Is flash faster than Zod?

He notably pushed out his arm-blade and slashed a human soldier's throat before the latter could react. Also, during Zod's final duel with Supergirl, he was able to land several blows on her before she could react. The only known being capable of moving slightly faster than General Zod is the speedster Flash.
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Can Flash defeat Zod?

There's potential for the Flash to be pushed past his limits, forced to be consistently smarter and faster than the Kryptonian, Zod, in order to defeat him. That potential isn't really carried over to The Flash either, where a true fight between the two individual characters alone isn't explored.
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Who is more faster than Flash?

Barry Allen Admits Eobard Thawne Is Faster

But Eobard is by far the most dangerous, because he's not just Barry's equal - he's faster. After failing to save Wally West over and over in his nightmare, Flash turns to Eobard Thawne to try and steal his speed, admitting, "Thawne's faster than me. Always has been."
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Why could Kara not defeat Zod?

Supergirl even initially dominated General Zod in some iterations of their fight. However, Zod's superior combat skills allowed him to adjust and gain the upper hand against Supergirl, killing her in each timeline. Nigh-Invulnerability: Supergirl's body is virtually indestructible.
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What is The Flash's top speed?

It is said that The Flash can run 13 trillion times faster than the speed of light, which would mean that he can travel up to 1,750,000,000,000,000,000 miles per second. The Flash gets his incredible speed and abilities from The Speed Force.
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The Flash Alternate Ending, Superman Deleted Scenes and Alternate Post Credit Scene Easter Eggs

Who is faster flash or Godspeed?

In the comics, Godspeed is a few notches faster than Barry Allen as shown in the above photo where he struggled to keep up with him. The only way Barry was able to stop the villainous speedster was to "short-circuit" both their connections to the Speed Force, which temporarily cuts off their super speed.
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Can Flash beat Superman?

At base levels — i.e. the levels of power that Wally and Superman have both showed when it comes to foot speed — Wally would take the race. With Superman's newly enhanced power, he'd likely win. But if there were no rules against how Wally used the Speed Force, then Wally would win.
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Can Superman beat Zod?

General Zod has the same powers and strength as Superman, but he is a trained military genius, with Superman raised a farm boy. Despite this, Superman has beaten Zod, and there was even one point where he killed the General, one of the few times Superman broke his no-kill rule.
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Is Zod as powerful as Superman?

2) Zod. Zod is definitely one of the most powerful Kyrptonians, and in several instances, he was stronger than Superman. Unlike Superman, Zod spent most of life training as a warrior. He flaunts every ability that Superman has, but the factor that sets him above Kal-el is his experience.
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Can Batman beat General Zod?

1 Would Demolish Him: Batman

So, Batman is uniquely suited to dealing with Zod. He's ready for a crazy Kryptonian in a way his teammates aren't.
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Who's faster, Flash or Goku?

When necessary, Goku has been faster than The Flash, but it's the source of The Flash's powers, and his years spent mastering the way he and his enemies respond to speed, that holds his best weapon.
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Is Flash faster than Spiderman?

Of course, Spider-Man isn't nearly as fast as the Flash, so handing him an extra second or two doesn't give him any distinct advantages over the speedster.
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Is Black Racer faster than Flash?

Which is faster black racer Barry Allen or Wally West? Flash III (Wally West) is the victor. According to Jay Garrick, “It's a little-known Flash Fact that Death can't travel faster than the speed of light” (Final Crisis Vol 1 #3).
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Can Thor defeat Zod?

The God of Thunder, Thor would prove more than a match for General Zod. Not just because of his strength and durability, but also because of his magical hammer, Mjolnir, and the bombastic blasts of lightning he can summon up. While Zod probably has a strength advantage, he just couldn't stand up to Thor's other powers.
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Can Flash steal Superman's speed?

Yes, he absorbed Everyone's ‛‛Speed” including Superman. The Flash can Speed Steal Earth's population in an instant. He is ‛‛ridiculously powerful”, thanks to his Connection to the SPEED FORCE that let's him defy the laws of physics.
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Can Black Adam beat Zod?

However, he has the magic weakness of Kryptonians. This puts the fight well into the bag for Black Adam. Adam is an experienced fighter as well, and has the power to stand with Zod. He knows how to fight Kryptonians, so all he'll have to do is rain lightning blasts down on Zod and call it a day.
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Can General Zod beat Thanos?

One of the most dangerous menaces in the Marvel Universe, Thanos would put up a good fight against Zod but just couldn't defeat the Kryptonian. Thanos probably has Zod beaten in a few places when it comes to power levels but Zod is vastly stronger and faster than Thanos.
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Who would win, Zod or Darkseid?

Possessing all the abilities commonly associated with The Man of Steel, Zod's intelligence gives him a slight edge, having been established as a genius combat tactician. Zod is also much more ruthless in combat and would likely not hesitate to kill any opponent he deems too dangerous.
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Why is General Zod weak?

Weakness. General Zod is vulnerable to Kryptonite, radioactive remnants of his home planet, Krypton. The known variations of kryptonite affect him in different ways. Kryptonite renders General Zod physically weak and painfully ill.
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Can Superman beat Darkseid?

Darkseid vs Superman Shouldn't Be a Contest

Usually, Darkseid is capable of beating down Superman in a fight, but it's often depicted as a close one-on-one fight that tests both to their limits.
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Who in DC can beat Superman?

Shazam has proven to be Superman's equal or superior in a variety of ways. The fact his powers are magic-based means he can hurt Superman a lot. The best example of this is Kingdom Come when Shazam pounds Superman with his fists and pulverizes him with magical lightning.
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Who is the strongest Kryptonian?

The 16 Strongest Kryptonians Ever, Officially Ranked
  • 4 Supergirl Has The Potential To Surpass Superman. ...
  • 3 Doomsday Comes Back Stronger From Anything That Kills Him. ...
  • 2 Superman Has Become Stronger Than Ever Thanks To His Time On Warworld. ...
  • 1 Superboy-Prime Has Access To Pre-Crisis Powers That Make Him Nearly Unstoppable.
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Can Hulk beat Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Can the Flash beat Hulk?

Hurting the Hulk would be hard for the Flash, especially since every missed attack would make the Hulk angrier. However, the Flash can always deploy the infinite mass punch, his most devastating attack. It would be a last resort but it would give the Flash the win.
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Can Flash beat Thanos?

While it is fairly obvious that the Flash could run circles around Thanos under normal circumstances as his powers make him virtually untouchable, there wouldn't be much the Scarlet Speedster could do if he was around for Thanos' Infinity Snap as there is no way to outrun the god-like power of cosmic chance.
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