Is it true that Joker loves Batman?

While the Caped Crusader has repeatedly denied feeling anything towards the Joker other than unquenchable rage, the villain has on multiple occasions professed his love for Batman. Throughout their 80 year history, the Joker has shown romantic affections for the Dark Knight in some of the darkest (and funniest) ways.
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Who did the Joker really love?

The Joker has had two major love interests in his life, Harley Quinn and Punchline, but it seems DC just settled which is his true love.
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Did Joker ever care about Batman?

it's implied that Joker never cared about Bruce Wayne or anyone under the mask.
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Is Batman Obsessed with the Joker?

After Halliday escapes into the multiverse, Batman looks around him, seeing battered criminals and people who need help, but instead of stopping to help them, he admits that he has to go after Halliday because he is obsessed with the Joker.
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Does Joker care about Batman's identity?

The Joker may have known that Bruce Wayne was Batman, but he didn't care about his true identity. What mattered to him was the chaos and obsession he had with the Dark Knight.
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Why Owlman Works and The Batman Who Laughs Doesn't

Why does Joker love Batman so much?

Joker is obsessed with Batman because he believes the two of them are exactly the same that “one bad day” is what turned them into what they are, and Joker wants Batman to believe deep down he's just like him.
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Does Batman know Joker is his brother?

Batman and Joker definitely aren't brothers in the comics. While the Joker movie plays very deeply with this idea, it still maintains the same stance. In the books, Joker's origin story has been a mystery. Readers have come across multiple different ones over the years.
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Is Batman afraid of Joker?

A rule that Batman has for the Batcave could be hinting that the Dark Knight is actually afraid, or suffering from some trauma caused by the Joker. One particularly strict rule that Batman has for the Batcave could be masking his secret fear of the Joker.
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What mental illness does the Joker from Batman have?

Pseudobulbar affect

These episodes are excessive, inconsistent with or disproportionate to circumstances or the patient's underlying mood at the time. In Joker's case, pseudobulbar affect probably occurred secondary to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).
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Did Joker become a good guy?


Joker is also cured of his insanity in this story, which makes him a good man who actually becomes a council member in Gotham City. No longer a villain, Joker is now a person who wants to stop the corruption in the city -- think Harvey Dent before he became Two-Face in The Dark Knight.
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Did Batman forgive the Joker?

Comedian Joker reveals this was his plan. Now that Batman has forgiven the man who killed his parents, there can be no villain that is Batman's greatest pain than Joker, the man who "healed" Batman's greatest wound.
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Why doesn t Joker care who Batman is?

Joker Doesn't Care Who Batman Is Under The Mask

If either of them were to cross the line, and reveal the other's identity, it would create a ripple effect of consequences that would reverberate throughout the DC Universe. A sort of chaos that not even the chaos-loving clown wants to unleash onto the world.
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Why did Batman not save Joker?

So, Batman feels pity and empathy for the man he was, and even though some part of him did agree that the Joker should die, he couldn't bring himself to follow through with it, not if there was a chance that he could save the man he once was.
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Who gets Joker pregnant?

A spell that backfires gets him pregnant

To make this happen, the most famous clown in comics persuades the wizard Zatanna, however, she wants nothing to do with the Joker and she casts a spell but it backfires and he is the one that becomes pregnant.
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What is Joker's fear?

To Be Forgotten

While fans got to hear many memorable quotes from Joker in Batman: Arkham, the series also revealed what his greatest fear is supposed to be. As it turned out, The Joker feared being forgotten more than anything else because it meant nobody was afraid of him anymore, rendering all his crimes void.
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What is a female Joker called?

The feminine of Clown or Joker in English is … Clown or Joker since neither are gendered words. There's no such title as 'Clowness' or 'Clownette' nor 'Jokeress' or 'Jokerette'. A woman who is a clown is a clown, just as a man who is a clown is. The same with 'Joker' which is simply someone who tells jokes.
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What is Harley Quinn's mental illness?

Personality Disorder, specifically, Histrionic Personality Disorder plays a key part in Harley Quinn's life. People with Histrionic Personality Disorder are “pervasive and excessive emotionally and display attention-seeking behavior” (Bornstein 1998).
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Who is the Joker's dad?

In Joker, Thomas Wayne (Batman's father) and Penny Fleck (Joker's mother) are key characters. Penny claims that Thomas is actually Arthur's father.
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What mental illness does Catwoman have?

Through her aggression, deceitfulness, theft, and serious violation of rules, Selina displays traits of conduct disorder, the childhood precursor to antisocial personality disorder.
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What is Batman truly afraid of?

There's no doubt that recalling the fate of his parents is Bruce's biggest fear and regret. No matter who kills Batman's parents in different media, it's the catalyst to the person he becomes. Bruce spent all his childhood and early adulthood scared of remember what had happened.
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Who is Batman scared of?

This raises the question as to why Batman was scared of Lex Luthor specifically. The reason Batman's other villains can't compare is that Lex Luthor is the literal foil to Bruce Wayne. Bruce's greatest fear is becoming the very evil he fights against every night, which explains Batman's no-kill rule. The costumed...
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What is Batman worst fear?

Batman worries about things like his loved ones dying, failing to save Gotham, or his successors becoming evil. Unfortunately for the Dark Knight, these fears have often manifested in reality, with Bruce Wayne having to face his worst nightmares and push his mental limits.
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Who killed Bruce Wayne's parents?

Batman: Three Jokers #1 (August 2020). In Batman's origin story, Joe Chill is the mugger who murders young Bruce Wayne's parents, Dr. Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne. The murder traumatizes Bruce, inspiring his vow to avenge their deaths by fighting crime in Gotham City as the vigilante Batman.
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Does Bruce Wayne's mom become the Joker?

History. She is the wife of Thomas Wayne and the mother of Bruce Wayne. Joe Chill murders Bruce Wayne, rather than the boy's parents. Martha Wayne was so traumatized by the event she becomes the Joker.
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What is the Joker's real name?

Jack Napier, also known as the Joker, is a fictional character introduced in the 1989 superhero film Batman, directed by Tim Burton.
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