Is Green Arrow equal to Batman?

Both heroes have used their vast and seemingly endless resources to build up quite impressive crime-fighting arsenals. While Batman has his batarangs, bombs and other gadgets of that sort, Green Arrow has what seems like hundreds of different trick arrows, some of them with highly impressive technology behind them.
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Is Green Arrow basically Batman?

During his original golden/silver-age appearances, Green Arrow was created to serve as an analogue to Batman with a very similar modus-operandi to the Dark Knight. Over time, he developed more on his own as a modernized Robin Hood figure who uses vigilantism to enforce revolutionary leftist movements outside the law.
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Who is more powerful Green Arrow or Batman?

The operative word is 'could. ' Batman may have more skill than Green Arrow in a lot of ways, but Oliver has surprised all kinds of foes over the years. He's worked with Batman, so he knows how The Dark Knight operates. If anyone could figure out a way to beat Batman, it's Green Arrow.
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Is Green Arrow as rich as Batman?

And as a short story in Infinite Frontier #0, the Green Arrow, Oliver Queen, confirms that he is officially richer than Batman.
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Are Batman and Green Arrow rivals?

While the two Justice Leaguers share a common goal: stopping evil in all its forms, the Dark Knight and the Emerald Archer have long had a rivalry, and in Batman: Fortress #5, readers learn that Green Arrow is revealing Batman's secret identity willy nilly–a move certain to anger him.
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Top 10 Reasons Why Green Arrow Is Better Than Batman

Who is Batman's true rival?

Bane Is The Anti-Batman

Unlike what many people believe, Bane doesn't actually depend on the Venom serum to match Batman. In fact, many of his earliest stories showed the villain only activated the serum when he felt necessary, usually relying on his natural strength to fight his enemies, much like Batman.
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Could Green Arrow beat Superman?

Yes, Green Arrow Can Beat Superman.
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Is Batman mentioned in Arrow?

Long answer: Although it has never shown, nor stated, that Bruce Wayne is Batman on the show, it is heavily hinted at. In season 1 Oliver says to Diggle, “You know us billionaire vigilantes, we do love our toys”. This implies that he not only knows Bruce Wayne, but he is aware that he is Batman.
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Does Oliver Queen know Bruce Wayne is Batman?

Funny enough, Huntress is a big part of the reason Oliver Queen, or the Green Arrow, knows that Batman is actually Bruce Wayne.
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Who is the richest DC character?

In shipwreck treasure alone, Aquaman estimates he has $60 billion. Meanwhile, there's an amount of gold in the oceans that approaches $150 trillion in value based on the value of gold per ounce. In other words, Aquaman is easily the wealthiest hero in the DC Universe.
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Can Oliver Queen beat Batman?

Taking inspiration from this, Signal Man changed his name to the Blue Bowman, recreated Oliver Queen's trick arrows, and used them to absolutely trounce both Batman and Robin in a fight, emphatically proving that Queen, despite not having superpowers, could defeat Batman in a combat scenario.
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Can Joker beat Green Arrow?

9 The Joker Wouldn't Stand A Chance Against Green Arrow

He has a knack for everything that kills - guns, knives, explosives, and poisons - and is much more dangerous than he looks. He and Green Arrow haven't battled much, but Green Arrow would take him down.
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Can Green Arrow beat Wolverine?

Green Arrow is a tough customer. Not only is he a skilled archer but he's dangerous even without bow. However, none of that is going to help him against Wolverine. Wolverine is a sponge when it comes to damage and even if Ollie busts out some trick arrows, he doesn't have a chance.
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Who is smarter Batman or Green Arrow?

Still, even though he has his lair and a quiver filled with trick arrows, Green Arrow is pretty much just a sharpshooter with nowhere near the intelligence of Batman. That changes in the short-story "Hunters" when the dark archer known as Merlyn comes hunting.
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Can Batman beat Green Goblin?

The Green Goblin had the advantage in speed and strength, while Batman was smarter and had more gadgets. Boomstick: But Batman's punches were nothing to the Green Goblin, we're talking about the dude who goes toe-to-toe with Spider-Man regularly.
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Who was first, Green Arrow or Batman?

If you go by publication date, Batman was first published in 1939, while Green Arrow saw the light of day in 1941.
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What does Batman think of Green Arrow?

Batman just revealed that he thinks Green Arrow is a knockoff version of himself. The conversation of how similar Batman and Green Arrow are is not a new one. Back when Green Arrow was first introduced in 1941, the character was heavily inspired by Batman. Naturally there are some glaring similarities in places.
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Why is there no Batman in the Arrowverse?

DC is famous for having strict rules regarding the use of the Bruce Wayne/Batman character on television, preferring to keep him for the big screen. It is for this reason that Batman has yet to make a full, in-the-flesh appearance in the Arrowverse, but that doesn't mean he doesn't exist.
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Does Gordon find out Bruce is Batman?

In the comics, Gordon seems to have worked out Batman's identity in Year One, but it's left ambiguous. Thanks to subsequent reboots like the New 52, it's unclear whether or not that continues. Gordon learns Batman's identity in The Dark Knight Rises right before his untimely 'death.
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Why is Arrow basically Batman?

Throughout its eight-season run, Arrow borrowed heavily from the Batman mythos. Oliver Queen acted a lot like Batman if he killed his enemies. He had the tragic backstory and focus on street-level crime, while also fighting many of Batman's villains, including lifting the Ra's al Ghul storyline from Batman comics.
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Is Batman in the same universe as Arrow?

Prior to his first onscreen appearance, Batman was mentioned by characters in other shows set in the same universe. Batman is one of the oldest vigilantes in the Arrowverse, having been active for at least 12 years.
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Why does Arrow have so many Batman villains?

The dark and gritty world of Gotham City that Batman lives in isn't all that different from the tone and setting of Arrow, which initially was restricted to street-level vigilantism. Batman's villain history was ripe with opportunities for Arrow, and it seemed only logical for the series to explore that potential.
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What is Green Arrow's weakness?

Like Batman, Green Arrow's primary weakness is that despite all his vaunted skills, he is still human. However, he doesn't have the same tactical mind as the Dark Knight and he is prone to making mistakes. Besides his human limitations, he can get cocky and fall victim to his own pride.
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Can Captain America beat Green Arrow?

Win Against: Green Arrow

Even though Hawkeye was on Cap's side in Captain America: Civil War, if the two were on opposing sides, it could definitely be argued that Cap would have the upper hand.
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Can Green Arrow beat Darkseid?

For Darkseid, his war was ended not by Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman, but by Green Arrow and Atom.
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