Is it OK to ask a girl out for a movie?

Taking a girl to the movies can be a fun and casual way to spend time together, but asking her out can be scary. There's no need to worry, though. Know what's playing in theaters ahead of time and find the right time to ask her, and she just might say yes!
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How do you ask a girl out for a movie?

Ask her directly and pick a specific date.
  1. Text her, "Would you want to see a movie with me next Saturday?"
  2. Alternatively, be a little playful with your ask. Try, "I want to see the new Final Destination on Friday, but I'm scared to see it alone. Any chance you want to come with me?"
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Should I ask my crush out to a movie?

Although stereotypically guys ask girls out on dates, you shouldn't hesitate to ask someone you're interested in if he hasn't sprung a move already, whether you a girl or a guy. A movie date is a very casual way of getting to know someone, and a good movie can offer an icebreaker if you're worried about awkwardness.
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What does it mean when a guy asks a girl to the movies?

If a guy asks to watch a movie together, does that mean he likes you? Speaking for most of us guys, yes. Either he likes you a lot and wants to make a move on you during the movie or you mean a lot to him. The movie is usually the first step to dating, so if a guy wants to date you that usually means he likes you.
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Should I take a girl to the movies on a first date?

Movie dates can be a great way to get to know your companion. You may not be talking during the movie, but there's a lot to be said for body language. I've had some hot times in movie theaters.
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How To Ask A Girl Out - Office Space

Is a movie a safe first date?

DO NOT: Go to the cinema! Cinema dates are great for the third, fourth or fifth date in, but if this your very first time meeting this person, the last thing you want to do is be sitting in a dark room with a couple of hundred other people, not talking to each other, not even looking at each other for two hours.
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Is a movie an OK first date?

Movie are a popular first date choice, as they give you something to discuss at the beginning and end of the evening. Plan the date carefully, arrive on time, and pay attention to your date's body language throughout the date. Snuggling and hand holding during the movie may be a good idea if your date is open to it.
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Is asking a girl to a movie considered a date?

If they ask you out to a movie, it could be a date, but this is an activity that friends commonly do together as well. It might help to consider the type of movie you're planning to see. For example, if you're going to see a romantic comedy, then it might be a date.
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What is considered a date vs hanging out?

It's spending time with someone that you are attracted to, but don't necessarily see as a potential relationship partner. Casual dating, or hanging out, usually has a focus on ephemeral fun whereas dating someone has a focus on a potential partnership and future together.
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Is it a date if a guy asks you to the movies?

Speaking for most of us guys, yes. Either he likes you a lot and wants to make a move on you during the movie or you mean a lot to him. The movie is usually the first step to dating, so if a guy wants to date you that usually means he likes you.
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How do you ask a girl out indirectly?

Indirect Strategies for Getting a Date
  1. You: What do you have going on this weekend?
  2. Them: I was thinking about going bowling.
  3. You: That sounds fun. I'm going to the movies to see (movie title). Maybe you'd like to go too?
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What are 21 juicy questions?

If you're playing with your crush or on a first date, consider these flirty questions your go-to.
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • What was your first kiss like?
  • What was your best kiss like?
  • What was your first impression of me?
  • What's your idea of a perfect date?
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What are some flirty questions to ask a girlfriend?

Flirty questions to ask a girl you have a crush on
  • What's the top song on your make-out playlist?
  • Would you rather spend a whole day with me or a whole night with me?
  • Do you scream on roller coasters? ...
  • Who was your celebrity crush when you were growing up?
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How to tell if a girl likes you?

15 Signs a Girl Likes You
  1. Her friends and family know about you. ...
  2. She reschedules a date she can't make. ...
  3. She makes an effort to continue the conversation. ...
  4. She compliments you and tries to make you feel good. ...
  5. She's clearly nervous around you. ...
  6. Her body language is inviting. ...
  7. She remembers things you tell her.
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How long to wait before asking a girl to be your girlfriend?

Overall, couples should know enough about each other and feel confident they see a future together. They should also feel like the relationship has a strong foundation to build on. As a rough rule, two months in should be a safe amount of time to broach the subject, Stott said.
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What is the polite way to ask a girl out?

' Be specific when asking [them] out," she says. "For example, 'Do you have time for dinner Tuesday night? ' It shows that you are interested in them as a person versus just someone to 'hang' with.” A date is a date. Be bold about and unapologetic about it.
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What is the two date rule?

Willa Frank has one simple rule: never go on a date with anyone more than twice. Now that her business is providing the stability she's always needed, she can't afford distractions.
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How many dates before dating?

Some people say that you only need to go on about 5 or 6 dates before a relationship is made official. But that's OK if it isn't enough comfortable for you. In this case, you should be have enough time showing your true self to each other before you can enter a serious relationship.
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How many dates until you give up?

Three dates is a good rule of thumb.

That's a pretty fair amount of time together. If you're not feeling any sense of chemistry or attachment, it's OK to give up. If you want to keep trying, go for it, but make sure to be careful of his feelings too.
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How do you kiss a girl on a movie date?

(if I was a guy, this is what I'd do) Look into her eyes, then after some time look at her lips. Then slowly hold her cheek with one hand…. lean closer and closer and give a few deep pecks and then slowly start kissing her.
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Is a movie date intimate?

It's true – you get to sit next to each other in a dimly lit room for a couple of hours with a lot of opportunities to touch each other, speak closely or even do a lot more! Even if you plan a movie night in, you can push the boat out with comfort and snacks and make your date feel like a million dollars.
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Are we unofficially dating?

You communicate regularly

Many people communicate regularly with their friends and loved ones. However, one of the major signs you are unofficially dating is when you communicate with them all the time. Perhaps they are the first person you call in the morning and the last person you talk to at night.
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Is it rude to kiss on first date?

According to Wale Okerayi LMHC LPC, a licensed mental health counselor, it's entirely okay to kiss on the first date if that is something you'd like to do. "I think society has made us feel like everything is on a specific timeline. If there's mutual respect and consent, I say go for it," she shares.
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How do you kiss on a first movie date?

Kiss for a little bit and then go back to watching the film. Wait about twenty minutes and then turn towards her again. She should be on board if she enjoyed the first kiss. Guys normally make the first move, so make sure you are confident.
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Is going to a movie for date a good idea?

The short answer: because you're not spending time getting to know each other, which is pretty much the point of a first date. It's not bad if it's a movie AND some other activity where you interact with each other. But if all you do is go to a movie, you're not learning anything about each other.
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