Is HYDRA a villain?

HYDRA appeared as the main group of villains in the movie Captain America: The First Avenger, and were led by Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull. They were stated as being part of the Nazi's deep science division, and they had tech that was superior to anything created at that time.
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Is Hydra good or evil?

The idea of hydras being a kind of beast, rather than being the name of a singular monster, comes from modern fantasy, and in particular from Dungeons & Dragons. (I believe hydras have been neutral since AD&D; some of the later subspecies are evil; I don't know of any that are good.)
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Is Hydra a bad guy?

Hydra holds the title as Marvel's most mysterious and diabolical agency. As the antagonist to peacekeeping S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra represents the cutting edge of weaponry and terrorism.
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Is Hydra good or bad in Marvel?

Originally a Nazi organization led by the Red Skull during World War II, Hydra is taken over and turned into a neo-fascist international crime syndicate by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. Hydra agents often wear distinctive green garb featuring a serpent motif.
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Why was the Hydra bad?

HYDRA was an authoritarian-subversive paramilitary terrorist organization bent on world domination. It was founded in ancient times, formerly as a cult dedicated to the fanatical worship of Hive, a powerful Inhuman that was exiled to the planet Maveth by ancient Inhumans.
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Strongest Villains in Marvel

Why Hydra never dies?

Hydras are simple, freshwater animals possessing radial symmetry and contain post-mitotic cells (cells that will never divide again) only in the extremities. All hydra cells continually divide. It has been suggested that hydras do not undergo senescence, and, as such, are biologically immortal.
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Who killed Hydra?

King Eurystheus had ordered him to kill the monstrous, seven-headed hydra, a water-snake that ravaged the countryside. As soon as the hero cut off one head, however, two more appeared in its place. With the help of a companion, Hercules finally killed the creature by cauterizing the necks with a burning torch.
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Could Hydra have stopped Thanos?

Instead, the only weapon HYDRA would have against the Thanos invasion would be enhanced ones like Wanda and Pietro, which HYDRA would have continued to experiment with. Essentially, HYDRA would have its own Avengers team made up of enhanced and super-soldier variations.
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What did Hydra do to Bucky?

The Hydra experimentation on Barnes causes him to survive his fall, and he is recaptured by the Hydra wing of the Soviet Union, where he is tortured and brainwashed by Arnim Zola and turned into the Winter Soldier, a mind-controlled super soldier with a metal prosthetic arm.
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What is the weakness of the Hydra?

It is vulnerable to fire. You can slow down or stop the Hydra's regeneration by scorching its open wounds. This can also prevent most of the heads from growing back. It is weak in close-ranged combat.
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What is Hydra's goal?

Initially, HYDRA started out as a cult who centered around the fanatical worship of the Inhuman, Hive, that was exiled to the planet Maveth by ancient Inhumans after being banished from Earth. However, overtime, HYDRA evolved to the point that it become global terrorist organization with the goal of world domination.
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Who is Hydra's version of Iron Man?

Tactical Force - Hydra's version of Iron Man. His first name is Karl.
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What is Hydra's gender?

Hydra can be either hermaphroditic (having both male and female sex organs) or be separate sexes. Eggs formed by female hydras are left attached to the hydra exposed, while sperm from the male is released into the water for fertilization.
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Who strangled Hydra?

Hercules' Second Labor: the Lernean Hydra. The second labor of Hercules was to kill the Lernean Hydra.
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Is Medusa a Hydra?

In Greek mythology, Medusa was a snake-haired sorceress whose gaze held the power to enchant and bind, to literally turn a viewer into stone, while the hydra was a many-headed water snake that, when decapitated, sprouted two more heads from each wound.
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Who created Hydra?

Ancient Egypt

Imhotep created an organization to protect the world, but it was split into two halves and his Shield went to the West with the Brotherhood of the Shield. This was the earliest origins of Hydra, but at the time, it was named after the Spear.
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Did HYDRA cut off Bucky's arm?

Bucky was captured by Hydra in 1945, received experimentation with a variant of the Super-Soldier Serum, was brainwashed, and was implanted with a metal arm made of titanium to replace the left arm that was amputated when he fell from a train and plummeted nearly to his death.
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How did Bucky survive 70 years?

Bucky Barnes, like Steve Rogers, has lived for several decades due to cryogenic freezing and the super-soldier serum. Bucky's life expectancy could potentially surpass Steve's 116 years, depending on circumstances. Despite outwardly aging at the same rate as Steve, Bucky can still live for at least another 80 years.
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Why did Bucky become evil?

James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes enlists to fight in World War II, but eventually literally falls in battle. Unfortunately, the evil Arnim Zola recovers him and erases his memory, turning him into a highly-trained assassin called the Winter Soldier.
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Could Odin have killed Thanos?

9 Odin Embodied The Full Might Of Asgard

With Odin still ruling Asgard, Thanos would have easily been stopped had he made a play for the Infinity Gauntlet. Odin himself had once sought the Infinity Gauntlet, and would therefore be attuned to any other individuals attempting to follow in his footsteps.
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Why didn't Odin stop Thanos?

Odin was too old to follow potential threats as powerful as Thanos, and the unfortunate circumstances around his twilight years meant that he couldn't contribute much in the fight against the Mad Titan.
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Why didn't Odin go after Thanos?

As for the reason Odin didn't strike Thanos first, his last few years were plagued by tragedy. After an attack by the Dark Elves led to the murder of his wife, Frigga, he was placed under Loki's spell and sent to Earth, where he would spend his final days.
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Who killed Hercules?

Deianeira, realizing that Iole was a dangerous rival, sent Heracles a garment smeared with the blood of Nessus. The blood proved to be a powerful poison, and Heracles died.
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Why did Hera hate Hercules?

Hera hates Heracles because he is a living reminder of her husband's infidelity. Because of this she is cruel to him. She could bring about Herakles' death but instead she wants him to suffer. She sends Madness to drive Heracles to murder his wife and progeny.
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Is Hydra asexual?

Hydras usually reproduce asexually by “budding”—a new hydra starts as a “bud” forming on the side of a hydra's body; it grows and eventually breaks away as a clone of the original. Some species reproduce sexually, releasing sperm into the water that can reach eggs on another hydra.
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