Is Hal the greatest Green Lantern?

Hal Jordan Is The Most Versatile Green Lantern While he was for a long while considered to be the greatest Green Lantern of all, that didn't stop him from becoming one of DC Comics' greatest villains in the form of Parallax.
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Is Hal the best Green Lantern?

His many feats over the years have proven that his will is near unparalleled and has shown to be one of the most powerful Green Lanterns of all time. That's why he's normally considered the greatest GL, because his feats have shown that, as a GL, no one comes close to him (except Kyle but not as a GL).
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Who is the greatest Green Lantern of all?

DC: Most Powerful Green Lanterns, Ranked
  1. 1 Sadam Yat. Sadam Yat was prophesized to be the most powerful Green Lantern to ever live; however, Sadam was also said to bring forth the end of the Green Lantern Corps.
  2. 2 Hal Jordan. ...
  3. 3 Kyle Rayner. ...
  4. 4 John Stewart. ...
  5. 5 Guy Gardner. ...
  6. 6 Sojourner Mullein. ...
  7. 7 Jessica Cruz. ...
  8. 8 Arisia Rrab. ...
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Who is the Green Lantern after Hal?

Simon Baz, the New Guy

Introduced in the final act of Geoff Johns' Green Lantern run, Simon Baz was accidentally conscripted into the Corps after Hal Jordan and Sinestro's power rings merged, choosing Baz as the latest recruit.
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How strong is Hal Jordan Green Lantern?

Strength: Hal Jordan can knock the jaw off of a Black Lantern-bound Spectre.
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Batman Humiliates Green Lantern By Painting Himself Yellow

Is Hal Jordan stronger than Superman?

Don't Underestimate The Power of Green Lantern

Hal Jordan, on the other hand, did not need any of these means to beat Superman. Instead, he uses the pure strength of the Green Lantern Corps, proving that a Green Lantern alone is powerful enough to defeat Superman.
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What tier is Hal Jordan?

I had a massive thought about how strong his Hal and why he scale so much above his pears. Remember back in his book where he killed Krona empower by 7 emotional beings.
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Is Hal Jordan the strongest Green Lantern?

Hal Jordan is regarded by many as the greatest Green Lantern of all time. While the Corps is filled with some of the most worthy beings across the vast DC Universe, Hal stands above his peers as one of the best ring-slingers around.
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Why is Hal Jordan the greatest Green Lantern?

He soon became the most successful Lantern and held that position until the fear entity Parallax possessed him. After a tenure as a villain, he saved the Earth, died, and became the Spectre. Eventually, Hal was able to come back as a Green Lantern and make up for the monstrous things he did.
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Why was Hal Jordan replaced?

Even after Hal returned to Earth, the Guardians kept asking Jordan to put the Corps over his private life, abandoning his friends when they needed him most. Fed up with their apathy, Hal Jordan decided to retire from the Corps, and John Stewart became the official replacement for the Green Lantern of that sector.
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Is John Stewart stronger than Hal Jordan?

While Hal Jordan and his unique Green Lantern power ring may be special, he no longer holds a candle to John Stewart who no longer needs a ring at all, being cosmically powered straight from the source.
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Is Hal Jordan the best lantern?

Hal Jordan Is The Most Versatile Green Lantern

While he was for a long while considered to be the greatest Green Lantern of all, that didn't stop him from becoming one of DC Comics' greatest villains in the form of Parallax.
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Which Green Lantern is the least popular?

Every Green Lantern From Earth Ranked From Worst to Best
  • 3 John Stewart.
  • 4 Sojourner "Jo" Mullein.
  • 5 Alan Scott.
  • 6 Jessica Cruz.
  • 7 Guy Gardner.
  • 8 Simon Baz.
  • 9 Keli Quintela.
  • 10 Abin Sur.
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Can Hal beat Sinestro?

Hal Jordan can beat Sinestro. He managed to one-shot Sinestro who was on 1000% power levels, amped by the Fear Engine, and possessing Parallax.
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Who was the Green Lantern before Hal?

Before Hal Jordan, there was Abin Sur, an alien from the planet Ungara, who patrolled the spaceways of Sector 2814 until crash-landing on Earth. With his dying breath, he granted his power ring to Hal Jordan, and charged him with accepting the role of Green Lantern of this space sector.
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Who is the king of Green Lantern?

Hal Jordan was created in 1959 by writer John Broome and artist Gil Kane and first appeared in Showcase #22 (October 1959). Hal Jordan is a reinvention of the Green Lantern concept and is a member, and occasionally leader, of the Green Lantern Corps, as well as a founding member of the Justice League.
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Why is Hal Jordan so special?

Hal Jordan was the first human to gain a Green Lantern ring and he's had it for a very long time. In all of that time, Jordan has faced down some of the biggest threats to the universe, both on his own and as a member of the Justice League.
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Who has defeated Hal Jordan?

Hal Jordan himself fought Orion, who effortlessly countered Hal Jordan's attacks and beat Hal Jordan.
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Does Sinestro hate Hal Jordan?

It is more than a desire for revenge against the Green Lantern Corps that has caused Sinestro to especially hate and strike at Hal Jordan. It is far more personal. Jordan was not corrupted by the ring as Sinestro was. Jordan was hailed as the greatest Green Lantern of them all.
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What is Green Lantern's weakness?

The color yellow is Green Lantern's primary weakness, but he was able to use it to save the Justice League. In 1960's Brave and the Bold #30, the Justice League confronts the android Amazo for the first time.
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Why did Hal become the Spectre?

It was in this state that Hal Jordan's soul was offered the role as host to the Spectre. Both to redeem himself for his actions as Paralax in Zero Hour. (1995) and to act as a control for the Spectre's wrath focusing the ghost on actual evil people who had hurt others and would not be stopped otherwise.
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Can Thor defeat Green Lantern?

There is no clear answer as to who would win in a fight between Green Lantern and Thor, as both are incredibly powerful superheroes. However, if it came down to it, Thor would likely have the advantage, due to his ability to control the weather and his powerful hammer Mjolnir.
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What is Hal Jordan's weakness?

8 Hal Jordan's Greatest Weakness Is Overconfidence

However, his smarter enemies know how to use his abilities against him. Hal has moved past his ring's aversion to the color yellow but he is still known for being very sure of himself, and that's a weakness that can be exploited.
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Can Hal Jordan beat Black Adam?

Hal Jordan is the most famous Green Lantern as well as one of the strongest. As such, he has more than enough to be able to take Black Adam down. With his ring, Jordan can do and create pretty much anything he wants. Weapons, shields, energy blasts - all are at his disposal.
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Is Hal Jordan good or bad?

Hal was always a hero, even when the Parallax entity tried to corrupt him. He didn't need to be brought down and learn a lesson to improve himself, Jordan was a hero in spite of what happened to him. Zoom may think otherwise, but Hal Jordan's time as a villain is meant to prove that heroism burns within Green Lantern.
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