can beat the Avengers?

Superman and Wonder Woman can easily break Captain America's shield with one blow. Green Lantern is a strong candidate (imagine creating a giant hammer to pummel the Avengers). Thor, with his Stormbreaker and Hulk, is a commendable foe, but not nearly enough.
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Is Black Adam stronger than Superman?

Despite Black Adam's challenge, Superman's Kryptonian physiology ultimately makes him stronger, as confirmed in the issue. Fans eagerly anticipate a future showdown between Superman and Black Adam, with potential for an epic battle in various mediums.
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Why I Prefer DC Over Marvel!

Can Hulk beat Black Adam?

Hulk has a violent reputation among Marvel's heroes. He's the strongest one there is, and his power is pretty much infinite. Fighting him is basically an exercise in futility, as any blow that doesn't take him out makes him angry, and he just gets stronger. However, that's exactly why Black Adam would win.
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Can Black Adam beat Thanos?

Seeing as he would have lost against Thanos without the upgrade of his new weapons, it's clear who the victor would be in a confrontation between the Mad Titan and Adam. A battle between the god-tier Thanos and Black Adam would be insane, but in the end, Thanos would walk away victorious.
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Can Superman lift Thor Hammer?

Yes, as a shock to many, Superman has briefly lifted the mighty hammer in a phenomenal crossover with Marvel and DC Comics.
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Can Superman beat Thor in a fight?

While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero. With his super-speed, the Man of Steel could probably avoid the Thunder God's lightning, but not necessarily, since Thor is just as fast.
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Who in DC can beat Thor?

Even the regular Superman would probably be enough to defeat Thor. It would be a close match since Superman isn't as durable against magic but Thor would definitely struggle against Superman's might, more so if he's bloodlusted.
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Can Batman beat Superman?

Batman has defeated Superman in various storylines, including one where he becomes Doomsday and kills him using his own strength and intellect.
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Who is the strongest Marvel character ever?


He is the most powerful being in the Marvel multiverse second alone to The One Above All. He was so strong, that all the Marvel abstracts (such as Eternity, Infinity and Death), supreme cosmic beings (such as Galactus and the Stranger), and The Living Tribunal himself were left at his mercy.
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Is Shazam stronger than Superman?

Shazam is in a similar strength class as Superman, but he can also command lightning. Shazam's magical powers give him a clear advantage over Superman whenever they meet in battle. The two heroes have fought several times, and Shazam almost always takes the win unless outside forces are at play.
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Why DC will never beat Marvel?

The Justice League is often said to have too much action and too grim and gritty. DC storylines can also be difficult to follow with their casting inconsistencies, making the stories all-the-more confusing. DC tries hard to emulate marvel movies but fail to reach Marvel's standards.
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Can Marvel defeat DC?

From magic-users to Kryptonians to the Flash Family, Marvel can't match DC's power. Even Marvel's mutants would fall against a concerted assault from a team of Flashes. Marvel's heroes taking on DC's heroes would be a universe-shaking battle fans would love to see, but in the end, DC is walking away as the victor.
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Who can defeat Superman in Marvel?

Scarlet Witch

Confirmed as the MCU's most powerful superhero, the Scarlet Witch would make short work of Superman. Had Thanos's forces not interrupted her in Avengers: Endgame, she would have defeated the Mad Titan, and the Man of Steel would be similarly overpowered by the Avenger.
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Can Superman break Thor's hammer?

No. Thor's hammer is extremely durable. We've seen Superman hit with things before that didn't break. The only way I see a fight with Thor & Superman ending with Mjolnir broken is if Superman punched it as hard as he could while Thor was swinging it as hard as he could.
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Can Hulk beat Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Can Thor defeat Goku?

Goku is probably stronger than Thor at full power, but that's debatable. Both of them have amazing energy powers at similar levels, but the Thorforce is a more powerful source of power than Goku's Saiyan genes. Mjolnir is an amazing weapon and Thor is a master of it, giving Thor more combat options than Goku.
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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Could Batman lift Thor's hammer?

While Batman does have some of the characteristics that would allow him to lift Mjolnir, he also has committed several acts that disqualify him. This is a man who once kept extensive files on his allies in case he needed to take them down, files that were stolen and used against said allies.
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Can Superman break Captain America's Shield?

Regular Superman? No, you need either Skyfather level power or matter manipulation to break CA's shield. The shield survived a full power lightning blast from Thor without a dent.
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Can Darkseid beat Thanos?

Just looking at the numbers, Darkseid would win. His Omega Beams wipe out anything they hit from existance, or in the case of Batman send that person back in time.
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Can Black Adam beat Captain America?

Captain America is one of the greatest heroes in the Marvel Universe and a great leader, but he just wouldn't be able to stand a chance against Black Adam. Captain America has been able to defeat all kinds of foes he shouldn't have stood a chance against, but Black Adam would just be too overwhelming for him.
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Is Doomsday stronger than Black Adam?

There's no denying that Doomsday is one of the most recognizable and best villains in DC Comics. But more than that, he's also one of the strongest, and Black Adam is no match for him. Doomsday has consistently been able to take on the entire Justice League and survive with little injury.
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