Is Dr. Manhattan too powerful?

Manhattan could easily destroy Superman. All he would have to do is disintegrate him and no matter how powerful Superman might be compared to other beings, Dr. Manhattan is simply too powerful.
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Is anyone stronger than Dr. Manhattan?

When The Beyonder has full power, he could easily beat Dr. Manhattan. Everything that Beyonder proved he could accomplish — including destroying all multiverse — supersedes what Dr. Manhattan had even accomplished in DC's Rebirth.
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Why is Dr. Manhattan so powerful?

Following a laboratory accident, atomic physicist Jon Osterman develops the ability to observe and manipulate matter at the subatomic level. He is later given the tongue-in-cheek moniker Doctor Manhattan by the United States government, due to his limitless destructive potential.
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Is Dr. Manhattan more powerful than Hulk?

Unfortunately, as formidable as the Hulk has been in all his incarnations, brute force may not be as effective against Dr. Manhattan as his other adversaries. Manhattan could conceivably split Banner from the Hulk as Onslaught did in the '90s, or disintegrate the Hulk from existence altogether.
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Could Dr. Manhattan beat Thanos?

Thanos should not be underestimated in any fight, but unless he's wearing the Infinity Gauntlet or has a literal sack full of Cosmic Cubes, he isn't beating Dr. Manhattan. Without the aid of any super powerful objects, or pants for that matter, Dr. Manhattan could easily snap Thanos out of existence.
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How Powerful is Doctor Manhattan?

Who is stronger Dr. Manhattan or Thor?

Originally Answered: Can Doctor Manhattan beat Rune King Thor or God Emperor Doom? I'd give the victory to Manhattan. He recreated the entire DC Metaverse with a wave of his hand.
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Who would win, Scarlet Witch or Dr. Manhattan?

Thus, it seems Doctor Manhattan has the clear edge in even a fight that would literally shred the very fabric of reality. No matter what the Scarlet Witch did, Doctor Manhattan would retain clear perceptions of what was going on and be unaffected by Wanda's manipulations.
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Did DC say Hulk would beat Superman?

Even DC Admits Hulk Is Strong Enough to Kill Superman.
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Who is more powerful Dr. Manhattan or goku?

While Goku's Ultra Instinct takes him nearer to a God-level strength, Doctor Manhattan already has it and he is, pretty much, a God who can do anything he pleases. Teleportation, disintegration, creating stuff through his mind, and on top of that, time travel makes him almost impossible to beat.
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Can Dr. Manhattan beat infinity ultron?

Doctor Manhattan tried erasing Superman but Superman popped right up every single time and Dr. Manhattan>Infinity Ultron. Tanked the anti-life equation that can end reality and would easily one shot Infinity Ultron.
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Why can't Dr. Manhattan erase Superman?

Doctor Manhattan tried to erase Superman from existence yet he kept on coming back. Superman is the centre of all DC and without him nothing would exist. The metaverse forms around Superman.
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What is Dr. Manhattan's weakness?

Weaknesses. Doctor Manhattan's major weakness is Tachyons which limits his sight of seeing into the future or through time itself, Ozymandias himself used this against Manhattan multiple times even tried to dissolve him by just science but failed.
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Is Dr. Manhattan Smarter Than Batman?

Batman is pretty smart, but there's no way he can match Dr. Manhattan's just about unparalleled knowledge of physics, astronomy, and molecular science. On top of that, Manhattan's unique way of viewing time gives him knowledge of the future, which Batman has no access to.
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Is Dr. Manhattan immortal?

Doctor Manhattan has complete control over and awareness over atomic and subatomic particles. He can reconstruct his body from atoms even in the event of being disintegrated. He can also alter his body's size, color, density, and strength with ease. He does not need food, water, or air, and is effectively immortal.
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Why does Dr. Manhattan respect hydrogen?

Instead, Jon chooses as his emblem a representation of a hydrogen atom, whose simplicity he declares to be something that kindles his respect; accordingly, he painlessly burns the mark into his forehead. In March 1960, Doctor Manhattan is finally revealed to public through a special news report on television.
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Can Dr. Manhattan beat Dormammu?

We've only seen a brief glimpse of them but the Celestials are also probably more powerful than Dr. Manhattan. The Dread Dormammu could win against Dr. Manhattan.
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Can Saitama beat Doctor Manhattan?

While Saitama could probably match Doctor Manhattan punch-for-punch, Manhattan was never really a traditionally physical type of superhero. It is Manhattan's dominion over time, space and matter itself that gives him the edge over the unassuming manga superhero.
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Who is actually stronger Goku or Superman?

In terms of speed, power, and durability, Superman and Goku (in SSJ2) are pretty much even. However, Goku's martial arts training gives him an edge against Superman. Superman might have gotten some training as well, but it has not been covered or written about as extensively as Goku's.
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Is Dr. Manhattan stronger than Cosmic Superman?

Who wins in a fight, Cosmic Armour Superman or Doctor Manhattan? Cosmic Armour Superman wins.
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Can Superman lift Thor's hammer?

It's important to note that the rules around worthiness had been temporarily suspended to allow this to happen. As soon as the fight was over, Superman couldn't lift the hammer anymore. However, under normal circumstances, without any weird interference, Superman is worthy of Mjolnir.
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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Can Hulk beat Thanos?

Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in Marvel lore, with Thanos even admitting he was scared to face the Hulk before acquiring the Infinity Stones. While Thanos is usually the victor, it's generally down to him using superior tactics and technology, rather than simply possessing greater physical strength.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat hulk?

6 Can Beat The Hulk: Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch doesn't like to go all out with her powers too much but she'll definitely make an exception against the Hulk. He's just too dangerous for her to mess around with, so she'll do what she has to do take him out as quickly as possible.
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Who in the Justice League can beat Scarlet Witch?

Martian Manhunter's powers make him one of the Justice League's most potent members. It's that mix of abilities that will help Martian Manhunter beat Scarlet Witch. Not only is he a physical powerhouse on par with Superman, but his shapeshifting, invisibility, intangibility, and telepathy make him even more versatile.
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Would Superman beat Scarlet Witch?

Superman hits infinitely harder. He has the power to kill someone with a single strike, a strike she wouldn't even see coming. If Superman can beat Darkseid he can beat Scarlet Witch. Scarlet Witch would have ended Superman.
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