Is Gimli the last dwarf?

Though Gimli has no children, he is not the last Dwarf of Middle-earth. After the fall of Sauron, his people continued to thrive in the Lonely Mountain. Gimli made his home in Rohan, in the Glittering Caves of Aglarond, and many of his kinsfolk came with him.
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Why is there no other Dwarf besides Gimli in The Lord of the Rings?

The relative absence of dwarves in The Lord of the Rings can be attributed to Tolkien's focus on men as the future of Middle-Earth. When the Third Age ends and Sauron is defeated, the elves are leaving for the Undying Lands, and the dwarves are dwindling in number, but the realm of men grows under Aragorn's leadership.
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Is Gimli a descendant of Durin?

He was a remote descendant of Durin the Deathless, chief of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves and ancestor of the Longbeards. Gimli was of the royal line, but not close to the succession; he was the third cousin once removed of Dáin II Ironfoot.
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Is the Gimli the only Dwarf in the Undying Lands?

After the death of King Elessar, Legolas made a ship in Ithilien, and through Anduin, he left Middle-earth to go over the sea. His strong friendship with Gimli prompted him to invite Gimli to go to the Undying Lands; making him the first and only Dwarf to do so.
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What happened to Gimli in the end?

Gimli led a company of dwarves to the Glittering Caves near Helm's Deep, where they established a new settlement, taking on the vast amount of rebuilding jobs that had suddenly become available. Gimli became the Lord of the Glittering Caves, and strong ties were developed with the nearby people of Rohan.
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Thorin's Company of Dwarves AFTER The Hobbit | Tolkien Explained

How old is Gimli when he dies?

Gimli is 139 during the events of The Lord of the Rings. Dwarves have an average lifespan of 250 years; thus, being young and strong, he was selected by Elrond to represent the Dwarves as part of Frodo's company.
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Does Gimli live forever in the Undying Lands?

Beings In LOTR's Undying Lands Will Still Eventually Die

Even the immortal Elves can die in Valinor, though it often isn't forever. When an Elf's spirit is separated from its body, it travels to the domain of Mandos, which is within Aman. There, the Elf can rest and contemplate their life.
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Does Gimli become immortal?

Does Gimli become immortal? They're not immortal.
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Why did Gimli not know of Moria?

Gimli didn't know about Moria's fate because there had been no communication between Erebor and Moria for 25 years, and the Dwarves were hopeful and did not want to accept failure until there was certain news.
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Why is Gimli not in The Hobbit?

His father joined Thorin and Company in their quest to reclaim the Kingdom under the Mountain, but Gimli was forbidden because he was too young: only 62 at the time. The Dwarves were successful in their Quest and Gimli and his father were among the Dwarves who returned to Erebor.
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Is Thorin related to Durin?

Thorin I (Third Age 2035 – 2289, died aged 254) was the King of Durin's Folk for 99 years, succeeding his father, Thráin I, on his death in T.A. 2190. Thorin was the heir of Durin the Deathless being the great-grandson of Durin VI.
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Is Durin Gimli's grandpa?

Born in TA 2879, Gimli was the son of Glóin and a nephew of Óin, both former companions of Bilbo Baggins. He was a descendant of Durin the Deathless, father of the first house of the Dwarven people. Gimli was descended from, but was not a member of the royal line.
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Is Durin IV related to Gimli?

Gimli is indeed a distant relative of Durin IV as his father Glóin traces his origins from the line of Durin of the Dwarves of Erebor.
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What happened to the Arkenstone?

As in the book, the Arkenstone is given by Bilbo (who, it is revealed, recovered it during his escape from Smaug) to Thranduil and Bard, in order to try to force Thorin to yield a share of the treasure. In the extended edition of the film, it was placed upon Thorin's chest following his death.
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What happened to Legolas after LOTR?

After the War

After the death of King Elessar, Legolas made a ship in Ithilien, and through Anduin, he left Middle-earth to go over the sea. His strong friendship with Gimli prompted him to invite Gimli to go to the Undying Lands; making him the first and only Dwarf to do so.
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Why is Thorin not in Lord of the Rings?

Before the War of the Ring, the Dwarves took part in the Battle of Five Armies, an event that was covered in the third and final installment of Peter Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy. While this war ended in victory for the Dwarves, far too many lives were lost in the process, including that of Thorin Oakenshield.
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Why didn t Gimli know his cousin was dead?

Combining the poor communication between Erebor and Moria with the Dwarves' extended lifespans, Gimli might not have known about the fall of Moria simply because Erebor had not grown too worried about the lack of information yet.
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Why does Gandalf have no memory of Moria?

He had been through Moria (more than once), but if memory serves he had only gone East to West, never West to East. So when he came to this place before, he may not have realized it was a fork in the road as he was coming out if the fork, not into the fork.
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Was Moria ever reclaimed?

Thrór was murdered as he entered the East-gate of Moria, leading to the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. Even after the end of the War, many Dwarves refused to reclaim Moria, partially because of the Durin's Bane. Years later however, the Dwarves managed to reclaim the Lonely Mountain.
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Was Gimli immune to the ring?

Gimli's Defining Moment Was Created For The Movies

The moment humorously showcases the ring's near-indestructibility while also being the only instance of a character being completely immune to its corruption.
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Why was Sam allowed to go to the Undying Lands?

Because he was a ring bearer. Ring bearers could go to the undying lands. Frodo's case was a precedent. Also, Gandalf probably told Frodo all Ringbearers.
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Do Gimli and Legolas remain friends?

In the end, Legolas & Gimli are not only friends, they're the best of friends. They go see each other's respective wonders–caves of Helm's Deep & forest of Fangorn–because they want to share something intimate and beautiful with each other.
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Why is Gimli the last Dwarf?

Gimli is not the last of the dwarves. This is a common misconception because Gimli is the only dwarf who gets a fair amount of coverage in the franchise. Lord of the Rings focuses its narrative primarily on the affairs of men, elves, and hobbits. Dwarves are a secluded race that lives in the mountains.
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What happened to Gimli and Legolas at the end?

The pair traveled to Helm's Deep, where Gimli showed off the Glittering Caves to Legolas. Gimli also decided to start a new colony of Dwarves there, where all of the Dwarves left homeless by the war could build a kingdom. Legolas helped him start up this new home and restored the caves to their former glory.
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Why didn t Aragorn go to Valinor?

Because he was the King of Gondor, a Man and a mortal, and he had no reason to abandon his duty.
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