Is Loki unkillable?

While more potent as he didn't rely on mystical apples provided by Iðunn to maintain his prime condition, his immortality nonetheless extends only to immense durability and decelerated ageing since he can be killed by beings with sufficient power, most notably his destined bane Heimdallr.
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Why can t Loki be killed?

But if you're wondering how he's even alive, we have the details you need to know. Loki is a Trickster and he's very good at what he does. From his first MCU appearance in 2011's Thor, Loki revealed his ability to create duplicates of himself and fake his death.
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Is Loki indestructible?

Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Loki's body are superhumanly durable and are roughly equal to those possessed by the average Asgardian male. However, at times, Loki had imbued himself with magical abilities that enable him to withstand injuries that would prove fatal to another Asgardian.
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Can Loki survive a bullet?

Yes, he's bulletproof. Loki's physiology is similar to Thor's, even though Loki isn't “technically” Asgardian and is a Frost Giant. Frost Giant's physiology is still different from humans, allowing, specifically Loki in this case, not to get injured as easily as a human does.
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How does Loki never die?

At the end of Thor, he apparently took his own life — but Loki survived death by plunging into one of the many portals he knew could be found in Yggdrasil. In Thor: The Dark World, the God of Mischief joined Thor in battle against the Dark Elves, apparently redeeming himself, but died when he was stabbed in the chest.
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Loki's New Form | Immortal Thor #2

Is Loki is Immortal?

Immortality: As with his fellow Jötunn, Loki can live forever.
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Why did Thor think Loki was dead?

In Thor: The Dark World, the God of Mischief joined Thor in battle against the Dark Elves, apparently redeeming himself, but died when he was stabbed in the chest. Thor grieved the loss of his brother, but viewers soon learned he had not really died at all.
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What is Loki weakness?

The character Loki was first introduced in Timely Comics - which later became Marvel - in 1949 in Venus #6. Loki's greatest weakness is water and his spells do not work in water.
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How many years can Loki live?

"Loki Is About 16 Years Old In The MCU In Thor: The Dark World, Odin reminds Loki that Asgardians are not immortal and have lifespans as humans do, to which Loki responds: "Give or take 5,000 years." From this, it can be calculated that Asgardians live to about 5,100, with Loki being around 1050 years old in the MCU."
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What is the lifespan of Loki?

Superhuman Longevity: Loki has the capacity to live for thousands of years. Loki was a baby at the end of the last great war between the Asgardians and the Jotuns over a thousand years ago and is now in the physical appearance of a human male in the prime of life.
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Does Loki feel pain?

However, Loki does deeply care for and loves his adoptive mother Frigga above anyone else in his family. She teaches him in the ways of astral projection and encourages his gift for sorcery. He feels deep remorse and pain for how his schemes play a role in her demise, and has a breakdown when she passes.
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Why is Loki so powerful?

As a Frost Giant, he is born with magical abilities and has been trained in Asgardian sorcery. Loki's magic is more about trickery and deception, utilizing illusions, shape-shifting, hypnosis, and telepathy. He can also levitate, teleport, create dimensional rifts, and manipulate objects with his mind.
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Who is stronger than Loki?

Thor and Loki are epically powerful gods from the Norse-inspired realm of Asgard, both powered by humanity's belief in them, but it is often shown that the God of Thunder Thor is much more "powerful" than his sibling Loki.
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Why didn t Loki turn blue when he died?

Strange explained that his spell would continue to protect the Eye of Agamotto even if he died. In the same way, Odin's spell on Loki continued to affect him, preventing Loki from transforming back to having blue skin both after Odin's death and in the TVA Office in Loki.
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Is Thor an immortal?

While Thor is powerful and his strength is said to be unmatched, he is not strictly immortal like other mythological gods. He is susceptible both to aging and to being killed in battle. Like other Norse gods, he must consume special apples kept by the goddess Idun to keep from aging.
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Why can't Loki control Stark?

In The Avengers, Loki tried to mind-control both Hawkeye and Iron Man, but while he succeeded with Hawkeye, his attempts failed on Iron Man due to his arc reactor. Iron Man's arc reactor protected him from Loki's scepter, as the scepter needed to touch organic matter to work, and the arc reactor was not skin.
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Is Loki the son of Odin or Kratos?

The God of War Loki's lineage is quite different, with Laufey as his birth mother and the Greek demigod, Kratos, as his birth father. GOW's Loki is known as Atreus throughout the duration of the game, and his true identity is only discovered at its conclusion.
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Who is elder Thor or Loki?

Thor is older than Loki. It is said in the first movie of Thor , that Loki was the second son of Odin and Thor first son. Loki was actually adopted. He was the son of the gaint monster farbauty and laufi .
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What is Loki the god of?

Loki was regarded by the ancient Norse people as the god of mischief, trickery, and deception. He was also seen as the father of several gods and Jotunns, including Sleipnir, Hel, Jormungandr, and Fenrir.
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Why is Loki so evil?

This stemmed from his childhood and the belief that Odin didn't love him. While Odin's hiding of Loki's true parentage and Thor's demeaning behavior may have influenced Loki, ultimately he is to blame for his villainous actions due to his own issues with self-acceptance and misinterpretation of his upbringing.
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What kills Loki in mythology?

The narrative continues that Loki was bound with the entrails of his son Nari, and his son Narfi changed into a wolf. Skaði fastened a venomous snake over Loki's face, and from it poison dripped.
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What is Loki afraid of?

Loki, essentially, has a lot to fear from the inherent classism of the godly society he inhabits. Loki screws up often — but so do other gods from more “acceptable” backgrounds. Loki is held accountable for his mistakes, often painfully; they are not, or they get a slap on the wrist by comparison.
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Why does Loki laugh at his death?

But by sacrificing himself to help Loki and Lady Loki, Classic Loki proves himself wrong. He's not selfish like the other Loki variants. He does have a glorious purpose, and it's giving up his life to help others. He laughs because of the absurdity of it all.
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Was Loki sad when Odin died?

However, Loki loved his mother, Frigga, who showed more affection to him. Sadly, both Odin and Frigga died in the original timeline. Loki felt angry and heartbroken after learning Algrim killed his mother. Also, the original Loki briefly reconciled with Odin before he died of old age.
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How is Loki alive after Infinity War?

After a couple of years, Classic Loki attempts to leave his isolation only for the TVA to be alerted and for him to be taken in as a variant. This clearly shows us that in the Sacred Timeline Loki survived Infinity War and has been living on this unknown planet for the past couple of years.
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