Is Mace Windu light side or dark side?

Mace Windu's Lightsaber Combat Form Is Linked To The Dark Side. Mace Windu's lightsaber's color was rare and possibly controversial; so too was his combat form. Mace was an ardent practitioner of Form VII, also called Juyo or the Ferocity Form, an ancient style characterized by its aggressive moves.
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What side of the Force is Mace Windu on?

Mace was a champion of Jedi Order and he'd promoted ancient traditions amidst the growing influence of the Dark Side in the declining days in the Galactic Republic.
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Is Mace Windu a Jedi or Sith?

Mace Windu was a male Korun Human Jedi Master of legendary status who was the Master of the Order in the days leading up to the Battle of Geonosis, after which he gave the title to Grand Master Yoda.
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Is Mace Windu good or bad?

Personality. Mace Windu, like any Jedi was cruel and malicious and did not care for others that weren't on his side or worth to the Republic. He was also very delusional and thought the Jedi were "heroes" and Confederacy of Independent Systems were "villains".
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Is Mace Windu a grey Jedi?

The term “gray Jedi” in Star Wars is somewhat of a misnomer, considering that the definition refers to one who is practically non-Jedi. That being said, quite a few Jedi can be placed into this category. But Mace Windu identified as a Jedi despite his possible inclusion in the "gray" category.
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The Dark Story of Mace Never Teaching Vaapad to Anyone Again

Was Windu a dark Jedi?

It became seen as a gateway to the dark side, with some choosing to practice it in secret. Remarkably, Mace Windu is only one of a few Form VII users who didn't fall to the dark side thanks to his refining Juyo into Vaapad.
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Is Kylo Ren a grey Jedi?

Who Do Fans Consider Gray Jedi? Aside from Qui-Gon Jinn and Ahsoka Tano, other characters have been dubbed Gray Jedi by fans, even though the term isn't canon. For instance, Kylo Ren — a.k.a. Ben Solo — is a Force-user who taps into both the Dark and Light sides of the Force.
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Can Windu beat Vader?

So if Mace Windu fought Vader in a lightsaber battle, Windu would most likely win, but in terms of dueling skill alone, Vader takes the cake. George Lucus said that Darth Vader was the best duellist to ever live.
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Who is Mace Windu's Padawan?

Billaba became Windu's Padawan and trained under the Jedi Master in the ways of the Force. During her training, Windu allowed her to study Form VII variant known as Vaapad. She eventually became a Jedi Knight, renowned for her skills with a lightsaber and favored Form III when teaching other Jedi.
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Is Mace Windu snoke?

Mace Windu. Now, Snoke is not the Emperor, he's a mere clone of him, a puppet. However, this does not mean he's weak. The Supreme Leader has great knowledge in the dark side and has perform a few feats of his own and was almost near Palpatine's power.
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Who trained Yoda?

Legend had it that Yoda—a Jedi who became Grand Master—was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. A Force-sensitive Hysalrian, N'Kata Del Gormo was trained in the ways of the Force and achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi Order.
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Did Mace Windu respect Yoda?

Like all Jedi, Mace deeply respects Yoda and regards him as the oldest and wisest Jedi of his time. He always obeys the ancient Jedi Master, but as a senior member of the Jedi Council, he is one of the few who dared to question him, though he rarely does so.
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Who mastered all 7 forms of lightsaber combat?

Jedi Battlemaster Cin Drallig and Grand Master Yoda had knowledge and mastery of all seven forms, including Juyo, befitting Drallig's role as lightsaber combat instructor at the Jedi Temple and Yoda's reputation of having mastered all forms of lightsaber combat as did Anoon Bondara, another lightsaber instructor.
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Who kills Mace Windu?

Before Mace's blow could land, a desperate Anakin ignited his own saber and struck off Mace's hand. Sidious then blasted Mace with Force lightning, killing the Order's great champion.
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Who cut off Mace Windu's hand?

After the duel won, Windu was about to kill Palpatine, but Anakin came, who ruined everything by cutting off Windu's hand, after which he was thrown out the window by Palpatine.
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Could Maul beat Windu?

He would use the seething rage pouring out of maul against him, and as mauls force power was so much weaker than windu's it would be an undisputed win for windu. They had a brief skirmirsh in Son of Dathomir (canon comic).
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Who is stronger Anakin or Windu?

Once he became Darth Vader, Anakin had long become superior to Dooku and Mace Windu. He exceeded their power while still living as Anakin Skywalker, and greatly exceeded their power later in life, both in the force and in lightsaber combat.
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Did Palpatine let Mace Windu beat him?

Yes. This is going to be unpopular, however, it's fairly clear from various sources, including Lucas himself, that Palpatine did let Mace Windu win. Lucas himself noted during hos commentary on the film But this part where he, he pretends to lose his power and be weak was something I added later.
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Is Finn Mace Windu's son?

Look, he definitely isn't Mace Windu's son: the age doesn't match, considering the other character's ages (Luke, Leia, Vader, Solo, etc.). However, i think it's possible to see Finn as his grandson, but for that you must consider that Windu had a secret baby close to his time of death.
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Was Mace Windu's lightsaber ever found?

The following year, a Duros sold a broken lightsaber, which he claimed once belonged to Master Windu, to Senator Sano Sauro. Though the claim was never verified, Senator Sauro displayed the lightsaber in question in his office.
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Is it possible Mace Windu is alive?

Samuel L. Jackson played the Jedi Mace Windu in the Star Wars prequels, and while we all assumed the character died in 2005's Revenge of the Sith, Jackson doesn't think so. He told Empire that not only does he believe Windu is still alive, but he wants him to get his own TV show.
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Why did Ben Solo turn evil?

Though initially trained as a Jedi by his uncle Luke Skywalker, Ben was seduced to the dark side of the Force by Supreme Leader Snoke, and aspires to be as powerful as his grandfather, the Sith Lord Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker.
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Did Kylo Ren love Rey?

Kylo develops a close relationship with Rey and starts feeling genuine affection towards her, so when Snoke reveals that he had manipulated their bond and tortures her in front of Ren, he looks furious at his master. Thus, when Snoke orders Ren to kill Rey, he chooses to save her and kill his master instead.
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Was Qui-Gon a Gray Jedi?

Around 44 BBY, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was thought of as a Gray Jedi by some members of the Order for his frequent opposition to their demands. One group of renegade Jedi described themselves as "gray" even though they held the same views as the Jedi Council on the subject of the dark side.
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