Is Eddie immortal with Venom?

Venom is an immortal extra-dimensional fragment of a destroyed hive-mind. Eddie Brock, on the other hand, is a simple man from New York City who is entirely mortal. This means that, while the Venom symbiote can heal Eddie's wounds, it can't stop him from aging. This is what ultimately does Eddie in.
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Can Venom keep Eddie alive?

Over the decades and centuries, Venom was able to keep his host alive. by replacing each of Eddie's aging organs.
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How did Venom keep Eddie alive for 500 years?

Forming a particularly strong attachment to Eddie Brock, the Venom symbiote kept him alive for five-hundred years; replacing his failing organs with simulacrums manifested from its living abyss.
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Why can Venom only live in Eddie?

As you may recall from the first Venom movie, the symbiote was unable to bond with numerous people and left each of its test hosts dead. It wasn't until Venom formed a special bond with Eddie that both the host and symbiote were able to survive.
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Can Venom get Eddie pregnant?

One of the most tragic and weirdest Venom stories is how the symbiote made Eddie Brock pregnant, and this pregnancy created more chaos than Carange.
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"You Can Kiss Me Now!" | Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage | Clips & Chill

Why did she Venom kiss Eddie?

Anne commented on it was nice, only misinterpreted by Eddie about their kiss, but she clarified that it was about the power as Eddie suggested. Anne would also promise Eddie to not tell Dan about their mutual kiss.
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Does Eddie fall in love with Venom?

The relationship between Eddie and Venom was hailed by both critics and fans. Those that ship based around the comics, believe that the two are already in a committed relationship. Often they site the two raising one of Venom's offspring together.
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Why is Venom stronger with Eddie?

The leftover symbiote inside Eddie rejected Venom and transformed him to become a stronger force for good.
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Why did Venom eat Carnage?

By eating Carnage, Venom is effectively returning his spawn back to his former "unborn" state within Venom's mass, not taking anything he didn't already have into his cells.
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Why didn't Venom talk to Spider-Man?

Basically, the symbiote didn't attempted to talk with Peter because it wanted to remain loyal and obedient like a servant. It didn't felt the need to talk to him, only to serve him.
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How is Venom slowly killing Eddie?

As Eddie's organs begin to deteriorate, Venom replaces them with "venomized cellular analogues," until Eddie's internal organs mostly comprise Venom, even down to his cellular structure. After two hundred years, Eddie's brain begins to decay and his neurons start to die.
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Why did Eddie become Anti-Venom?

Brock is enveloped in a new white “Anti-Venom” symbiote when remnants of the Venom symbiote in his body merge with special antibodies (produced by his white blood cells) due to Li's Lightforce energy.
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Why did Venom decide to save Earth?

Tired of being looked down upon by the other members of its kind, who had considered it a runt. Venom came to empathize with Eddie's status as a "loser", eventually deciding to turn on its own kind and save the Earth from being invaded.
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Who kills Venom?

Summary. Dylan Brock faces his biggest challenge as Carnage finally kills Venom in a shocking turn of events in Venom #31. In the Un-Beyond, Dylan encounters the most powerful version of Eddie Brock, known as the Eventuality, hinting at potential power-ups.
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Can Venom heal his host?

Like many of the super-powered individuals in Marvel comics, Venom heals (and heals his hosts) very quickly. One thing he can heal that most other powered people can't is cancer. When Venom bonded with Eddie Brock, the latter was at a low point in his life.
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Why is Venom afraid of red?

It could be that in the universe of the Venom movies, this type of strong bond is already known among the symbiotes to result in stronger specimens. This could explain why Venom is so fearful of facing an enemy with a ruddy hue.
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Will there be a Venom 3?

Sorry Venom fans, Venom 3 has been confirmed to be the last movie in the saga. Bad news Venom fans, but it looks like the franchise's upcoming third installment will be the alien symbiote's last dance as Sony has revealed that Venom 3 is the final film in the series.
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Is Venom Carnage's dad?

Personality. Carnage is a sentient being of pure evil, shown by how moments after the symbiote was born it wreaked havoc in Prison during its escape. Carnage also has a deep hatred for its father, Venom, wanting to kill him so that he could be the only symbiote on the planet and thus unstoppable.
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Did Venom prefer Peter or Eddie?

Like in Spider man 3 after Peter ripped the Symbiote off of Brock, it gravitated towards Peter over Brock. Another is in Spectacular Spider man cartoon where the Symbiote easily rejected Brock in favor of Spiderman when he wanted it back.
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Why is Venom obsessed with Spider-Man?

Most folks are familiar with the fact that the symbiote who would come to be known as Venom first bonded with Peter Parker. It got a taste of the power of Spider-Man and grew to love that power. It grew to love the feeling of the wind on its face swinging through the city. It loved the force behind every punch.
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Did Eddie get pregnant by Venom?

In a flashback, it is revealed that she got pregnant with Eddie's child after bonding to Venom. After giving birth to their son Dylan, she left him in the care of Carl Brock, with the promise that she would return eventually. She instead committed suicide, after which Carl raised Dylan.
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Who is Eddie Brock's girlfriend?

Anne Weying first met Eddie Brock while a law student at Empire State University, and fell in love with him after he falsely claimed to have saved her from a group of thugs. Anne and Eddie eventually married, and while he became a journalist for the Daily Globe she became a successful lawyer.
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What does Eddie call Venom?

In the comics Venom describes their bond as being like marriage, he tells Eddie he loves him and Eddie calls him “darling” and “my love”.
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