Is Juggernaut Xavier's brother?

Charles Xavier's stepbrother through his mother's marriage with Kurt Marko, Cain Marko, AKA Juggernaut, is one of the X-Men's fiercest foes and has served with such groups as the Brotherhood of Mutants and the Thunderbolts.
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Are Juggernaut and Xavier related?

Juggernaut, also known as Cain Marko, is Charles Xavier's half brother in the series. He is identified by Cerebro as having an enhanced mutant signature. Xavier confirms that this version of Juggernaut is a mutant, but his latent X-gene was activated by mysticism.
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Does Juggernaut have a brother?

Charles is the Juggernauts step brother. The powerful telepath is also amongst the few people that can severely harm his powerful step brother that can probably even uplift stars. Cain Marko values Charles and recognizes his power. He was angered when Cyclops killed him.
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Why does Juggernaut hate Xavier?

As a child, Cain was regularly abused by his alcoholic father. His stepbrother, Charles Xavier, on the other hand was treated much better while also exceeding him in studies and sports. All of it caused Cain to hate Xavier for years.
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Can Juggernaut beat Thanos?

While the upgrades give Juggernaut the powers to kill Thanos with ease, it comes at the sacrifice of the former villain, as Juggernaut is abandoned after the Mad Titan is taken down, as no attempts are made to save him as he accelerates through space.
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X-Men - Origin of Professor Xavier and Juggernaut

Does Xavier have a sister?

Cassandra is the twin sister of X-Men founder, the telepath Charles Xavier. While in the womb together, Charles "recognized her evil presence and killed" Cassandra, resulting in her stillbirth.
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Who is stronger, Hulk or Juggernaut?

The Hulk's Power Outmatches Juggernaut's

There's no denying the Juggernaut's strength, but it's still rewarding to see the Hulk vs. Juggernaut power debate finally settled. Even in the heat of battle, the Juggernaut had to admit that the Hulk was stronger.
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Who can defeat Juggernaut?

The Juggernaut, despite his incredible strength, has been defeated by surprising heroes like Professor Xavier, Cyclops, Banshee, and Lost. These heroes used their unique abilities, whether it be telepathy, strategic thinking, sonic blasts, or reality manipulation, to overcome the seemingly unstoppable villain.
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How did Juggernaut get so big?

Cain Marko is a regular human who was empowered by a gem belonging to the deity Cyttorak, becoming a literal human juggernaut.
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Who is Xavier's older brother?

He has an older sister named Cheyenne and an older brother named Kenneth.
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Who is more powerful, Colossus or Juggernaut?

Juggernaut's power is unlimited, especially when sponsored by Cyttorak. And with his willingness to win any fight, he could even manipulate Colossus, though he's never been shown to be that clever. Juggernaut would really only need to land a single hit on Colossus to knock him out and make him lose him armored form.
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What if Xavier became Juggernaut?

Synopsis for "What If? Professor X Had Become the Juggernaut?" In this reality Professor Xavier becomes Juggernaut and is buried alive. Because of this, he never creates the X-men and the Fantastic Four instead must defeat Magneto.
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Who is Xavier's twin brother?

P. Xavier is the brain-dead twin of Charles Xavier. To escape death, Xavier transferred his mind to the body P. Xavier, who was under the care of Dr.
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What made Juggernaut evil?

As it stands, there isn't a villainous bone in the Juggernaut's body - but that wasn't always the case. In fact, the Juggernaut used to be one of the most dangerous villains on the planet, both because of his unstoppable strength, and because of his apathetic, self-centered nature.
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Can Juggernaut lift Mjolnir?

After bashing Thor with an entire stone pillar, Juggernaut managed to separate Thor from his hammer – but was unable to lift it as a selfish brute like him was unworthy of its power.
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Can Wolverine beat Juggernaut?

14 Juggernaut Is Too Unstoppable For Wolverine

Juggernaut and the X-Men have had some fierce battles, and while Wolverine has played a key role in beating the Juggernaut — usually using his claws to remove Juggernaut's helmet for the X-Men's telepaths can take him down — he has never defeated Juggernaut on his own.
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Has Thor ever beaten Juggernaut?

Fortunately, as long as he has Mjolnir, he won't need to. When the two faced each other in the past, Thor beat Juggernaut by generating an anti-magic whirlwind with his hammer, effectively removing Cain's magical invulnerability.
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How is Xavier alive in The Wolverine?

the scene revealed that Xavier survived by transferring his consciousness into the mind of a comatose man introduced earlier in the movie. Dr. Moira MacTaggert (played by Olivia Williams) discovered the secret behind Professor X's survival.
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Who is Xavier's dad?

Xavier's father, Vincent Thorpe, was mentioned several times throughout Wednesday, season 1. He went to Nevermore at the same time as Principle Weems, Morticia and Gomez, and even Tyler Galpin's Hyde mother.
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Why can Xavier walk in Wolverine Origins?

Likewise, in the short-lived Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon series, Xavier goes into a years-long coma and awakens in an alternate future where he's able to obtain a powerful exoskeleton that allows him to walk and even run.
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Can Wolverine cut Juggernaut?

Claremont, by the way, wrote the SECOND time that Wolverine couldn't cut through something with his Adamantium claws, which occurred in X-Men #102 (by Claremont, Dave Cockrum and Sam Grainger), when Wolverine tried to cut the Juggernaut... only to realize that that was not going to work out for him.
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Could Galactus stop Juggernaut?

Despite the fact that Galactus is a cosmic being older than the universe who regularly consumes entire planets, the earthbound Juggernaut shockingly proves to be more powerful than him–and one stunning side-by-side comparison confirms it.
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Could Juggernaut beat Doomsday?

Juggernaut runs at Doomsday, grabbing him by the shoulders, and begins to run down the city block, scraping Doomsday's head against the buildings and cars as he goes. After four blocks he stops and throws Doomsday through a series of buildings, causing all but the last to topple over.
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