Is Luke alive during Jedi Survivor?

This new game is set five years after the events of Fallen Order and about a decade after Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. So while Luke Skywalker is alive, he's still a young boy on Tatooine under the watchful eyes of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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Does Luke appear in Jedi Survivor?

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor features a Luke Skywalker cameo, well sort of. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor features a Luke Skywalker cameo, well sort of. The sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order takes place five years after the events of the first game, and roughly ten years after the events of Revenge of the Sith.
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Is Luke Skywalker still alive?

Luke Skywalker's death in Star Wars: The Last Jedi is perfect within the narrative of the sequels, while also linking Luke back to the Jedi that came before him. The climactic confrontation with Ben before fading into the Cosmic Force draws parallels with the death of Luke's own mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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How old would Luke be in Jedi Survivor?

Luke Skywalker around ten years of age. Around 9 BBY, Kenobi looked in on Skywalker via macrobinoculars around the same time that the Empire's Inquisitors came to Tatooine looking for the Jedi Nari. Skywalker was tasked with a chore by Lars but instead disappeared causing Lars and Beru to wonder where he went.
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Does Cal Kestis ever meet Luke Skywalker?

Cal was brought into the multiverse on his own and spent a few weeks hunting down jedi. Eventually Cal found himself on the desert planet of Tatooine, where he met Luke Skywalker in Ben Kenobi's old hut. The two agreed to search for jedi holocrons together, unofficially founding the New Jedi Order together.
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What Happened to Cal Kestis After Star Wars Jedi Survivor?

Is Cal Kestis stronger than Luke?

Furthermore, Cal's mastery of multiple lightsaber stances is far superior to Luke's mastery of one. This allows Cal to use a combination of fighting techniques to deal with difficult situations, especially where there are lots of enemies. In these situations, Luke could easily be overwhelmed and fall.
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Is Cal Kestis canon?

Is Cal Kestis canon in Star Wars? Yes, Cal Kestis canon in Star Wars. Both the Star Wars Jedi games, Fallen Order and Survivor, are canon. Both games contain explicit references to events of the film series and its companion material such as Order 66.
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Why can't Cal Kestis Force jump?

a force jump is something only well trained jedi knights and masters were able to perform. Cal does NOT have the training for this skill.
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How old is Cal Kestis in Survivor?

Cal is 18 during the events have fallen order take place in 7963 C.R.C since it's about five years after the fall of the order. Jedi survivor takes place five years later in 7968 C.R.C, Cal is stated to be about 23 at this point, If he manages to survive the next nine years then Cal would be about 32 in 7977 C.R.C.
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Who trained Yoda?

Legend had it that Yoda—a Jedi who became Grand Master—was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. A Force-sensitive Hysalrian, N'Kata Del Gormo was trained in the ways of the Force and achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi Order.
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Is Rey a Skywalker?

Rey is a palpatine and they planning to have her be the granddaughter of Obi wans younger brother from Stujohn so Rey is not a skywalker or biologically related to them. Although She is connected to the skywalker family through her grandfather Palpatine and her great uncle Obi wan Kenobi .
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Was Luke a Sith?

In canon Luke has never turned to The Dark-Side so he has no Sith name there. In Legends, Luke does turn to the Dark-Side when Darth Sidious reemerges in a new clone body. Luke never became a full Dark Lord of the Sith though before being brought back to the Light, therefore he has no Sith name in Legends either.
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Is Darth Maul in Jedi: Survivor?

Yes, seriously, Darth Maul somehow survived, just check out what he gets up to in the extended Star Wars media. But anyway, one entreprising creator has given the option to Survivor players to don the appearance of Darth Maul in the game.
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Is Cal Kestis smart?

Genius Level-Intellect/Master Tactician/Expert Investigator: Cal was highly intelligent, having extensive knowledge of ships due to his years as a rigger for the Scrapper Guild.
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Is Obi-Wan in Jedi: Survivor?

Although there was no cameo from either Cal or Obi-Wan in each other's story, the link between Jedi: Survivor and Kenobi comes from the secret network of Jedi and force-sensitive refugees known as the Hidden Path.
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Is Cal Kestis a weak Jedi?

Cal Kestis is more powerful than Luke given how easily he exercises his Force abilities. Not only does Cal possess the rare Force ability psychometry, which allows him to see an object's past by touching it, but he also lifts and pushes things without expending much effort.
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Can Cal Kestis use force lightning?

This could change over time as Cal succumbs further to the dark side's allure, so his Force Lightning could start off stunning his opponents before inflicting damage, then ultimately being used to kill.
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What is Cal Kestis unique ability?

"Not So Fast is Cal's Burst Slow ability that he uses throughout the game, with familiar sound effects JFO veterans will recognize. This is fairly unique to Cal Kestis, drawing on his ability to focus intently on slowing his enemies' movements, as if meeting their movement with a resistance of his own."
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Has Anakin met Cal Kestis?

In the novel, Star Wars Brotherhood, we learn that Anakin Skywalker met Cal Kestis during the Clone Wars...
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Is Cal Kestis a starkiller?

Cal Kestis and Starkiller come from vastly different places, but they may be two sides of the same coin. One was forged by Vader while the other one was forged by rebellion, but they both ultimately do what is right in the end.
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What is Cal Kestis' true lightsaber color?

Cal Kestis' second lightsaber first appeared in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Although the canon color of the weapon's blade is blue, its kyber crystal can be customized with the other possible colors of green, orange, purple, yellow, indigo, cyan, and magenta.
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Is Ezra Bridger stronger than Cal Kestis?

Jet: Well, that's simply because this was an in-universe match, the characters are both jedis and have the same level of strength and speed in feats for the most part, the battle really just came down to whose more skilled, and quite simply Cal has defeated enemies Ezra couldn't, fought enemies Ezra has never had, and ...
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Can Ahsoka beat Cal Kestis?

The fact that Kestis, who was shorter in his training than Ahsoka, was eventually able to defeat her is a good indicator that she wouldn't survive her fight with Ahsoka who even without her lightsabers was already able to defeat other Inquisitors.
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Could Cal Kestis beat Vader?

For one, Cal can't kill Darth Vader because of what's already been established in the lore and continuity that was created long before Cal ever appeared in the Star Wars Jedi franchise.
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