Is Elizabeth Frankenstein's cousin?

In the original version of the novel, published in 1818, Elizabeth is Victor's maternal cousin, who the family adopts after her mother passed away and her father wanted to remarry. In the later edition published in 1831, Elizabeth is no longer a blood relation of Victor's but was found by their family at a young age.
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Is Elizabeth related to Frankenstein?

Elizabeth is an orphan child adopted by the Frankensteins. She becomes a devoted daughter, sister and eventually wife to Victor.
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Who was Frankensteins cousin?

Elizabeth Lavenza

In the 1818 edition of the novel, Elizabeth is Victor's cousin, the child of Alphonse Frankenstein's sister. In the 1831 edition, Victor's mother rescues Elizabeth from a destitute peasant cottage in Italy.
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Is William Elizabeth's child Frankenstein?

Who is William to Elizabeth in Frankenstein? To Elizabeth, William Frankenstein is her youngest adopted brother. Her other adopted siblings include Ernest Frankenstein and Victor Frankenstein.
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What did Frankensteins monster do to Elizabeth?

In Frankenstein, Elizabeth is murdered by being strangled. Victor knows the creature is responsible because the Creature prefers to strangulate his victims.
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Does Victor marry his cousin?

Are Victor and Elizabeth in love?

Victor's apparent love of Elizabeth is superficial, an attachment more akin to the ownership of a pet than a marriage. To Victor, Elizabeth is a figure of beauty and docility, without regard to her feelings, in a similar manner to his selfish treatment of his own friend Clerval.
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Who kills Elizabeth Frankenstein?

Elizabeth (Helena Bonham-Carter) plays the same role in the 1994 film Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as she does in the novel, save one significant alteration. After Elizabeth is murdered by the monster (Robert De Niro), a distraught Victor (Kenneth Branagh) reanimates her as an undead being.
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Why does Frankensteins mom adopt Elizabeth?

Elizabeth Lavenza's Role in Frankenstein: Summary

In the original version of the novel, published in 1818, Elizabeth is Victor's maternal cousin, who the family adopts after her mother passed away and her father wanted to remarry.
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What happened to Elizabeth's real mother in Frankenstein?

Early Life with the Frankensteins

Elizabeth was the daughter of a Milanese nobleman and his German wife. Her mother died giving birth to her, and she was placed in the care of an Italian peasant family at Lake Como.
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Why was William killed in Frankenstein?

William's murder stems from a culmination of the Monster's rage at Frankenstein for abandoning him and hatred of humankind for not accepting him.
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What does Elizabeth symbolize in Frankenstein?

Frankenstein's Elizabeth Lavenza

Elizabeth seems to model all of the traditional characteristics of a woman of her era: she is beautiful, sweet, and nurturing. She seems to exist only by and through her relationships to others, especially through her relationship with her future husband.
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Is Elizabeth sick in Frankenstein?

Elizabeth had caught the scarlet fever; but her illness was not severe, and she quickly recovered. During her confinement, many arguments had been urged to persuade my mother to refrain from attending upon her.
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Is Frankensteins monster a doppelganger?

He even claims that he has committed the murders that have been, in reality, done by the monster because he remarks he is “not indeed, but in effect was the true murderer” (Shelley 72). These are the clear indications that the monster is his mirror, alter ego, the other side, and the double goer.
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Is Frankenstein in love with his sister?

Frankenstein falls in love with Elizabeth Lavenza, who became his adoptive sister (his blood cousin in the 1818 edition) and, eventually, his fiancée.
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Why does Elizabeth love Victor?

In both Victor sees her as his “more than sister”, and Elizabeth clearly feels the same bond from having been raised together as non-blood quasi-siblings and growing up together, and she also shares Victor's ache at the loss of his mother Caroline and incentives him to chase his experiments (whose spirit she admires ...
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Is Elizabeth adopted Frankenstein?

In the original version, Elizabeth is Victor's cousin, the daughter of Alphonse's sister; when Victor is four years old, Elizabeth's mother dies and Elizabeth is adopted into the Frankenstein family. In the revised version, Elizabeth is discovered by Caroline, on a trip to Italy, when Victor is about five years old.
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What disease did Frankensteins mom have?

Just before Victor departs, his mother catches scarlet fever from Elizabeth, whom she has been nursing back to health, and dies.
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Did the author of Frankenstein lose her virginity on her mother's grave?

Mary Shelley is said to have lost her virginity on her mother's grave (described by one social media user as the most 'goth' thing ever). 3. Her mother's grave was handy for something a bit more above board: Mary Shelley learned to write her name by tracing the letters on the headstone.
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Does Frankensteins monster have a wife?

The Bride Of Frankenstein is also known as the Monster's mate. Victor Frankenstein creates her to satisfy the monster's wish for companionship.
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Why did Victor Frankenstein marry Elizabeth?

He does not want anyone else to die because of him, and he believes that he can prevent further murders by marrying Elizabeth and having his last encounter with the monster.
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How does Elizabeth's death affect Victor?

Elizabeth's murder has a ripple effect, as Victor must now endure the added isolation of his father's death, his own mental health collapse, and the magistrate's reluctance to help.
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Does Victor bring Elizabeth back to life?

One of the major film additions was that Victor Frankenstein chose to reanimate the recently slain Elizabeth. While he viewed his original creation as an abomination, he chose to forgo all of his “morals” and resurrect his wife.
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Why is it ironic that Victor creates a monster that kills?

Violent death is precisely what Victor brings about. The monster he creates systematically destroys Victor's loved ones in revenge for the life of loneliness, brutality, and rejection to which Victor has abandoned the monster.
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Did Frankensteins monster have a name?

Mary Shelley's original novel never gives the monster a name, although when speaking to his creator, Victor Frankenstein, the monster does say "I ought to be thy Adam" (in reference to the first man created in the Bible).
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What happens on Victor and Elizabeth's wedding night?

What happens on Victor and Elizabeth's wedding night? The monster attacks and kills Elizabeth.
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